Reports on Influenza Cases

Reports on Influenza Cases

1. The population of a city on February 15, 2005, was 36,600. The city has a passive surveillance system that collects hospital and private physician reports of influenza cases every month. During the period between January 1 and April 1, 2005, 2,200 new cases of influenza occurred in the city. Of these cases, 775 persons were ill with influenza according to surveillance reports on April 1, 2005. The prevalence rate of active influenza as of April 1, 2005, was: 2. The population of a city on February 15, 2005, was 36,600. The city has a passive surveillance system that collects hospital and private physician reports of influenza cases every month. Reports on Influenza Cases.During the period between January 1 and April 1, 2005, 2,200 new cases of influenza occurred in the city. Of these cases, 775 persons were ill with influenza according to surveillance reports on April 1, 2005. The monthly incidence rate of active cases of influenza for the 3-month period was: 3. What would be the effect on age-specific incidence rates of uterine cancer if women with hysterectomies were excluded from the denominator of incidence calculations assuming that most women who have had hysterectomies are older than 50 years of age? 4. The ability of a single person to remain free of clinical illness following exposure to an infectious agent is known as: 5. Which of the following reasons can explain why a person who did not consume the infective food item got sick? 6. Reports on Influenza Cases. Which of the food items (or combination of items) is most likely to be the infective item(s)? 7.


The case-fatality rate associated with plague is lowest in which community? 8. The incidence and prevalence rates of a chronic childhood illness for a specific community are given below. 9. The following table gives the mean annual age-specific mortality rates from measles during the first 25 years of life in successive 5-year periods. You may assume that the population is in a steady state (i.e., migrations out are equal to migrations in). Based on the information above, one may conclude: 10. In a country with a population of 16 million people, 175,000 deaths occurred during the year ending December 31, 2005.  Reports on Influenza Cases.These included 45,000 deaths from tuberculosis (TB) in 135,000 persons who were sick with TB. Assume that the population remained constant throughout the year. Not all 135,000 cases of TB were contracted during 2005. Which of the following statements is true? 11. In 2001, a state enacted a law that required the use of safety seats for all children under 7 years of age and mandatory seatbelt use for all persons. The table above lists the number of deaths due to motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) and the total population by age in 2000 (before the law) and in 2005 (4 years after the law was enacted). NR503 Epidemiology midterm 2019. Reports on Influenza Cases.

Influenza, normally called “the flu”, the influenza virus causes an infection in the respiration tract. Even though the influenza virus can sometimes be compared with the common cold. It also can cause a more severe illness or death.Reports on Influenza Cases.  During this past century, pandemics took place in 1918, 1957, and 1968, in all of these cases there where unfortunately many deaths. The “Spanish flu” in 1918, killed approximately half a million people in the United States alone. It killed around 20 million worldwide. The “Asian flu” in 1957, in the United States their 70,000 people died. In 1968 the “Hong-Kong flu” There where 34,000 deaths in the United.
Most people perceive “the flu” to be a common (not a big deal) illness, but they overlook the 20,000 deaths and over 100,000 hospitalizations nationwide. There are there types of influenza A and C or the most severe types and B which is the most common, Luckily not the to severe. The virus works by first attaching to the outside of a host cell. It injects its RNA into the cell. Unfortunately our cells treat the RNA like they should. It translates the viral genes using the cell’s ribosomes and enzymes. Now the virus can take the cell over and use it to reproduce more viruses. Sooner or later it releases the new nauseating viruses and they search for another cell to raid. Influenza fortunately can be prevented in most cases. You can prevent it through an annual vaccination. The vaccine is made up of 8 to 10 strains of the influenza virus. When you receive the vaccination the strains have been “killed”, so there is no possible way for you to get this illness just by receiving the vaccination. Reports on Influenza Cases. Your body recognizes the unknown strains and builds up immunity so if a “live” virus gets in your system your body has the correct code to “kill” it off.      Other then vaccination, some basic treatment is: stay at home, drink fluids, take anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin or ibuprofen), decongestants, cough medicine, gargles, lozenges, or await a natural treatment.
Influenza Essay Influenza is a disease also known as ‘the flu’ which is most common in the U.S. Influenza is caused by a contagious virus that is spread by fluids of coughing, sneezing and direct eye contact from surfaces where serious infection and death occur around the world mostly in winter. Someone who gets the disease, inhale the virus or touch the germs from objects including computer keyboards and telephones and then touching their mouths and nose. Influenza viruses spread from person to person and people are able to pass the flu to others even before they are sick themselves. Viruses are the cause of influenza. The names of these viruses are influenza virus A, B and C. These virus put together are called Orthomyxoviridae. Reports on Influenza Cases. Influenza A and B cause major disease whilst influenza C causes a common cold illness. A virus is found in different animals such as ducks, chickens, pigs and horses. This virus is the worst of the three and is spread by people who are already infected. Surfaces that have been touched by an infected person, rooms they have previously been in and where someone who is affected by this disease sneezes are causes of this virus. B virus are found among humans … Groups A and B are responsible for causing the epidemics of flu that occur almost every year. Influenza C is different in several ways because it causes mild to no symptoms and doesn’t cause the yearly epidemics. Symptoms develop one to three days after the virus infection and usually the worst. Reports on Influenza Cases



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