Post University Comprehensive Treatment Plan Discussion

Post University Comprehensive Treatment Plan Discussion


DB 8.1

Developing a comprehensive treatment plan is an extensive process. Each treatment setting has a different format and requirements of what should be included for meeting the agency’s needs. As demonstrated in your readings, a great deal of specific information is required. In looking at the samples provided in your reading, please build your own hypothetical using the same model below. Please develop your own and do not replicate the information below related to Susan used in the example. Think of your own goals, objectives, and interventions that could be used. Give it your best try based on the reading. Please also share how this process was for you after completing your treatment plan.

Goal: Susan will enjoy positive mood.

  • Objective 1. Susan will increase her social network.

Intervention 1.a. Susan will identify at least one acquaintance with whom she would be willing to initiate some form of social contact.

Intervention 1.b. Through role-plays, visualizations, and cognitive reframing, Susan will develop the confidence to initiate social contact with at least one identified person.  Post University Comprehensive Treatment Plan Discussion

Intervention 1.c. Susan will explore social groups in her area and identify those which she would consider joining.

Intervention 1.d. Susan will examine negative self-messages that inhibit her from joining groups.

Objective 2. Susan will decrease her alcohol consumption.

  • Intervention 2.a. Susan will identify behaviors that contribute to increased alcohol consumption, including the identification of evening activities that do not allow for alcohol use.
  • Objective 3. Susan will exercise at least three times per week.
  • Intervention 3.a. Susan will identify physical activities she has enjoyed in the past.
  • Intervention 3.b. Susan will identify at least one person she feels would be interested in joining her in some form of physical activity.
  • Intervention 3.c. Through role-plays, visualizations, and cognitive strategies, Susan will develop the confidence to ask at least one identified person to join her in some physical activity.


  • Intervention 3.d. Susan will consult with her primary care provider (PCP) regarding her overall health before beginning an exercise program.
  • Objective 4. Susan will learn to manage depressive symptoms.
  • Intervention 4.a. Susan will read psychoeducational material regarding depression and its management.
  • Intervention 4.b. Susan will consult with her physician regarding her identified symptoms of depression.
  • Intervention 4.c. Susan will explore the pros and cons of talking about her experiences of loss and their relationship to her depression.
  • NOTE: You must make at least 1 substantial posting answering the topic above in addition to 2 substantial replies. In order to qualify for a grade over a 79 for this discussion topic, you should have at least 1 contribution by Wed. at midnight for this specific topic. You must participate in this discussion board forum (making postings/replies on all of the discussion boards for this unit) at least 3 days per unit. You also must use APA style in your postings and replies so please use in-text references and provide a reference to give proper credit to the authors.
  • DB 8.2
  • Your text discusses several determinants of relapse. Of those mentioned, please pick at least 3 and discuss why you believe that these determinants are “the most likely” in your opinion to contribute to relapse. Please provide your thoughts and examples in detail.
  • NOTE: You must make at least 1 substantial posting and 2 substantial replies to this thread. You must participate in the Unit discussion board (making postings/replies) at least 3 days per unit to qualify for full credit and also have at least 1 posting by Wednesday at midnight. You also must use APA style in your posting and replies so please use in-text references and provide a reference to give proper credit to the authors
  • .DB 8.3
  • Your text discusses the Disease Model, Developmental Models, and Cognitive-Behavioral/Social Learning Model in thinking about relapse prevention. Please summarize each model briefly in your own words. How might a human service provider conceptualize relapse differently using each model? Please be sure to include your thoughts in your summary of each and provide examples.
  • NOTE: You must make at least 1 substantial posting and 2 substantial replies to this thread. You must participate in the Unit discussion board (making postings/replies) at least 3 days per unit to qualify for full credit and also have at least 1 posting by Wednesday at midnight. You also must use APA style in your posting and replies so please use in-text references and provide a reference to give proper credit to the authors.
  • material

Post University Comprehensive Treatment Plan Discussion

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