Psychosomatic Diseases Essay

Psychosomatic Diseases Essay

When people are stressed their body will seem to respond to certain demands because their body responds by producing certain chemicals in the blood. The chemicals that are realized in the blood can offer individuals more energy and strength that can be an excellent trait in case the stress is caused by physical threat. However, this situation can be a threat if the stress is in response to emotional because it tends to reduce the energy and strength. Although, stress is not a disease it should be noted that it can result in diseases that can be harmful (Mate, 145). Psychosomatic Diseases Essay.
Stress can be caused by diverse ways, and it is reasonable to identify the source of stress so that to put measures manage stress. Frustration is a source of stress because it cause emotional that are harmful to individual and occurs when a target goal is not met (Weiten 56). The individual will experience frustrations when he or she wants something and does not get and are a significant source of stress. Meanwhile, some frustrations as a result of failures and losses can be a source of a significant stress, but some frustrations are brief and insignificant. Meanwhile, internal conflict between individual and families can be a source of stress because it is an unavoidable feature in the daily life of human beings (Weiten52). The internal conflict will occur if more incompatible motivations compete for expression and will generate a significant psychological stress.


The higher level of internal conflict is associated with a higher level of psychological stress and can lead to disease like heart failures.

“You need to relax.” This phrase is one that most individuals hear weekly, and sometimes daily. It is hard to deal with situations that put a mental strain on the body, such as problems in a relationship, at work, or at home. In order to try and adapt to the situation, the body goes into panic mode. If the emotions that are associated with these occurrences remain constant, they can begin to impact physical health as well as mental health. The physical symptoms put an even greater strain on mental health because the individual begins to worry about them. The individual becomes lost in a vicious cycle. Stress is “the body’s reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental, or emotional adjustment or response.” Many people realize
“50 to 80 percent of all illnesses” are thought to be stress-related, “though stress may not be the only cause.” These disorders may include high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, ulcers, and insomnia. Chronic stress can lead to disease, and in some cases “even death can result.” Everyone knows how it feels to be stressed. Stress is a “condition or situation, internal or environmental, that imposes demands for adjustment on the organism.” It is that feeling of complete exhaustion and the inability to focus after a hard day. It is the feelings of anger, disappointment, or worry, which are caused by emotional situations, such as the loss of a loved one or failure to meet a deadline. Psychosomatic Diseases Essay. The situations that cause stress can be categorized into one of four types: deprivation, frustration, conflict, and pressure. Deprivation results when one is kept “from having, using, or enjoying” something that feels like a necessity. One could be lacking in some area of their physical, mental, or social health. Examples of deprivation include vitamin deficiency, loss of sleep, lack of affection, and isolation. The body must learn how to function without these things, putting an even greater amount of stress on the individual. Frustration is the condition that results when “certain impulses or desires, either conscious or unconscious” are unable to be achieved. The inability
  • There is a mental aspect to every physical disease. How we react to disease and how we cope with disease vary greatly from person to person. For example, the rash of psoriasis may not bother some people very much. However, the rash covering the same parts of the body in someone else may make them feel depressed and more ill.
  • There can be physical effects from mental illness. For example, with some mental illnesses you may not eat, or take care of yourself, very well which can cause physical problems.

uch diseases as anorexia or bulimia are rather well known. Both of them are eating disorders: the first pertains to a person who cannot eat and gradually loses weight; the latter is, on the contrary, a syndrome of an uncontrolled desire to eat. Psychosomatic Diseases Essay. Though these two diseases seem to be contradictory of one another, they have one common aspect: both of them are caused by a person’s mental complexes. Therefore, in this case, we can say the mind affects the body. Moreover, besides anorexia and bulimia, there are many other diseases that are caused by mental factors; researchers claim even cancer can be connected to psychological problems—severe stress, for instance (Cancer Fighting Strategies). Thus, unlike multiple spiritual traditions that try to separate mind and spirit from the body, in fact the mind and the body are connected, and impact each other.

The correlation between psychological conditions and bodily disorders is called psychosomatics. The term consists of two parts: psyche, which means mind, and soma—body. Whereas any disease has a mental aspect—in terms of how an individual copes with their illness, or as in the examples mentioned in the introduction—the term ‘psychosomatics’ is more often used to describe a physical disease that is thought to be caused, or made worse, by mental factors. For example, among those diseases that are considered to be affected by mental factors are psoriasis, eczema, stomach ulcers, heart disorders, and high blood pressure ( Another bright example of psychosomatics is hysterical pregnancy, when a woman feels so anxious about getting pregnant that she develops all the symptoms, even though she is not pregnant.

Certain specialists believe psychosomatics is the key to understanding almost any disease. For example, a famous spiritual teacher, Louise Hay, in one of her books, provides a table containing a list of diseases, their symptoms, and the emotional or psychological reasons standing behind them. Hay claims pneumonia, for instance, is caused by the feeling of despair, and a forbiddance to heal deep emotional wounds; ulcers may develop because of a person feeling consistent fear and believing they are not good enough; Alzheimer’s disease, according to Louise Hay, is caused by a refusal to deal with the world as it is, and anger (Vital Affirmations). A similar approach is shared by many traditional medicine and religious systems; however, there is no scientific proof the mind is able to cause all diseases. Psychosomatic Diseases Essay.


It is not clear yet why some people suddenly develop psychosomatic diseases, as well as it is not clear how to treat them, especially when it comes to such cases as sudden blindness or severe pain of an unknown nature. There are doctors who specialize in treating psychosomatic disorders; psychologists and psychotherapists can also contribute to treating such illnesses (WiseGeek). On the other hand, to a certain extent, psychosomatics can help a patient to cope with their disease; well known are the astonishing effects of the placebo, which helped to cure even terminal diseases while factually being a simple soother.

The term psychosomatics displays a link between the condition of an individual’s mind (psyche) and body (soma). Theoretically, a condition of mind can influence one’s physical health—such disorders as anorexia or bulimia speak in favor of this statement. Among other diseases that are considered to be caused or affected by mental factors are eczema, psoriasis, stomach ulcers, heart disorders, and many others. Some specialists—for example, Louise Hay—claim almost all diseases can be caused by the condition of mind or emotions. However, it has not been proved scientifically. Psychosomatics can be treated—both by specialized doctors or regular psychotherapists—but it is yet unclear how to cure such disorders as sudden blindness or severe, unknown pain. Psychosomatic Diseases Essay.

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