Portfolio Development Strategies Example Paper

Portfolio Development Strategies Example Paper

A professional portfolio is an organized collection of relevant artefacts and documents that showcase professional growth charts, relevant skills and talents. There are three strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into the professional portfolio. The first strategy is to create an engaging experience that captivates the audience. This is targeted at sensory perception with a view to creating a sense of memory so that the person viewing the portfolio considers it memorable.  This would entail making dramatic use of focus and scale, dynamic color, and varied and interesting compositions applied across digital and print portfolio formats. For instance, using interactive and video tools that allow viewers to participate in the portfolio presentation. This makes the portfolio unique and appealing to viewers (Gaberson, Oermann & Shellenbarger, 2015).


The second strategy is to plan the sequence of the material to be presented. Organizing the academic activities and accomplishments into a logical sequence that begins with outstanding activities and accomplishments and ending with those that resonate most with the viewers helps with creating a lingering impression of quality. Portfolio Development Strategies Example Paper The activities placed in the middle should act as a bridge that connect the activities at the beginning with those at the end. In addition, they should be arranged by specialty as this helps in focusing attention to what the viewer values so that the portfolio tells the story of a targeted individual who is suitable for the professional position (Iwasiw, Andrusyszyn & Goldenberg, 2019).

The third strategy is to use a straightforward and simple layout that is well organized to focus on the academic activities and accomplishments. Keeping information to a minimum ensures that there is no interference with their flow and viewers are not overwhelmed with details that distract them from the important information. Hiring agents view many portfolios and having one that focuses on the details helps in keeping them attentive and interested in getting more details (Gaberson, Oermann & Shellenbarger, 2015).


Gaberson, K., Oermann, M., & Shellenbarger, T. (2015). Clinical teaching strategies in nursing (4th ed.). Springer Publishing Company.

Iwasiw, C., Andrusyszyn, M. & Goldenberg, D. (2019). Curriculum development in nursing education (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.  Portfolio Development Strategies Example Paper

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