Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Assessment Discussion

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Assessment Discussion

Practicing for the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner can vary from state to state, and it is the responsibility of the provider to understand the process. The purpose of this paper is to review practice agreements for the state of Ohio. I will discuss how to get certified and licensed as an advanced practice registered nurse in Ohio, as well as the application process for certification. Mental Health Nurse Practitioner  I will share the state of Ohio board of nursing website, the way Ohio defines the scope of practice of the nurse practitioner, and what is included in the state practice agreement. Finally, I will explain the process of obtaining a DEA license, Ohio prescription monitoring program, how Ohio describes a nurse practitioner controlled-substance prescriptive authority, and what nurse practitioner drug schedules are nurse practitioners authorized to prescribe.


Certification and License Process

Ohio requires specific criteria to obtain the advanced practice registered nurse license (APRN). Specifically, a graduate-level APRN degree from an accredited program, a national certification, an Ohio registered nurse license, and a background check (Ohio Board of Nursing, 2022). The application process is similar as it requires specific criteria as this process is the submission of the documentation. For this process, is a required Master level education in advance practice specialty, Ohio registered nurse license, a background check, and the applicant transcripts and national certification to state board (Ohio Board of Nursing, 2022). Also, must have a minimum of 45 contact hours in advanced pharmacology that meets the criteria of Section 4723.482(B), ORC within 5 years from submission date (Ohio Board of Nursing, 2022). The website for Ohio Board of Nursing is to an external site..

Scope of Practice

The scope of practice of the APRN in Ohio is defined by the Ohio Nurse Practice Act and is set by the Ohio Board of Nursing. Ohio defines the scope of practice for the APRN as individual authorized to engage in advance nursing practice which includes assessment, diagnosis, treatment and management of health conditions across the lifespan specific to the educational background (Ohio Laws and Administrative Rules, 2020). The scope of practice for the advanced practice nurse must be in collaboration with at least one physician or podiatrist in which the management of complex healthcare problems be directed (Ohio Laws and Administrative Rules, 2020). The advance practice nurse may prescribe drugs and therapeutic devices in collaboration with a physician or podiatrist (Ohio Laws and Administrative Rules, 2020). Included in the state practice agreement, in Ohio known as standard care agreement, authorizes the APRN to practice under the limited scope or the podiatrist or physician (Ohio Laws and Administrative Rules, 2020).

Prescriptive Authority and DEA Licensure

There are specific rules set for the APRN to obtain a DEA license. The first is to obtain a state APRN license according to the laws of the specific state, in this case Ohio. After obtaining state license must have prescriptive authority. Then the APRN submit an application to the DEA by visiting the Diversion Control Division website online based on the state prescriptive authority (Ohio Board of Nursing, 2020). The DEA will require the following information:

Personal/business information
Email address
Activity (business you will be working)
State license
Background information
Payment ($888)
Confirmation of accurate information (Diversion of Control Division, 2023).
Ohio also does have a prescriptive monitoring program (PMP) known as OhiO Automated Rx Reporting System (, n.d.). This program is designed to aid prescribers and pharmacists collect and monitor information about controlled medication use in Ohio (, n.d). This program is to aid in prescription drug diversion and abuse (, n.d). It is important for the advanced practice registered nurse to understand how to use the PMP for the state in which they prescribe. Ohio APRN authority includes class 2, 2N, 3, 3N, 4, and 5 administer dispense and procedure with collaboration of a physician or podiatrist (Diversion of Control Division, 2023).


In conclusion, it is the responsibility of the APRN to understand the state practice agreement in which they will be practicing. Ohio has specific rules and requires a collaborating physician with a standard care agreement to practice as an APRN. The state and DEA have set rules that can be found on their website pertaining to the rules set by the board. Ohio APRN has prescriptive authority and may prescribe drug class II-IV under the supervision of a physician or podiatrist (Ohio Laws and Administrative Rules, 2020).


Diversion of Control Division. (2023). Application for Registration Under Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (New Applicants Only). Retrieved from to an external site.

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Assessment Discussion

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