Reflection on Infection Prevention Brochure Essay

Reflection on Infection Prevention Brochure Essay

Preventing infection is significant to creating a healthy environment for everyone through the reduction or elimination of the risks of transmitting illnesses. The procedures play an important role in reducing the occurrence of various infections and giving patients, families and healthcare staff, a healthy and safe healthcare setting. My brochure selection on the Joint Commission website published in 2018 was, “Speak up to Preventing Infection”. The brochure focuses on various methods of preventing the transmission of diseases.

Brochure Summary

The “Speak up, preventing infection” brochure explains how people can effectively reduce the transmission of illnesses. The article comprises six ways that are convenient and effective for everybody. The first topic covered in the brochure is washing hands which explain the how-to and the conditions for practicing like using a sanitizer and using soap when hands are visibly dirty (The Joint Commission, 2018). Also, the brochure encourages people to keep away from other people when ill and gives suggestions on various methods of preventing the spread of infections. On the other hand, the brochure also lists some of the actions that one should keep while coughing and sneezing for protecting others from infections. Reflection on Infection Prevention Brochure Essay The last “speak up” points include taking extra care when visiting a patient in a health care facility and taking available vaccination shots on time.

Evaluation of Brochure

The “Speak up, preventing infection” brochure handles most of the common issues that affect the safety of every individual. The spread of infections from one person to another takes place directly or indirectly most of the time (The Joint Commission, 2018). Many factors influence the transmission of infections such as contact with people especially the sick, moist and dirty places, and poor hand hygiene (Nulens et al., 2018). The brochure was short and descriptive in giving the message that described all the infection prevention measures. Nonetheless, I would preferable if it was more specific. For instance, it highlights the importance of hand washing but it omits the hand washing steps which means one may assume their hands are clean when they are not.


Personal Reflection and Patient Communication

My greatest interest in the issues of infection control is because it is the current concern for the COVID-19 pandemic. The coronavirus has spread across the world due to its contagious nature. I believe people have the capacity to lower its transmission by adhering to the laid measures in controlling infections. I particularly find the article insightful as it describes the appropriate strategies that people can use in the current situation in a simple and clear presentation. I would undoubtedly use the brochure in my patient education because it is easy to understand and has a graphical presentation of every point which makes it much easier to understand at all levels. All the points have a picture that depicts every point which gives one an easy time explaining even to an illiterate individual.

Evidence Review and Application

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, infections are controllable by the sustenance of sanitized areas, practicing good hand hygiene, and staying away from the community when we are sick (McFee, 2020). Also, the article applies to any person because infections target anybody if not prevented. Thus, everyone can take precautionary measures and responsibility for reducing infections through the implementation of the simple steps and procedures highlighted in the brochure for their personal and other people’s safety.


In conclusion, the brochure is well established towards promoting healthy life and lifestyle by encouraging people to preserve their health wellness by adaption of simple and effective techniques. The strategies addressed in the paper above can help people in preventing the transmission of infections or affecting other people. People have the mandate of preventing infection by application of various techniques including washing hands, keeping away from others when sick, cleaning their surroundings, covering tier mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing as well as taking available immunizations. All the addressed strategies in this paper are important and well described in the brochure for adopting the procedures for the personal safety and safety of others.


The Joint Commission. (2018). Speak up: To prevent infection. Retrieved from×36-8-31-2020.pdf

McFee, R. B. (2020). COVID-19 laboratory testing/CDC guidelines. Disease-a-Month66(9), 101067. DOI: 10.1016/j.disamonth.2020.101067

Nulens, E., Gonzalo Bearman, M., & Fshea, F. I. D. S. A. (2018). Guide to infection control in the hospital. Int Soc Infect Dis, 1-16.  Reflection on Infection Prevention Brochure Essay



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