Professional Platform for Ethics and Leadership Discussion

Professional Platform for Ethics and Leadership Discussion

The nursing profession is one of the most important parts of the healthcare business. They assist people’s overall health and well-being by offering essential medical services and counseling. However, becoming a successful nurse practitioner requires a high level of leadership ability as well as strict adherence to ethical standards. People’s health is entrusted in large part to the nurse. Because of this, they must treat concerns of health with the utmost respect and care. In a healthy society, people can work and grow.

In any case, establishing such a society calls for the combined efforts of nurses and other cultural community members. As a nurse, my values and beliefs have significantly impacted my work. For a long time, my foundation for providing nursing care to the community has been based on my values for human life and views on life. This research examines the nature, origins, and consequences of my views, values, and beliefs as they apply to my personal life and professional nursing practice. Ethical concepts that inspired me as a person and a nurse will be discussed. Finally, I will discuss my goals for career advancement and ethical leadership. Professional Platform for Ethics and Leadership Discussion

Primary Influences (Childhood and Adult)

As a youngster, I had a burning desire to become a nurse. When I was a child, I had a soft spot in my heart for ill people and frequently fantasized about being able to help them. It breaks my heart to think of the suffering that so many people go through. The majority of the poor in my neighborhood, however, lacked basic healthcare, and as a result, they were forced to live in unsanitary and unhealthy circumstances. As a result of inadequate healthcare and tight budgets, many of the poor individuals in my area perished from a variety of ailments (Chowdhury, 2018). Despite the efforts of both the community and the government, little progress was achieved in healthcare. One of the reasons for the poor healthcare was a dearth of properly trained and credentialed nurses.

As a result, the desire to improve the health of my people had a major influence on my youth. I realized that my health was in jeopardy. In addition, I was persuaded that the only person who could make a difference was myself. Another factor that affected my decision was a strong desire to give each patient the attention they needed and deserved. According to Chowdhury (2018), giving care to the ill and destitute was always my ‘passion,’ and I liked it. Consequently, I went to nursing school to acquire the skills necessary to deliver these services.

As an adult, a few changes in the elements influenced my decisions. During my senior year of high school, I came to appreciate the importance of nurses in society. Indeed, they owe the rest of society a duty of gratitude (Chowdhury, 2018). Thus, being a nurse provided an excellent chance to contribute to the greater good. I felt compelled to give back to the community because, as a youngster struggling to get by, I recognized how much aid I had received from it. My desire to make a difference in the healthcare profession led me to pursue a career as a nurse. Even if many individuals before me have achieved great things in nursing, there is always room for growth. This led me to choose the profession of nursing so that I could have an impact on my sector.


Ethical Principles That Influence You Personally and Professionally

This means that nurses, like other professions, must adhere to ethical standards. The profession is governed and guarded by its moral values. Justice and fairness, responsibility, beneficence, autonomy, and non-harm are some of the nursing ethical concepts (Haddad & Geiger, 2018). Aside from helping me become a better nurse overall, the ideas have had an impact on my personal life and professional career. The concepts of responsibility and justice have indeed had a profound impact on my life. The things I do are entirely my responsibility, and that’s something I have to learn to accept. Being held accountable for my actions has taught me the importance of taking personal responsibility. As a result, I have been able to behave with extreme caution and avoid making errors that may damage my reputation. As a result, I base my behaviors on the principle that everyone should accept responsibility for every action they conduct. Professional Platform for Ethics and Leadership Discussion  My personal development and achievement have been influenced by my ability to take responsibility for my actions.

Another notion that has had a significant impact on my life is the concept of justice and equity. Often, my understanding of the idea is to treat people in a way that I would want them to treat me in return. As a person, I have learned to treat everyone fairly in society. Therefore, I do not have a stake in selective justice. I have been affected by ethical ideals such as beneficence, non-maleficence, and faithfulness throughout my professional life. The skill of providing excellent care to patients is something I have honed as a nurse (Ingham-Broomfield, 2017). As a nurse, you may make a big difference in a patient’s rehabilitation by being a friend and a loving person to them. Consequently, I am compelled to always do the right thing for my patients in order to expedite their healing process.

Recent years have seen an increase in incidents in which nurses have inadvertently or purposefully caused injury to their patients. However, my professional conduct has been profoundly affected by the Nonmaleficence principle. Through my religion, I am aware of the ramifications of harming a patient, and as a result, I take extra care to avoid any injury. The last thing I would want to mention is how much the idea of faithfulness has taught me about the value of maintaining one’s word. Nurses are expected to offer high-quality, competent, and safe care; therefore, I always do my best to uphold my professional duties and commitments.

Ethics in the Nursing Profession

Ethical and moral practices are woven into every element of nursing. In order to practice nursing professionally, one must adhere to and take into account all of the relevant ethical standards. All ethical difficulties in the course of a nurse’s work need a thorough examination of the circumstance and a determination on the best and most suitable course of action for the nurse. As a professional nurse, one must be able to handle any circumstance that comes one way, and one must be able to do it in a manner that is both professional and ethical. The ethical practice of professional nursing also necessitates those nurses get the education that adheres to the profession’s code of ethics. When it comes to nursing ethics, professionals must always act with integrity. In and out of the office, employees must adhere to the company’s code of conduct.

Furthermore, professional nursing ethics mandate that all nurses advise their patients and coworkers of numerous ethical problems that may impact the treatment they get from their colleagues. In order to provide high-quality healthcare, a nurse’s main role is to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the ethical issues that may arise. These steps are being taken in order to raise the standard of treatment and, as a result, protect patients. So that all relevant parties have enough information on ethical problems, nurses must take all necessary measures (Weiss et al., 2019). Last but not least, a realistic assessment of the results of various interventions to promote ethical behaviors is required for the ethical practice of professional nursing. Because of this, nurses and other medical practitioners must constantly review the effects of their innovative methods.

Professional Development and Ethical Leadership

Every person’s goal in life is to get to the position of leadership. It’s a leadership paradigm where a person shows how to behave ethically by doing the right thing in all aspects of life. What is a good leader? One who sets a good example (Manda-Taylor et al., 2017). To that end, I want to display and practice all leadership qualities by taking on duties and responsibilities that enhance my leadership abilities.

I also want to follow the rules of professional and ethical behavior in all of my endeavors. Thus, my weapon will be to lead by example. My professional development strategy includes making new connections, setting professional objectives, managing my time, getting a mentor, and honing my soft skills (Manda-Taylor et al., 2017). Increasing my network will allow me to get experience working with others and, as a result, further my career. On the other side, having a role model to look up to may help you follow in their footsteps and become an accomplished person. The last thing I want to work on is better time management so that I can finish my duties.

Nurse leaders display a variety of traits as they carry out their duties. Making decisions based on values is one of the most important aspects of ethical leadership that has helped me become an ethical nurse leader. The responsibilities of my job include ensuring that my workplace has the resources and programs it needs to deal with ethical dilemmas and ensure that everyone follows company policies about ethical conduct. In order to do this, I have implemented an ethical strategy aimed at enhancing my ability to make sound decisions. Employees are more likely to deliver safe, high-quality treatment using this strategy. I coach other nurses by using strategies that stimulate ethical conversation in order to assist them in better comprehending the ethical problems they face.

In the same manner, I strongly encourage other nurses to make use of the many ethical resources that are accessible in order to create an ethical working environment. In addition, I am responsible for the development of ethical frameworks, such as a code of ethics for the staff to adhere to. In addition to that, I make educational resources available to my coworkers so that they may have a better understanding of nursing ethics. I have been able to grow as a nurse because of these programs and other ethical leadership efforts.


Ethics play a significant role in today’s healthcare system. They assist a person in carrying out the actions that are morally required of them. Aspects of nursing practice include giving priority to the requirements of the patient, preventing any damage, improving the patient’s health, protecting the patient’s health information, working in the patient’s best interest, maintaining their rights, and increasing the patient’s sense of safety and satisfaction. The early years of a person’s life are crucial for the formation of their core beliefs and principles.


Chowdhury, M. (2018). Emphasizing morals, values, ethics, and character education in science education and science teaching. MOJES: Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(2), 1-16.

Haddad, L. M., & Geiger, R. A. (2018). Nursing ethical considerations.

Ingham-Broomfield, R. (2017). A nurses’ guide to ethical considerations and the process for ethical approval of nursing research. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, The, 35(1), 40-47.

Manda-Taylor, L., Mndolo, S., & Baker, T. (2017). Critical care in Malawi: The ethics of beneficence and justice. Malawi Medical Journal, 29(3), 268-271.

Weiss, S. A., Tappen, R. M., & Grimley, K. (2019). Essentials of nursing leadership & management. FA Davis. Professional Platform for Ethics and Leadership Discussion 


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