Public Health Nursing Essay Paper

Public Health Nursing Essay Paper

Public Health Nursing

1) A professional goal(s) statement for a Master Prepared Public Health Nurse.  (MSN with emphasis in public health nursing).

As a Master prepared Public Health Nurse, I have three professional goals. My first professional goal is to become an expert by gaining more desirable and marketable skills and moving forward in the public health specialty area. The added level of mastery would help me provide excellent patient care and take on greater management/leadership responsibilities. My second professional goal is developing inter-professional skills that allow me to more efficiently and effectively communicate with other stakeholders such as patients and medical personnel. These skills will be required to communicate and collaborate with other stakeholders to deliver excellent care. From nurses, physicians, pharmacists, laboratory technicians, and even nutrition and housekeeping, all stakeholders contribute to the overall patient satisfaction, experience and care, and communicating with them in the right way helps in meeting this goal. My third professional goal is increasing my technology skills. We are currently in a technology age with rapid changes in medical and communication technologies. While these technological advances are important for delivering better nursing care, the ever evolving technology requires that I learn the technology skills to operate the technologies. On learning how to stay up to date with the technologies, I must be able to troubleshoot common technological issues that could impact care delivery in care the technology malfunction.  Public Health Nursing Essay Paper

2) Describe the Boyer’s Model for Scholarship and its importance as a public health nurse.

Boyer’s Model for Scholarship was introduced by Ernest Boyer in 1990. The model advocates for expanding the traditional definition of scholarship and research to have four distinctive definitions. Boyer noted that the traditional definition centered on academic life to the detriment of other professional responsibilities. The model presents new definition of scholarship that extends across four domains to include discovery, application, integration, and teaching and learning. The first domain is teaching and learning. It answers the axiological question of what is valuable in the education process. This is important for public health nurses as it enables them to value best practices and good theory that allows them to better understand the practice environment, such as anticipating how patients would react to different scenarios. The second domain is discovery. It answers the epistemological question of what is true from an epistemological perspective. This is important for public health nurses as it enables them to transform societal questions and problems into usable knowledge. The third domain is integration. It answers the ontological question of what is good in terms of interdependent purposes. This is important for public health nurses as it enables them to interact across disciplinary lined to collaboratively construct nursing care approaches that address societal meta-questions and meta-problems. The fourth domain is application. It answers the pragmatic question of what is practice thus ensuring that nursing knowledge holds a pragmatic purpose. This is important for public health nurses as it enables them to transact between nurse practitioners and academics to ensure collaboration in seeking ways to put knowledge into the world (Bradshaw, Hultquist & Hagler, 2020).  Public Health Nursing Essay Paper


2) Integration of the American Nurses Association (ANA) – Scope and Standards of Practice for Public Health Nursing, outlining your accomplishments in several areas.

In practicing as a public health nurse, I previously provided my professional services in the position of a corrections nurse. To practice in the position, I acquired an Associate of Science in Nursing, and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees. In addition, I am a member of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, and Alpha Chi National College Honor Society. The position allowed me to integrate ANA standards of practice for Public Health Nursing. Firstly, I was able to conduct patient assessment to understand and meet their nursing care needs by collecting comprehensive data that is pertinent to the population health status. Secondly, I conducted population diagnosis and prioritized care needs in the face of resource limitations. This involved analyzing assessment data to determine population diagnoses and priorities. Thirdly, I conducted planning activities that involved developing a plan that reflects best nursing care practices by identifying action plans, strategies and alternatives for attaining the desired health and wellness outcomes. Fourthly, I conducted implementation activities by implementing the identified plans to partner with other stakeholders in providing health care, to include employing multiple strategies for promoting health, preventing disease and ensuring a safe environment for the prison population. Fifthly, I participated in evidence-based practice and research activities. This involved generating new knowledge and ensuring that best available evidence is integrated into practice. Sixthly, I participated in leadership activities by engaging the prison management to identifying change and improvement programs and ensuring investment in the programs to improve health outcomes and enhance quality of care. Finally, I participated in collaborative activities by providing care within inter-professional teams and in collaboration with other medical professions (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2020).


Bradshaw, M. J., Hultquist, B. L., & Hagler, D. (2020). Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions (8th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.

Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2020). Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community (10th ed.). Elsevier, Inc.

The purpose of this assignment is for the public health nursing student to have a forum to showcase personal achievements and to demonstrate current qualifications.  In a 500-550 word essay address the following:

1) A professional goal(s) statement for a  Master Prepared Public Health Nurse.  (MSN with emphasis in public health nursing).

2) Describe the  Boyer’s Model for Scholarship and its importance as a public health nurse.

2) Integration of the American Nurses Association (ANA) – Scope and Standards of Practice for Public Health Nursing, outlining your accomplishments in several areas.  (previous work as a corrections nurse should be included in accomplishments)

ANA Public Health Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice

Standard 1. Assessment

Standard 2. Population Diagnosis and Priorities

Standard 4. Planning

Standard 5. Implementation

Standard 5B. Health Teaching and Health Promotion

Standard 9. Evidence-Based Practice and Research

Standard 12. Leadership

Standard 13. Collaboration

Accomplishments are as follows:


Associate of Science in Nursing

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

(Honor Societies)

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing

Alpha Chi National College Honor Society

Public Health Nursing Essay Paper


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