Psych NP Clinical Assignment Discussion Paper

Psych NP Clinical Assignment Discussion Paper

Write a self-reflection as we begin the new semester. Label the paper with your name, course number, and assignment title: Initial Self-Reflection.

The paper should be 2-3 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman size 12 font, with correct grammar and punctuation.

Address the following:

Your personal goals for this course including what you hope to learn
Your experience working with children and adolescents in the past, your current comfort level working with children and adolescents, and if you hope to work with this population in the future

I do not any previous experiences working with adolescent patients and do not plan on working with them beyond my clinical experience.
Describe your clinical site and preceptor for this semester
I have not been to my clinical site nor met my clinical preceptor yet, but will be meeting them next week.

Your goals as a PMHNP

Skills you feel that you have adequately developed
Assessing adult patients

Skills you plan to improve this semester and how you plan to improve
Additional thoughts, concerns, or worries
Assessing pediatric patients. Concerns- being able to communicate and relate to adolescent patients and build a trusting relationship with them.

Psych NP Clinical Assignment

The coursework has been designed to help me learn about psychology in an effective and engaging environment. I expect the course to focus on mental processes and behaviors including the unconscious and conscious mind, brain functions, personality and more. I expect the coursework to help me achieve five personal goals. Firstly, professional development by acquiring psychology-specific skills and content to include career preparation, teamwork skills, management skills, and effective self-reflection. Secondly, communication by developing competence in interpersonal, oral and writing communication skills. Psych NP Clinical Assignment Discussion Paper Thirdly, social and ethical responsibility through appropriate behaviors in personal and professional settings within an increasingly diverse society. Fourthly, developing the capacity for critical thinking and scientific inquiry that involves problem solving and scientific reasoning. Finally, developing my knowledge base in psychology by demonstrating fundamental knowledge and comprehensive of empirical findings, historical trends, theoretical perspectives and major concepts that will enable me apply psychological principles in addressing behavioral problems.


Although I do not have previous experiences working with adolescent patients and do not plan on working with them beyond my clinical experience, I consider the course a useful learning experience. Concepts acquired from the coursework will improve my knowledge base and enable me to better serve other patient populations. Besides that, I expect that the acquired knowledge will act as a good reference material for developing innovative psychology practices, especially with regards with personalizing psychiatric interventions and interactions with clients.

I am yet to identify a clinical site and preceptor for the clinical experience. Still, I expect to hold a meeting with the preceptor in the coming week and explore options for clinical sites.

As a PMHNP, my certification will enable me to specialize in mental health and promote advanced psychiatric management and care. My goal is to practice as an independent member of the health care team and collaborate with other medical personnel to provide mental health care services for adult patients. The coursework allows me to achieve this goal by acquiring knowledge and skills on advanced health assessment to include performing physical exams, episodic exams, screening history and formulating the initial diagnosis, and referring clients/patients when indicated. In addition, the coursework will enable me acquire advanced clinical skills and knowledge in mental and psychiatric health diagnosis and treatment to include. This includes consultation, case management, crisis intervention, family, group and individual psychotherapy, and prescriptive practices. Another goal is to provide holistic care for clients/patients. Through achieving this goal, I will be able to bridge the common gap between mental and physical health care. As a PMHNP, I expect to develop an ongoing relationship with clients/patients thereby allowing me to identify and differentiate their underlying medical problems. In addition, this will allow me to be effective in eliciting the cooperation of my clients/patients and medical personnel to enable additional treatment.

As an aspiring PMHNP, I have adequately developed skills in assessing adult patients, good fitness and health, the ability to empathize with others, excellent teamwork, written and verbal communication, resilience, and stamina. However, I plan to improve my understanding of theories of mental health and illness while attending the course. Besides that, I do not have prior experience in working with pediatric patients, and I am concern that this will be a challenge. I am specifically concerned about communication with pediatric patients and being able to relate to them while building a trusting relationship. I expect to use the clinical experience to address these concerns and shortcomings. Overall, the expect to use the coursework as an opportunity to improve my knowledge and skills.   Psych NP Clinical Assignment Discussion Paper

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