A risk is something that affects my clients Health and Well-being; for example smoking can affect my clients Health and Well-Being as there is short term effects which are bad breath and long term effects such as cancer. Identifying Risks of an unbalanced diet in my clients Health and Well-Being I have identified this risk because my client eats healthier but eats unhealthy at weekends so I feel she has an unbalanced diet. It is important for the clients overall health and well being. According to NACNE and C. O. M. A, we should eat less salt, fat and sugar and more fibre and drink less alcohol. Risks to my clients Health and Well-Being Essay.

Also we should eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetable per day to maintain a healthy body. A balanced diet should determinate the type of life style led to my client. An unbalanced diet is that one that does not provided enough of the needed nutrients. An unbalanced diet could also be one that provides too much of certain nutrients as in the case of the American diet. It provides too much fat resulting in a high percentage of the population being overweigh or obese. This creates many health problems for those affected like heart disease, strokes, circulatory problems and others.

The short-term risks of an unbalanced diet is over eating to much fat this means that they will gain weight, lack of water means that they will be lack of concentrations, too much sugar means that there will be minor tooth decay, a lack of fibre means that constipation, a lack of protein means poor body growth, and the body does not heal easily. Lack of vitamins and mineral means tiredness. A lack of carbohydrates means loss of body weight. The long term risks of an unbalanced diet are overeating obesity which could lead to heart attacks, strokes, and arthritis. Under eating means major weight loss, anorexia.

Lack of fibre could result in heart disease. Too much sugar in a diet means tooth decay. A lack of vitamins and minerals means scurvy, tooth decay, soft bones, unhealthy skin, and anaemia. Lack of water means dry, unhealthy skin I identify risks lack of exercise decreases; I have chosen this risk because she does not do enough exercise but she does do some this it why I have identified this as a risk. The risk of heart-related problems such as heart attack and improves your cardio-vascular fitness. It helps you become stronger, can relieve stress, increases self esteem and confidence by helping.

My Clients feels good about themselves. Experts have warned that not doing exercise is as bad for health as smoking a packet of cigarettes each day. The World Heart Federation said physical inactivity doubles the chances of developing heart disease and increases the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. Doctors estimate that between 65% and 85% of the world’s population fail to take enough exercise. Many people take no physical activity during a typical week.  Risks to my clients Health and Well-Being Essay.Physical inactivity is the most common risk factor for heart disease in the UK with 7 out of 10 women and 6 out of 10 men not active enough to achieve health benefits.

If you have done less than 30 minutes of the sort of physical activity that made you feel warm and slightly out of breath in the last week then you are physically inactive. It is estimated that in the UK, about 36% of deaths from heart disease in men and 38% of deaths from heart disease in women are related to lack of physical activity as compared to only 19% of heart disease deaths being related to smoking. Short term risks of lack of exercise; weight gain means body size changes (could lead to loss to self-confidence). Socially she may be less likely to meet people due to her self image.

Find simple physical tasks increase trying such as cleaning caring shopping and walking. Long term risks of lack of exercise; Obesity. Increase blood pressure. Increase the chances of heart disease, heart attack, arthritis. If weight is being gained there is loss of self confidence could result in depression. The next risk im going to Identify is Stress. Sometimes my client Hillary is sometimes stressed at work this is why I have identified this as a risk. Stress levels are an important part of my client emotional health because if it is not healthy, all the other aspects of my clients Health and well being could be affected.


Emotional health is needed to motivate all the other aspects of my clients health and well being. Responses to stress include adaptation, psychological coping such as stress management, anxiety, and depression. Risks to my clients Health and Well-Being Essay. Where stress enhances function (physical or mental, such as through strength training or challenging work) it may be considered eustress. Persistent stress that is not resolved through coping or adaptation may lead to escape (anxiety) or withdrawal (depression) behavior. The fulcrum of the stress response is a disparity between experience (real or imagined) and personal expectations and resources.

A person living in a fashion consistent with personally-accepted expectations has no stress even if the conditions might be interpreted as adverse from some outside perspective – rural people may live in comparative poverty, and yet be unstressed if there is a sufficiency according to their expectations. If there is chronic disparity between experience and expectations, stress may be relieved by adjustment of expectations to meet the ongoing experiences or conditions. Stress can also be triggered by alarming experiences, either real or imaginary. Common factors of stress

Both negative and positive stressors can lead to stress. Some common categories and examples of stressors include: * Sensory: pain, bright light * Life events: birth and deaths, marriage and divorce * Responsibilities: lack of money, unemployment * Work/study: exams, project deadlines * Personal relationships: conflict, deception * Lifestyle: heavy drinking, insufficient sleep * Early life exposure (e. g. child abuse) can permanently alter an individual’s stress response Short term risks of stress are lack of sleep, emotional unhappiness, feeling tense and unsettled.

Loss of a appetite of overheating. Increase leaves of drinking, smoking, arguments which could lead to falling out with friends and family. Long term risks of stress levels are: Insomnia (not sleeping), Depression, and Increase of blood pressure. Could lead to a heart attack. High weight loss. High weight gain. Alcoholism could breakdown family and friendships. The final risk im going to identify is Leisure, activities, and interests. My client Hillary does not have enough interests and I feel that she needs to have more. Risks to my clients Health and Well-Being Essay.

Having Leisure and interests can make and improve your emotional health thought enjoying activities. It can help my client to emotional relax and enjoy life. And gives opportunities for intellectual and social devopment. Short term risks are decrease in intellectual and social health though boredom and low conversational skills. Long term risks are decrease in emotional health thought out boredom leading to increase stress levels and/or depression. May lead to less interesting person with low self-esteem. Loose opportunities to socialise and improve social health. Risks to my clients Health and Well-Being Essay.