Risk Management Program Analysis Discussion

Risk Management Program Analysis Discussion

Analyzing risks requires looking at how project plans and results may change due to the risk occurrence. And once issues have been identified, they are examined to determine their qualitative and quantitative effects on the project to determine the best course of action for mitigating them. The methods and procedures used to identify, address, and avoid hazards in medical institutions collectively comprise healthcare risk mitigation (NEJM Catalyst, 2018). It includes all medical and management steps, documents, and methods used to identify, track, evaluate, foresee, and reduce risks (Holden & Card, 2019). Healthcare managing risk became primarily concerned with patient care and avoiding prescription mistakes. Still, as time has passed, its responsibilities have grown more complicated as it has evolved to include hazards across the whole health service. This essay consists of risk control and treatment in hospitals as they apply to the local medical center of the author.

Summary of Risk Management Plan

Quality care in hospitals is severely challenged by patient falls (Najafpour et al., 2019). They are linked to prolonged hospital stays, higher expenses, and serious injuries involving fatalities. Thus, advanced practice nurses must train their individuals, especially older people and patients at high risk of falling, to avoid falls, which is a primary risk management concern. Finding threats and avoiding falls in clinics are the main objectives of managing risk. Some of the essential components of a risk management strategy include identifying patients at elevated danger, documenting actions supported by research, and putting those interventions into action to avoid falls in institutions. Patients have the right to fall and can do so even though avoiding falls is considered a priority for reducing patient harm.

Federal regulations require hospitals to follow several ethical standards, including prohibiting constraints on patients. This regulation ensures that although hospitals encourage initiatives to lower patient falls, they need not violate patients’ rights to be unrestrained. Risk Management Program Analysis Discussion  Various fall prevention strategies have been developed as a result, particularly for confused and disoriented patients. Fall cost is estimated to be from 2.6 to 7 every 1000 patient days, with between 2 percent and 9 percent of significant injuries and between 23 percent and 42 percent of falls leading to a minimum of one form of patient harm (Najafpour et al., 2019). Patients may also have mental health problems, such as worry, risk of falls, and low confidence. To decrease the overall occurrence of accidents in hospitals, an integrated approach that includes patient assessments, environmental change, and staff training is necessary.


Standard Administrative Steps and Processes

All risk assessments should include training and education, patient and family complaints, a communication strategy, contingencies, reporting procedures, reaction, prevention, a purpose, goals, and metrics, as per (NJEM Catalyst ,2018). The fall prevention and rehabilitation approaches have taken these factors into account. The project’s goal is to identify risks to successfully execute treatments that reduce patient harm using scientific proof methodologies, researching and documenting sentinel incidents, assessing and ranking risk, completing compliance reporting, recording and studying near – miss as well as successful catches, utilizing tested analytical methods for event assessment, going beyond the apparent to find hidden faults, seeking the ideal balance between risk funding, transmission, and management while engaging in a reliable Risk Management Information System (RMIS) (NJEM Catalyst, 2018). The medical regulation stipulates that when the procedures are carried out, they must be recorded in the patient’s records during the fall. The charts would then require updating to reflect fall risk evaluation and prevention strategies.

Key Agencies and Organizations that Regulate the Administration of Safe Healthcare

Falls in clinics are linked to injuries that lengthen a patient’s time in the hospital and raise the cost of treatment (Najafpour et al., 2019). The Joint Commission is a significant body critical in monitoring safe healthcare delivery. The Joint Commission created the Sentinel Activity Alert to help us identify different occurrences and high-risk circumstances and provide advice on prevention strategies and mitigation. The Joint Commission additionally performs evaluations to guarantee competence and adherence among healthcare institutions about falls. Risk Management Program Analysis Discussion  The National Databases of Nurses Quality Indicators, another significant agency that oversees safe healthcare management, receives reports on fall rates or fatalities.


The risk management system outlines the steps for increasing patient safety, minimizing falls, and lowering the likelihood of future potential injuries to adhere to the requirements set out by the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM). After being taken to the hospital, a patient will have their level of danger evaluated. Throughout their stay, reevaluations will be made on a particular circumstance basis (Peterson & Peterson, 2017). Alarms are installed in the beds of something like high-risk clients as a safety precaution. Patients with the most significant risk levels undergo an extra procedure that involves giving them rooms that are closer to the nursing units.

Data on fall rates and then again when their hospitalization will be included in shift reporting. Rounds will be played for patients with an increased risk of falling every hour and every 2 hours for low-risk individuals. To prevent actions that might lead to falls, nurses will assess patients’ needs during the matches, such as if they need to switch directions in bed or have help going to the bathroom due to discomfort (Peterson & Peterson, 2017). A multi-disciplinary team will investigate the reason for a patient’s falls and offer assistance in preventing such occurrences in the future.

Proposed Recommendation

Several of the suggested measures is that departmental supervisors see that data of falls are shared orally and in written form at monthly management meetings. The reports should motivate doctors and nurses to work together to enhance preventative strategies further (Soncrant et al., 2020). Healthcare professionals are expected to find gaps in the fall prevention and mitigation strategy and improve their motivation to reduce falls with the support of regular monthly conferences and the recording of falls.

Including patients with information on the risk of falls, the program is crucial to include patients with information on the risk of falls in the program: The Joint Commission is now in favor of promoting fall risk education and employing clinical advocates to inform critical stakeholders regarding falls and available prevention measures (Ye et al., 2020). The Joint Commission recommends that an interdisciplinary team be developed to take a comprehensive strategy to fall protection or reduction in the fall prevention program. Standard and established procedures must be utilized to detect the risk of falls in society. Post-fall monitoring must always be carried out to ensure continuous improvement, ensure constant improvement, and reassessment of people who experience falls.


Patient falls are one of the biggest threats to hospital patients’ wellbeing, and they’re linked to more extended hospital stays, injuries, or even fatalities. The patients’ health bills are also reduced as a result of them. Therefore, measures are required to reduce and prevent hospital accidents by improving patient safety and reducing healthcare expenses. The strategy for managing medical risks being advocated in this study uses processes and methods to identify, reduce, and eliminate the hazards of falls in health facilities.


Holden, J., & Card, A. J. (2019). Patient safety professionals as the third victims of adverse events. Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management24(4), 166-175.

Najafpour, Z., Godarzi, Z., Arab, M., & Yaseri, M. (2019). Risk Factors for Falls in Hospital In-Patients: A Prospective Nested Case-Control Study. International journal of health policy and management8(5), 300–306.

NEJM Catalyst (2018). What is Risk Management in Healthcare?

Peterson, d. M., & peterson, h. L. (2017). Seclusion and restraint in mental health care 55. Incidence of suicidality and seclusion and restraint in inpatient psychiatric care for people with schizophrenia, 54.

Soncrant, C., Neily, J., Bulat, T., & Mills, P. D. (2020). Recommendations for fall-related injury prevention: a 1-year review of fall-related root cause analyses in the Veterans Health Administration. Journal of nursing care quality35(1), 77-82.

Ye, P., Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Peng, K., Pan, X., Shen, Y., … & Tian, M. (2020). Falls prevention interventions for community-dwelling older people living in mainland China: a narrative systematic review. BMC health services research20(1), 1-14.

Risk Management Program Analysis Discussion

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