Policy Making Essay Discussion Paper

The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy Evaluation
In the Module 4 Discussion, you considered how professional nurses can become involved in policy-making. A critical component of any policy design is evaluation of the results. How comfortable are you with the thought of becoming involved with such matters?

Some nurses may be hesitant to get involved with policy evaluation. The preference may be to focus on the care and well-being of their patients; some nurses may feel ill-equipped to enter the realm of policy and political activities. However, as you have examined previously, who better to advocate for patients and effective programs and polices than nurses? Already patient advocates in interactions with doctors and leadership, why not with government and regulatory agencies?

In this Discussion, you will reflect on the role of professional nurses in policy evaluation.


To Prepare:

In the Module 4 Discussion, you considered how professional nurses can become involved in policy-making.
Review the Resources and reflect on the role of professional nurses in policy evaluation.
By Day 3 of Week 9
Post an explanation of at least two opportunities that currently exist for RNs and APRNs to actively participate in policy review. Explain some of the challenges that these opportunities may present and describe how you might overcome these challenges. Finally, recommend two strategies you might make to better advocate for or communicate the existence of these opportunities. Be specific and provide examples.  Policy Making Essay Discussion Paper

Policy Making

Post an explanation of at least two opportunities that currently exist for RNs and APRNs to actively participate in policy review.

There are two opportunities that RNs and APRNs can leverage to actively participate in policy review. This first opportunity is membership in professional organizations, such as the American Nurses Association (ANA). These professional organizations present a platform for nurses to unite, network and present a uniform policy suggestion that is pushed forward by a large number of nurses. The large membership in this organizations gives them the mandate to represent the interests of nurses through activities such as strikes, community awareness and matches (Milstead & Short, 2019). The second opportunity is the workplace. All nurses, whether RNs or APRNs, have a professional responsibility to use their capacity to influence the health care environment so that it is primed to support the best outcomes for patients. Through their professional responsibilities, nurses gain a tag as experts and this gives them an authoritative voice in discussing policy issues concerning nursing care issues. Besides that, the workplace also offers them a policy review opportunity when they tailor the existing policies to meet the specific needs and parameters of the workplace (Schmidt & Brown, 2019).

Explain some of the challenges that these opportunities may present and describe how you might overcome these challenges.

The two identified opportunities for policy review can present some challenges. Firstly, professional organizations tend to work through a democratic approach so that policy issues considered minor by the majority are likely to be ignored. Secondly, the workplace does not offer many opportunities for reviews as nurses are, in most cases, expected to implement the policies and perhaps make suggestions on how to optimize them but are not part of the decision-making. Thirdly, the two opportunities can present the challenge of poor leadership that may not effectively communicate the policy issues so that important elements in the policy are either ignored or discarded (Loversidge & Zurmehly, 2019).

Recommend two strategies you might make to better advocate for or communicate the existence of these opportunities.              

There are two strategies that can be applied to make better advocates for the identified opportunities. The first strategy is to improve leadership, especially communication skills, with a focus on training for good leadership. This would allow the nurses to understand their roles in the workplace and know how and when to present their opinions on policies for the best outcomes. The second strategy is having independent working groups that are able to tackle policy issues in a wider basis so that no concerns are ignored. Also, this strategy would ensure that the seemingly obscure policy issues are not ignored (Fawcett, 2017).


Fawcett, J. (2017). Applying Conceptual Models of Nursing: Quality Improvement, Research, and Practice. Springer Publishing Company.

Loversidge, J. M., & Zurmehly, J. (2019). Evidence-informed health policy: using EBP to transform nursing and healthcare. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.

Milstead, J. & Short, N. (2019). Health Policy and Politics: A Nurse’s Guide (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Schmidt, N., & Brown, J. (2019). Evidence-based practice for nurses: appraisal and application of research (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.

Policy Making Essay Discussion Paper


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