Primary Health Care Nursing: Role Of Rural Nurse Example Paper

1. Select a specific primary health care (PHC) nurse role of interest to you (e.g. prison nurse, home based nursing, school nurse, women’s health nurse, men’s health nurse, sexual health nurse, substance use nurse, chronic illness nursing, rural health nursing, OH&S nursing, refugee nurse). Please ensure that the role selected is different from that you will experience on clinical placement. Describe the key attributes of this role and explain why it is considered a PHC nursing role.

2. Describe the general characteristics and relevant demographic information of the clientele this type of nurse is likely to provide health services for. If the clientele are a general population group, identify a geographical location such as a local government area (LGA) and discuss this in terms of the LGA data available.

3. Consider the characteristics/demographic data of the nurse’s client group to identify a relevant health issue of concern. Explain how you determined this issue as a concern relevant to the clientele. Provide justification for why the PHC nurse would engage in action to address this concern.  Primary Health Care Nursing: Role Of Rural Nurse Example Paper

4. Identify three resources/initiativescurrently available or in place to support health promotion activity in relation the health issue of concern, which do not focus on the development of personal skills. Explain how these relate to the remaining promotion strategies outlined in the Ottawa Charter.

5. Propose two responses the PHC nurse could initiate to address the identified health issue for their client group, of which only one may relate to the development of personal skills. Provide a rational for each of these interventions. Outline the goal, objectives and strategies that will be used to implement each initiative, and justify these.

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