Role Of Respiratory Therapist Essay

Role Of Respiratory Therapist Essay

Based on the schedule, I assigned to go to a hospital tour at 9:00 AM. We went to the hospital, and we were lost. We did not know where should we go and who would take and guide us in the tour. Then, there was a security man near us, and he asked us if we need any help. We told him we were respiratory therapy students, and we should have a tour in the hospital, but we did not know where we should go. He took us to the pulmonary function test lab, and we were waiting near it until it became 9:30 AM. Then, one of my colleagues went to a security man who was near us and told him that we had a tour, but we did not know who our tour guide. The security made some calling and then he said that Mr. Riyadh Lashkar was our tour guide and he would come after five or ten minutes. Then at 9:45, Mr. Riyadh came and apologized for being late, then we start our tour. Role Of Respiratory Therapist Essay.

First, because we were near from PFT lab, we started our tour from it. We entered the PFT lab, and he sat and said that respiratory therapy specialty is new, and there was no master degree in it except in one university and it was not in Saudi Arabia. If someone went to that university and took a master’s degree, then he came back to work in Saudi Arabia, it would be no difference between him and the person who had a bachelor’s degree. Then he started to talk about the PFT lab. He said that PFT lab was one of the places where respiratory therapist work. The respiratory therapist used it to assess the proper function of the lung and the respiratory system. It also used to follow the course of some diseases. Moreover, it was used for diagnosis and it had a role in treatment. He also showed us the machines and tools that were used.


Second, we went to the ICUs. There were four ICUs in the hospital. We started at pediatric ICU, and then we entered neonatal ICU, and finally adult ICU. Before we entered the ICUs, Mr. Riyadh asked us to sterilize our hands carefully and remain quiet as soon as we entered. He said that if we did not sterilize our hands, the patients who were in the ICU could have an infection. Finally, we entered the ICU. He told us that one of the ICUs in the hospital was specific to ventilator-dependent patients who cannot live without the ventilator.  Role Of Respiratory Therapist Essay.That ICU was very quiet, and we heard the Quran in some rooms. Moreover, that ICU was a little dark. Mr. Riyadh showed us the ventilator and gave us a brief explanation about how it worked.

Third, we went to a sleep disorders lab. There were rooms, and it was looked like normal rooms, not as hospital rooms. Mr. Riyadh said that they asked the patients to sleep in those rooms and connected them with electrodes, so they could do the test. He also said that they prepared the rooms as normal rooms to make the patients comfortable and sleep well. Moreover, he said that in sleep disorders lab neurologist were mainly work, but the respiratory therapists had a big and important role in it. Finally, we went to the place where they stored the equipment. Role Of Respiratory Therapist Essay. He told us that taking sputum specimens and did the arterial blood gas test are some of the things that the respiratory therapist did. He also said that when we took a blood sample, we took it from the artery not from the vein as in other tests, so it needed a different and specific type of needles. Furthermore, he showed us the types of ventilators, the needle that was used for taking a blood sample, cylinders, and nebulizers.

Respiratory Therapy is a health profession that specializes in Cardio Pulmonary functions and health. Respiratory therapists help with prevention, assessing patients, treatment, diagnostic evaluation, education, and care. They treat patients from all ages, from babies to the elderly. The requirements in becoming a Respiratory Therapist are taking Human Anatomy, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Microbiology, and Mathematics at a high school or college level. To begin the Respiratory Therapy Program out of high school you have to have a C or better in Chemistry, Anatomy, Algebra 2 minimum, and English. If these courses were not taken in high school, they would need to be taken at the college level to complete the prerequisites to apply for
Respiratory Therapists work in sleep laboratories helping to diagnose disorders like sleep apnea, in skilled nursing facilities and pulmonary rehabilitation programs helping older people breathe easier and get more out of life. Respiratory Therapists play an important role in asthma education.Role Of Respiratory Therapist Essay.  Not only can they treat disorders and breathing complications their job are to diagnose the patient and follow diagnostics procedures. Common procedures respiratory therapists perform are Arterial Blood Gas Analysis, Pulmonary Function Studies, Sleep Studies, EKG and Cardiac Test, Sputum Specimens, and Stress/Exercise test. Smoking programs assisting those who want to kick the habit for good also in air transport and ambulance programs rushing to rescue people in need of immediate medical attention.

The growing need for Respiratory Therapists is in high demand due to the increasing numbers of elderly people, environment; such as asthma, smoking and COPD, treatments for cardiopulmonary diseases, and premature babies. In May 2008 Respiratory Therapists accounted for about 105,900 jobs, 81 percent worked in hospitals. The numbers of therapists are expected to continue growing up to 21 percent from 2008-2018. Due to the high demand of jobs in the medical field, you will always have a job to

Respiratory care is usually provided by respiratory therapists or respiratory therapy technicians and involves diagnosing, treating and providing healthcare to people suffering from respiratory or breathing disorders and cardiopulmonary problems. The respiratory care therapist would be providing care to the patient on the direction of the physician. It is a very interesting branch of healthcare. They would be responsible for the treatment of the patient and would have to supervise the treatment provided by other healthcare professionals including respiratory care technicians. A respiratory therapist would also be providing emergency respiratory care to patients suffering from trauma, heart attack, drowning, etc, and hence have play a major role in saving the life of several patients. Hence, the job satisfaction obtained in delivering respiratory care is high. Role Of Respiratory Therapist Essay.

A respiratory therapist would be assuming greater amount of responsibilities over other healthcare professionals. They would be working on the direction of the physician, who would have to assign patients and responsibilities in ensuring their respiratory care. The respiratory therapists would have to discuss with the physician about the manner in which care would be provided and the modifications that have to be made with relation to the medical support. Frequently, the treatment provided by respiratory therapists are complex involving independent decision-making and providing independent care to the patient. The therapist is assigned patients and the respiratory therapist is responsible for providing care and ensuring management of all the responsibilities of the patient.Role Of Respiratory Therapist Essay.


Another point of respiratory care that really fascinates me is that such a treatment modality is required to be provided to patient belonging to various age groups including premature babies, children, adults and elders. In premature babies, the lungs are not fully developed and hence they require breathing aides. In elders, the lungs may not function well due to disease and hence, they require relief from respiratory problems.

The manner in which respiratory care is provided is also interesting. The first step involves evaluating the patients by physical examination, lung function tests, blood tests (to determine the pH, oxygen concentration, etc), vitals, general statistics, etc. Once the patient is thoroughly evaluated, respiratory care needs to be provided in the form of treatment measures or care procedures. This may include administration of oxygen, air mixtures, administration of medications in the form of aerosols, chest physiotherapy, placement of a nasal cannula, ventilator therapy (to deliver pressurized oxygen to the lungs), endo-tracheal tube, etc. All these measures would ensure that the respiratory problems of the patient are understood, and the patient’s condition is improved. The physician would have to ensure that appropriate directions are given to the therapist and according the therapy can be changed or modified depending on the needs of the physician and other specialists.

Another issue that fascinates me about respiratory care is the care setting that this branch of medicine can function under. Respiratory care can be provided in the hospitals, in-patient settings, out-patient settings, critical care units, intensive care units, neonatal units, trauma care centers, ER, clinics, sleep clinics, private practices or even homes. Role Of Respiratory Therapist Essay. A respiratory therapist can function under various care areas including disease management, pulmonary rehabilitation, prevention of diseases, lung assessment, smoking cessation programs, paramedic units, etc. A respiratory therapist can also work in the field of research and teaching students in becoming respiratory therapists. As a part of the healthcare system, they can also be involved in framing processes required in managing information of the patient under various healthcare settings. Overall, the role of a respiratory therapist seems to be very important and interesting. Role Of Respiratory Therapist Essay.

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