Risk Conferring Genes in Multiple Sclerosis Research Paper

Risk Conferring Genes in Multiple Sclerosis Research Paper

Multiple sclerosis(MS) is one the deadliest diseases that effects the brain, spine and the central nervous system(CNS). MS is a progressive immune-mediated disease that has an onset stage between ages 20-40 which is affecting 2.5 people globally (Burke, Hooper, Barlow & Hatter (2013). The onset of multiple sclerosis attacks the immune system which slows down the communication of the brain to the other parts of the body. The immune system begins to breakdown leading to the nerve deterioration that can be permanent. The signs and symptoms can be varied depending on the severity and which specific nerves that are being impacted. However, the common multiple sclerosis symptoms affect the spinal cord, brain, numbness, and blurred vision (Burke, Hooper, Barlow & Hatter (2013). In the more severe cases individuals may lose the ability to walk while others may experience less difficulties with fewer new symptoms. The healthcare industry is still searching for a cure however as of today, there is no cure for Multiple sclerosis (MS). The belief by many scientist is the unpredictable disease that disrupts the communication between the nervous system and the body may be activated by an unknown environmental elements or a person inherit the disease because of genetics (Nischwitz, Muller-Myhsok & Weber,2011).

There are suggested therapeutic modalities that have been used to treat the devastating disease however, more research is needed to understand why it’s harder to detect multiple sclerosis early in children(Wei,2014). The goal of treating multiple sclerosis as early as possible so the individual can learn how to live with the devastating disease however, the scientist are still searching for a cure. The disease continues to place a burden on unsuspecting patients however, there is more research being done every year. Genes in Multiple Sclerosis Research Paper  Consequently, we have many scientific studies that are promising and showing glimpse of hope such an innovative injectable drug treatment.



In layman’s terms the damaging of nerves signals is the primary cause of this devastating disease that presents with walking and coordinating problems. One of the leading causes is based on the immune system shutting down that impairs the central nervous systems. The immune system malfunctions affect the myelin sheath which is surrounds the core the nerves. The myelin sheath is responsible for transmitting nerve impulses formed from the cell membrane which regulates the proper functioning of the neurological system (Nylander, & Hafler,2012). The consensus thought amount scientist that one the causes of MS is based on the individual inheriting the autoimmune disease. The environment plays an unknown part in the development of the MS disease however at this time researches do not know what causes the MS disease to attack the CNS. The researcher has determined that bacteria and viruses contribute to the breakdown of myelin called demyelination. The onset of measles and herpes can be another factor in the development of the MS disease.


There are several new emerging drugs that are being used to treat MS such as injectable immunomodulatory drugs called interferon and glatliramer(Palmer,2014). These drugs can not cure the MS disease but they can slow down the deliberating affects allowing the individual to manage the disease and improve quality of life. There are other disease modifying drugs that can help management MS called aubagio, avonex, bataseron and gilenya. However, Palmer suggest the new drugs treatments such as natalizumab, fingolimod, dimethyl and terifluomide have success targeting the interaction of the CNS and the leukocytes. The drug treatment plan does not cure the MS however; they drug regiment prevents the frequency of major MS attacks. The secondary treatment benefits are to prevent any new brain lesions from developing. A life with MS is never a comfortable one however, the drugs can improve the individual’s quality of life.


The diagnosis of the MS disease is critical to survival rate because the individual has an opportunity to slow down the destruction of their immune system. The early detection of MS can be the difference between a long slow debilitating disease and finding a drug or diagnostic treatment plans to improve the quality of living. The most commonly diagnostic test utilize to diagnosis MS is the Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) testing (Sbardella & Tomassini,2013). The MRI can provide early detection which shows a clear picture without the use of an X-ray. The MRI is a magnet with radio waves that are sent to a computer image. The MRI is a great tool to diagnosis MS because it can detect any damage in the spinal cord or the brain that previous test may have missed. There is another test called spinal tap to detect MS by removing some fluid from your brain and spinal cord called cerebrospinal fluid(CSF). This is a popular way to diagnosis MS because the results can help the treating physician determine whether the immune system is attacking itself. The CSF is not the most popular test however; the research has proven to be effective. Genes in Multiple Sclerosis  The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a colorless liquid that covers the spinal cord and brain. The primary function of the CSF is to provide protection to the brain acting as a shock absorber and it removes waste from the brain.


The diagnosis of MS is not a death sentence however with the right choice of therapies and drug treatments the disease can be controlled slowing down the attacks on the immune system. The good news the scientist is developing innovative and effective drugs each year however, the bad news there is no cure for MS to date. The expectations by most people is they will eventually succumb to the disease consequently that frame of mind is being challenged. In the advent of the physician returning the worst prognosis to the patient has vary results because early diagnosis provides the individual with living a quality life. Multiple sclerosis is not classified as a fatal disease which sometimes it can be fatal but the consensus prognosis is MS is treatable disabling disease.


The multiple sclerosis (MS) is a deadly disease that attacks the brain, spine and the central nervous system(CNS). The disease can be treated with drugs and therapies however there is no cure for this disease. The MS disease affects millions of people in the world however science is working on a cure. The MS disease damages the nerves signals which causes problems with patients walking. The MS disease causes the immune system to malfunction while impairing the central nervous systems(CNS). The immune system is affect by the improper functioning of the myelin sheath that surrounds the nerves. There are injectable drugs that are having success with the treatment of the MS disease which help slow down the attacks on the nervous system.


Burke, T., Hooper, K., Barlow, S., & Hatter, L. (2013). Clinical Update. Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal21(5), 30-33 4p.

Nischwitz, S., Muller-Myhsok, B., & Weber, F. (2011). Risk conferring genes in multiple sclerosis. Science Direct Journal: Autoimmunity Rheumatoid Arthritis & Multiple Sclerosis.Vol.585, Issue 23, pgs.

Nylander, A., & Hafler, D. A. (2012). Multiple sclerosis. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 122(4), 1180-8. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/993084876?accountid=34899

Palmer, A. M. (2014). New and emerging immune-targeted drugs for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology78(1), 33-43. doi:10.1111/bcp.12285

Risk Conferring Genes in Multiple Sclerosis Research Paper

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