Psychoanalysis Essay Example

Psychoanalysis Essay Example

Psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud was the first to talk about psychoanalysis, a technique that allows an individual to recount dreams but what psychologists call free association. Free association is the individual saying whatever comes to mind when something is said. Psychoanalysts encourage the unconscious mind to recall scenes, thoughts, and to reconstruct past experiences that have shaped the patients present behavior. Freud states that the personality develops in a series of stages. Psychoanalysis Essay Example. On the same hand, if we resolve our conflicts that arise during our life as they happen, then psychological problems in the future will not occur.

That what we believe are spur of the moment decisions etc. are really influenced by the unconscious. Psychodynamic theories are written in the individual, often outside the conscious mind. Human behavior is based on unconscious instincts. Some are aggressive and destructive while others are thirsting for the necessary tools to survive. In the same breath, he says that sexual instinct is the most critical factor for the development of our personality. According to Freud, personality is formed around these structures: the Id, ego, and the super ego. The Id or instinctual needs is the only structure present at birth and is unconscious. It is the collection of unconscious urges and desires that continually seek expression. The ego is the part of the personality that mediates between environmental demands, which are reality, conscience or superego, and Id.Psychoanalysis Essay Example.


It contains all the thinking and reasoning. Lastly, the super ego is the social and parental standards the individual has internalized or the moral conscience of the brain. This is not present at birth, but developed over a period of time. In conclusion, I feel psychoanalysis is a good way to understand why people do what they do, and how to recognize it and have the ability to change it. Although Freud made this discovery at the turn of the century it is still an effective way to deal with current problems some individuals may have. The article I chose was The Miseducation of the Negro. In this article, the author stated that Negroes are being denied everything relating to black culture in public schools.

That they are taught everything from Hebrew to Latin but denied the rest. This article also determines that when talking to certain high class blacks they felt that it was not important to learn about there culture stating that, he didnt go to school to waste his time. When black courses were offered in summer schools etc. they consisted of material perceiving whites as being superior to blacks. It goes on to say that regardless of education a black couldnt make it that far because of the world they are going into.

To sum up the article it claims that no matter how hard an African American works they wont get far because they are forced to go back to where they came from which is the group of people considered to be uneducated and unimportant.Psychoanalysis Essay Example.  I do not agree with this article because I believe that blacks can go anywhere they want to go. When the article was written that might have been the case but as the years have went on gradual change has come. With that change, comes more opportunities for educated people in general, and especially for black Americans. Psychology Essays.

WHAT DOES PSYCHOANALYSIS ADD 2 Psychoanalysis was founded by Sigmund Freud (1916-1917). Freud focuses on the unconscious mind on behavior. Freud theories changed how people think about the human mind and behavior which left a huge mark on psychology. Psychoanalysis therapy purpose is to overcome repressed emotions and past experiences. Depression and anxiety disorders are commonly treated by psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is a school of psychology that deals with the unconscious. Other psychologist like Wundt did not agree with Freud theory because it was unable to apply the method of introspection to the unconscious. “Most people now admit that the Freudian scheme is a brilliant addition to our knowledge of the causes forgetting and of mistakes.”(American Psychological Assoc.) Freud believed that the human mind was composed of three elements: the id, the ego, and the superego. The id is the personality component made of unconscious physic energy that works to satisfy basic urges, needs, and desires. “For example, people who are hungry must act to find food if they expect to discharge the tension induced by hunger. Therefore, some functional like between the id’s demands and reality must be established.” (Schultz and Schultz pg 310) The ego is the part of personality that mediates the demands of the id, the superego, and reality. Psychoanalysis Essay Example. According to Schultz and Schultz, “the ego is aware of reality, manipulates it, and regulates the id accordingly.” (pg 310) The three element of Freud would be the superego. The superego is “the moral aspect of personality derived from internalizing parental and societal values and standards.” (Schultz and Schultz pg 310) Psychoanalysis subject matter is psychopathology, or abnormal behavior, relatively neglected by other schools of thought. So many of the schools of psychology deals with WHAT PSYCHOANALYSIS ADD 3 controlled laboratory experimentation where psychoanalysis primary deals with clinical observation. There are three major sources of influence on psychoanalysis that are key points in psychoanalysis. One would be philosophical speculations about unconscious psychological phenomena. The second source would be the early ideas about psychopathology, and the last source is evolutionary. The beginning of psychoanalysis came from The Studies on Hysteria which was published by Freud and Brewer. Even though this book was a reflection of psychoanalysis Freud did not use the word psychoanalysis until years later. Psychoanalysis opened a new view on mental illness, which suggests a person could help relieve symptoms of psychological distress by talking with a professional. This is one assumption I find to be true since it helped me to cope with my hidden secret of being molested as a child by my grandfather and other family members. I was not able to discuss the incident without getting upset or experiencing a major headache until I seek professional help. The more I talked about my childhood experiences the better I felt and the clearly my understanding became to why I felt and acted the way I did as a young adult. Not only did it help me to move forward in my life it also answered questions I would able to before. Psychoanalysis deals with the unconscious of the mind, which is the stage where in when dreaming. Psychoanalysis Essay Example. Now that I have began to talk about my childhood problems I can understand some of the dreams I use to have of an old man changing me. Once a person analyze his or her dreams it become conscious and that person can then began to understand the unconscious thought. For me once I began to talk about being molested I began to repressed conflicts to consciousness and it was then I began to overcome by depression about what I was feeling.


Sigmund Freud’s Theory of Psychoanalysis Freud’s methods of psychoanalysis were based on his theory that people have repressed, hidden feelings. The psychoanalyst’s goal is to make the patient aware of these subconscious feelings. Childhood conflicts that are hidden away by the patient, become revealed to both the analyst and the patient, allowing the patient to live a less anxious, more healthy life. Methods of hypnosis were originally used by Freud to find the cause for anxiety, but he dismissed them as being too inaccurate. He started to use methods of free association to delve into the patient’s sub-conscious. By assessing the patient’s reactions to the analyst’s suggestions, Freud saw that the analyst could help the
Through the slips made when the patient was told to carry out the free-association process, and some of the patient’s beliefs and habits, Freud could delve into the patient’s subconscious. These thoughts produced a chain directly into the patient’s subconscious, and unearthed memories and feelings. This process soon became known as psychoanalysis. Freud also believed that dreams were an important way of getting into the patient’s subconscious. By analyzing dreams, he could reveal the basis of conflict within the patient. Freud believed the mind was made up of three main parts: the conscious, the preconscious, and the subconscious. The conscious region is the part that people are most aware of and what others can see. The preconscious region holds thoughts and feelings that a person can become aware of but that are mostly hidden away. Finally, the subconscious region consists of thoughts and feelings which are completely hidden away and which one is mostly unaware of. Some believe that the preconscious region is really a small part of the much larger subconscious region. Freud said that the mind is like an iceberg, with most of it, the subconscious, hidden away, and only a small part, the conscious, showing above the water, able to be seen. Why, then, would the majority of the mind be hidden; why is the subconscious region so much larger than the conscious region? Freud explained that the answer is that one. Psychoanalysis Essay Example.
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