Quantitative Research Essay Paper

Quantitative Research Essay Paper

Select quantitative research articles from Grand Canyon University library
-Provide an example of experimental research, quasi-experimental research, and nonexperimental reseaarch. Give an example of each one.
-Explain how all three research types differs from the others.
-Include statistical analysis

Quantitative Research

Baron et al. (2016) adopts an experimental research approach to evaluate the knowledge levels of nursing staff concerning pressure ulcers. The experimental approach involved using a validated questionnaire to collect data. The selected research participants were divided into a control group and intervention group. The intervention group was subjected to an educational intervention while the control group was not subjected to an educational intervention. As an experimental research approach, the focus was on comparing the performance in the experimental and control groups. Quantitative Research Essay Paper  Unlike other quantitative research approaches, the experimental approach applies a random criterion to assign the participants to the control and experimental groups. Also, it ensures that an intervention is applied with performance compared for the experiment and control groups so that all differences in performance are attributed to the intervention (Baron et al., 2016).


Chu et al. (2019) adopts a quasi-experimental approach to explore the effects of a flipped classroom in teaching evidence-based nursing. The quasi-experimental approach involved the research participants being subjected to an evaluation, followed be assignment to the control and experimental groups, and evaluation at the end of the study. Similar to the experimental design, the quasi-experimental design sought to establish a cause and effect relationship between the classroom format and learning outcomes. However, unlike the experimental approach, the quasi-experimental approach does not randomly assign the participants to the control and intervention groups (Chu et al., 2019).

Beadles et al. (2014) adopts a non-experimental research approach to explore the effects of including oral anticoagulation therapy for individuals with incident atrial fibrillation. Unlike the experimental and quasi-experimental approaches, the participants already exist and the research is unable to manipulate the independent variable. In fact, the research approach focuses on comparing the existing groups of participants based on the research interest and variable that cannot be manipulated. It compares what has already been established (Beadles et al., 2014).


Baron, M. V., Reuter, C. P., Burgos, M. S., Cavalli, V., Brandenburg, C., & Krug, S. B. F. (2016). Experimental study with nursing staff related to the knowledge about pressure ulcers. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem., 24, e2831. https://doi.org/10.1590/1518-8345.1134.2831

Beadles, C. A., Lich, K. H., Viera, A. J., Greene, S. B., Brookhart, M. A., & Weinberger, M. (2014). A non-experimental study of oral anticoagulation therapy initiation before and after national patient safety goals. BMJ Open, 4, e003960. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003960

Chu, T-L., Wang, J., Monrouxe, L., Sung, Y-C., Kuo, C-L., Ho, L-H., & Lin, Y-E. (2019). The effects of the flipped classroom in teaching evidence based nursing: A quasi-experimental study. PLoS ONE, 14(1), e0210606. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0210606 . Quantitative Research Essay Paper

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