Psychotherapy with Group Therapy Essay Paper

Psychotherapy with Group Therapy Essay Paper

Post a description of a group therapy session with older adults, including the stage of the group, any resistances or issues that were present, and therapeutic techniques used by the facilitator. Explain any challenges that may occur when working with this group. Support your recommendations with evidence-based literature.

Psychotherapy with group

The group session attended was for a manualized cognitive-behavioral group therapy. It involved the use of structured group reminiscence among eight group members aged between 72 and 83 years. The intention of the group therapy was to apply a structured protocol to decrease depression and lower self-reported depression scores with the overall objective of improving the health and wellbeing of older persons. The therapeutic technique applied in the group was structured group reminiscence. This involved conducted a life review that included focusing on pleasurable memories and spontaneity. Other unique features of this therapeutic technique include personalizing the sessions, limiting attrition by offering each member individualized attention to participate, ensuring that each member shared memories that stand out, encouraging discussion, and emphasizing confidentiality (Cautin & Lilienfield, 2015).

This was the fourth session of the group meeting with two sessions conducted every week. The schedule lasted for 60 minutes. The session was conducted in a large room with chairs placed in a circular manner with the members facing each other. The room was on the ground floor that is easily accessible to the members, and well light with good temperature control. In fact, the location offered an optimal atmosphere for group discussions. The activities conducted and themes addressed in the session included talking about past fun times, discussing friends and family, sharing personal pictures, explaining the attachments associated with the photographs, and having a show and tell session of personal memorabilia. The group members were active during the session, with each member opening up on the personal memories associated with the photographs and memorabilia they presented. The interaction between the group members at the session indicated that the group was at the performing stage. At this stage, the relationship between the group members are formed and they have a stable and clear structure.  Psychotherapy with Group Therapy Essay Paper The group had a sense of cooperation and consensus, and appeared organized and mature. There was no indication of conflict with the interactions appearing amicable. Overall, the group effectiveness was high with a focus on meeting goals and solving problems (American Nurses Association, 2014).


Although there were no challenges that were exhibited during the group session, therapy for older adults typically presents a challenge. The challenge is concern about countertransference and transference linked to age disparity between the group members and therapist. This concern is resultant of the group members being elderly while the therapist is younger, creating a generational gap that makes it difficult for the group members to honestly open up. This creates a situation in which the group members either feel that the therapist does not understand their difficulties and needs owing to a generational gap or feel embarrassed opening up about their shortcomings before a member of the younger generation. This challenge can be addressed through presenting a flexible, individualized and tailored therapy approach that acknowledges the generational gap, considers the unique needs of each member, and takes into account the specific developmental challenges and tasks linked to aging. Another challenge is the stigma associated with mental illness, a concern among older adults who grew up at a time when psychiatric conditions such as depression where stigmatized. This stereotyping makes it difficult for older adults to open up about their mental difficulties. This challenge can be addressed through de-stigmatizing mental conditions, challenging stereotypes, and reminding older adults that there stage of life can be an enriching phase of life with its own unique challenges and joys (Wheeler, 2014). Overall, group sessions offer an opportunity for addressing mental issues among older adults.


American Nurses Association. (2014). Psychiatric-mental health nursing: scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Cautin, R. & Lilienfeld, S. (2015). The encyclopedia of clinical psychology, volume II Cli-E. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice. New York, NY: Springer. Psychotherapy with Group Therapy Essay Paper

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