Primary And Secondary Cancer Prevention Strategies Essay

Primary And Secondary Cancer Prevention Strategies Essay

Colorectal cancer is one of the malignant diseases that claim a lot of deaths across the globe. Though causes of cancer are unknown, research believes that there is a strong link between cancer cells and the standards of nutrition (Jun, 2013, p.145). In addition, one’s heritage and lineage contributes to an individual’s risk to developing cancer cells. This means that nutritional factors can prohibit or stimulate the growth of colorectal cancer. Thus, it is evident that dietary habits and heretical genes are the key components in enhancing the colorectal carcinogenesis. It is crucial to not that cancer has become a leading killer of most Koran Americans because they lack knowledge regarding cancer (Jun, 2013, p.145-6). One of the crucial prevention strategies is making an appointment for cancer screening but few people do this because they lack knowledge on the importance of Cancer screening is important because it helps to catch the cancer cells at an early stage before becoming fatal (Oh, 2011, p.352).Primary And Secondary Cancer Prevention Strategies Essay.  This paper will focus on the primary and secondary strategies to prevent the colorectal cancer among the local Korean American community to curb death rates.
Primary prevention strategy refers to a study that is carried out to the general public that is at a risk for cancer cells growth (Oh, 2011, p.357). The aim of this intervention is to counter the effects of cancer cells through examining the root cause of the disease that enhances the colorectal cancer. Thus, the physicians carry out a study of people who may be at a risk of getting colorectal cancer given an individual have cancer cells because they are heretical (Oh, 2011, p.358-9). Those that may be suspected of having a higher risk of getting colorectal cancer, a form of prophylactic is administered to monitor the individual’s health. Chemoprevention is also a strategy that can be used among Korean American groups to process one’s biological mechanisms. It is crucial to note that chemoprevention is the voluntary chemical interference through the process of carcinogenesis, which involves using biological mechanisms (Oh, 2011, p.359). It is also crucial to note that chemoprevention can also reverse or freeze cancer stages. According to research, colorectal cancer is puts an individual’s life at a stake hence, it is crucial for patients to seek primary prevention strategies to maintain a healthy life.
The secondary prevention strategy refers to physicians conducting a screening test to the general population who may have abnormal cell growth and already have a subclinical disease. Through this research, the physicians can raise a flag to individuals who have a higher risk for clinical disease (Oh, 2011, p.362). This means that chemoprevention can be an important tool in reversing cancer cell growth through screening.Primary And Secondary Cancer Prevention Strategies Essay.  Thus, the Korean Americans who immigrate into the country think that screening is not necessary unless they have symptoms that may require the doctor to screen them. This means that in case of a colorectal cancer, it may be identified at late stages where it is almost incurable. Immigrants tend to have health disparities because some may lack a health insurance whereas others do not have concise knowledge regarding cancer.


Given that most Korean American who have immigrated into the US are forced to assimilate the American healthcare system, which may be different from their traditions and beliefs. For example, many Koreans do not trust the American care system hence, do not seek the primary preventive strategies (Jun, 2013, p.149). It is crucial for Korean Americans to have basic knowledge on the importance of regular screening and the risks one may have for not having checkups. Thus, the healthcare system should educate more Korean Americans on the risks of not having regular screen checkups through involving the media. In addition, many Korean Americans do not go for cancer checkups because this is not culturally integrated in their tradition (Jun, 2013, p.152). This means that Korean Americans often assume that screening is an American cultural thing and not theirs. This form of ignorance and lack of knowledge has increased the mortality rates among Korean Americans because they do not seek health check-ups. Another things that prohibits Korean Americans from seeking information regarding colorectal cancer, is the language barrier. Most Korean Americans do not have an idea what colorectal cancer screening is because some are not comfortable with speaking English as a language (Jun, 2013, p.153-4). This means that it would be inefficient for them to go in American hospitals yet they cannot fully understand English. Given the traditions and beliefs of many Koreans who immigrate to America, they prefer having a Korean doctor to an American doctor. Primary And Secondary Cancer Prevention Strategies Essay. In addition, some Korean Americans prefer to stick to their Korean doctors back at home for health checkups rather than going to an American hospital because they do not trust the hospital facilities (Oh, 2011, p.363). Thus, some people wait for two to three years to seek medical checkups once they travel back to their home country. Thus, it is crucial for Korean Americans to be well-educated on the risks of not preventing the growth of cancer cells. Given that there are health disparities among the minority groups in the US, the US health care system should provide an education for them to learn more prevention strategies and risks associated with cancer. The Korean media should also be an integral part of raising people’s awareness regarding the disease because it may be fatal if one waits too long before the cancer cells are treated.


Jun, J., & Oh, K. M. (2013). Asian and Hispanic Americans’ Cancer Fatalism and Colon Cancer Screening. American Journal of Health Behavior, 37(2), 145-154.
Oh, K. M., Kreps, G. L., Jun, J., & Ramsey, L. (2011). Cancer Information Seeking and Awareness of Cancer Information Sources among Korean Americans. Journal of Cancer Education, 26(2), 351-364. Primary And Secondary Cancer Prevention Strategies Essay.

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