Psychology and Autism Discussion Paper

Psychology and Autism Discussion Paper

Psychology refers to the study of how an individual thinks autism. On the other hand, it refers to a condition affecting individuals from childhood to adulthood that causes social problems. The psychological topic in the article by Nicholas et al. is how individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) face various psychological challenges while attempting to cope with life in post-secondary education. The study’s null hypothesis states that the increase in the population of individuals with ASD is likely to cause an increased demand for opportunities in tertiary institutions. I would reject the null hypothesis due to the increased stories in the media that describe autistic people as very bright individuals.

The population of individuals involved in the study was 69. Twenty articles were also reviewed in the research period (Nicholas et al., 2014). The individuals selected had ASD and were granted opportunities in different tertiary institutions. A few articles in the study reported the gender of individuals who participated in the research. Only about 85% of the articles reported on the gender of the participants. It indicated that males were 68% and females were 32% (Nicholas et al., 2014). The age of individuals was provided in 36% of the study materials.  Psychology and Autism Discussion Paper

One of the advantages of the study is that it helps in discovering the problems and challenges faced by people with ASD. Once these challenges are determined, various solutions can help people with ASD have a smooth education at colleges and universities. The articles used in the study also provided suggestive solutions to the problems and challenges affecting individuals with ASD in tertiary institutions. The study had its weaknesses and challenges. First, the articles used in the review did not meet the criteria required (Nicholas et al.,2014). Secondly, there were articles with missing links, and therefore there is a need to incorporate comprehensive articles in future research.


The articles did not provide sufficient demographic information on the gender and age of the participants. A piece of complete information on age and gender is important in designing relevant policies to help solve the problems faced by people with ASD. It helps different stakeholders and well-wishers to know the target group where resources should be channeled to solve the problem. It is also important as it allows for early identification of the problem.

In my own experiences, individuals who have difficulties socializing with others have often been shamed publicly by their peers. Since it is not easy to diagnose ASD, individuals have suffered silently, and some have been depressed due to the rejection they receive from others. Bullies have made individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder develop serious psychological problems (Imran et al., 2018). Improper accommodations have affected autistic people, distracting them from their school work. From my experience, there are very few institutions with counseling services tailor-made for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

This study is important since it promotes awareness of the existence of ASD. It also looks at the various challenges individuals face with Autism Spectrum Disorder to provide solutions. The study also seeks to address the higher functioning ASD individuals, unlike most studies focused on lower-functioning people. It is essential for a society as it creates awareness. Besides this, it helps members of society understand different individuals who are autistic or those who exhibit characteristics associated with autism. This study has been key in helping minimize stigmatization exhibited by different societies (Lord et al., 2018). It also promotes awareness to the global society, especially in areas where the research has not been done.

Reading this article has been instrumental in expanding my knowledge of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. From this, I can identify and relate well with an autistic individual. Based on my opinion, autistic people are bright, and they should be provided with a conducive learning environment to help them explore their full potential. I agree with the article’s arguments. I am confident that given the right learning environment, an increase in the number of high-performing individuals with ASD will see a rise in demand for tertiary education.

I agree with the study’s outcomes and would love to see different universities develop strategies and policies to accommodate high-functioning individuals with ASD. Better counseling and support services in colleges and institutions would be key in ensuring high functioning individuals with ASD are well guided during their stay in institutions of higher learning. From my personal experiences, I have witnessed a couple of high functioning individuals with ASD who have pursued good courses in the University. There are more out there who can be helped achieve their dreams by giving them the guidance they need.

Works Cited

Gelbar, N. W., Smith, I., & Reichow, B. (2014). A systematic review of articles describing the experience and supports of individuals with autism enrolled in college and university programs. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders44(10), 2593–2601.

Lord, C., Elsabbagh, M., Baird, G., & Veenstra-Vanderweele, J. (2018). Autism spectrum disorder. The lancet392(10146), 508-520.

Campisi, L., Imran, N., Nazeer, A., Skokauskas, N., & Azeem, M. W. (2018). Autism spectrum disorder. British Medical Bulletin127(1).

Psychology and Autism Discussion Paper

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