Sample Essay on Clinical Informatics

Sample Essay on Clinical Informatics

The fields of informatics and clinical informatics fields use information technology to enhance effectiveness in the industries applying this knowledge. Clinical informatics refers to the use of information applied in health care services. It refers to combination of advanced quality, effectiveness and creation of new opportunities in the health care. Health informatics contributes to the understanding, desegregation and usage of information technology in health care environments. This assists in ascertainment of enough and qualified support of clinician attainable goals and industry’s splendid performance. This field deals with funds, tools and procedures necessitated in maximizing acquiring, storing, recovering and use of information in health and medication. The use of clinical informatics has facilitated improved health outcomes of individuals and general public at large and also has made the relationship between patients and clinician to improve at great extents (Kaplan, 2001).Sample Essay on Clinical Informatics.

On the other hand, informatics refers to the discipline of computer information systems. It entails use of data processing and practical application of information systems in the industries. It involves the study of structure, precise rules specifying how to solve problems, interaction taking place between natural and artificial systems, which are involved in storage, processing, accessing and transmission of information. This branch of knowledge considers the construction of computer interfaces that works together with the intervention and interaction between humans and information systems (Kaplan, 2001). The two examples of clinical informative that have facilitated in improving patient care are use of POE system and decision support system. At the Brigham and Women’s in Boston, Massachusetts, use of physicians order entry(POE) with decision support system has facilitated to enhanced application of suitable medications for risky clinical situations, for example,  using subcutaneous heparin to avoid venous thromboembolism. POE has caused reduced errors in medication, enhanced prescription and guide when making treatment decisions Kaplan, B. (2001).

Data Management by Nurse Manager to Improve Patient Care on Their Unit

Nurse Managers are mandated with the duties of managing finances, staffing, ensuring satisfaction of patients and staffs. They also have responsibilities to maintain safety environment for employees, patients and guests and quality of care maintained while matching goals of their units to those of hospital strategic goals.  Nurse managers can use data management to help them in staffing matters of their units. This is because there is a direct relationship between nurse staffing and the quality of outcomes in healthcare units (Kaplan, 2001).


Availability of data that shows the effectiveness of a nurse toward the execution of assessments and interventions intended to maximize outcomes helping in discontinue adverse events, can help in staffing needs of the unit. For example, accuracy of a nurse in administering medications and proper prescription to the patients improving safety of the patients while minimizing rates of errors in care units can be accessed using management data during staffing. Another example of management data that can be used is in managing resources. Sample Essay on Clinical Informatics. Nurse managers can use data management to evaluate the units’ costs and incomes and allocate funds to the most effective use that would help in cutting down unnecessary expenses. For instance while ordering for medicines they should evaluate most probable health issues in their units avoiding unnecessary stocks, additionally, timely re-ordering to prevent incurring stock out costs (Kaplan, 2001).

The reasons for a push was meant for implementation of Electronic health records (E.HR) by President Bush by year 2014 were to enhance healthcare safety of the patients hence improving quality and cutting costs. Electronic health records (EHR) are meant to maintain patient’s clinical information to physicians when required irrespective of locality and time. This was meant to reduce the rates of errors during medication process as a resulting from lack of patient’s records from the prevailed paper based records in America. The rationale in the implementation of the EHR is that, they have high chances of alerting the physicians about the probable errors hence influencing their behavior towards evidence-based decisions (Bates, 2005). Sample Essay on Clinical Informatics.


Bates, D. W. (2005). Physicians and ambulatory electronic health records. Health Affairs24(5), 1180-1189.

Kaplan, B. (2001). Evaluating informatics applications—clinical decision support systems literature review. International journal of medical informatics64(1), 15-37. Sample Essay on Clinical Informatics.


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