Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.

Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.


Sampling Strategy

In research, a population is defined as a group of phenomena that possess one or more similar traits. Researchers often want to investigate aspects of populations but lack the relevant data for all individuals within the population. In the event that a researcher is interested in the opinion of a population, the practical approach would involve contacting all individuals in the population to get said information. This will constitute the data collection phase of the study. Parameters on the other hand are the characteristic of a population. Statistics are a characteristic of a given sample. Through infernal statistics, therefore enable researchers to make educated guesses about a parameter of a population based on statistics computed from a randomly drawn sample from the population in question (Apuke, 2017).Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.


Representative samples are subsets of a particular population that work to accurately reflect some or one characteristic of the overall population. For instance, in an office with 20 males and 20 females, researchers would generate a representative sample with eight students. That is four male sand four females. Sampling plans are therefore important as they determine the nature and accuracy of data collected. These plans are required as they ensure that the sample obtained is an accurate representation of the whole population.Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education. Details within the plan may include the population, sample size, collection methods as well as how to preserve and analyse data. Sample planning also needs to dictate the needed documentation relating to the procedure used in sampling. As part of the sampling plan, researchers are required to produce an outline of all measurements that are to be taken as part of the endeavour. This will include the manner of collection of measurements as well as who will be involved on the exercise (Bloomfield and Fisher 2019).Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.

For different projects, the best strategy towards justifying the appropriateness of a study would be to use purposive sampling so as to select a meaningful subset of samples for purposes of comparison. Researchers should also observe matters relating to ethics and ethical considerations such as consent and ensure that documents showing that participants consented to the study should be well preserved (Rahi, 2017).Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.

As stated in previous text, the PICOT question relates to the use of music therapy to improve the outcomes of patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). The question is stated as “Among patients diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (P) does music therapy (I) compared to pharmacological interventions (C) result in improved psychological, behavioural, affective, and cognitive outcomes (O) within 12 weeks? (T).”Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education. From the above question, it is apparent that the target population is patients diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. In the study, 85 adults between the ages of eighteen and sixty five who have been diagnosed with MDD will be randomly assigned into either a control or an experimental condition. Every participant in the study will be subject to standard care. However, the experimental group will be exposed to sessions of music therapy twice a week for 3 months.Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education. Following the treatment, a blind assessor will be introduced to measure outcomes at the three and six month junctures. According to research, random sampling is deal for the selection of a sample from the target population. The main advances of this method are that the method is guaranteed to provide a sample that adequately represents the population of interest. This method however is disadvantageous as well as it is often difficult to achieve due to the constraints relating to effort, time, money and the likes (Apuke, 2017).Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.

As stated above, the study will include individuals between 18 and 65 years of age. The participants will also need to have been diagnosed with MDD. Patients were excluded from the study if they had undergone treatment through music therapy or if they had a history of seizure disorder.Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.

The above sample size was determined by three factors. One factor is the effect size. This is defined by the difference in the means between the control group undergoing pharmaceutical treatment and the study group undertaking music therapy. The second factor was the population standard deviation. Third, the sample size in the study was also affected by the expected power for this study to detect the effect of music therapy on MDD symptoms. The study’s sample size was also influenced by the significance level (Bloomfield and Fisher 2019).Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.

The most significant threat to internal validity in this study is statistical regression. Statistical regression is also known as regression from the mean. The above threat is a function of selecting participants on the basis of extreme symptoms of the condition in question. Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.However, in such a scenario, even the mildest of interventions may result in immediate improvement of the symptoms thereby altering the results of the study. Where external validity is concerned, the reactive effect of the experimental setting could affect the study. It is often difficult to generalize in a non-experimental setting if the effect was a function of research’s experimental arrangement (Rahi, 2017).Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.

In regards to the above experiment, the cosmic question would relate to suggestions on minimization of non-sampling errors. This question will allow a critique of the study to ensure that none of the listed non-sampling errors affect the study.Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.


Among patients diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (P) does music therapy (I) compared to pharmacological interventions (C) result in improved psychological, behavioral, affective, and cognitive outcomes(O) within 12 weeks? (T) Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.



P Among patients diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)


Depression is a mental illness that commonly presents with; reduced concentration, low self-esteem, feelings of guilt and self-judgment, disturbance in sleep pattern and loss of appetite. Patients with suicidal thoughts have a severe form, require urgent medical treatment. Other symptoms are somatic and cognitive changes that interfere with the individual’s capacity to operate optimally. Significantly the disorder contributes to more than 60% of all the suicide cases globally (Aalbers et al., 2017). Factors associated with the illness include; traumatic experiences, genetic predispositions, chronic illness, substance abuse and personality traits such as low self-esteem. Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.

Globally, depression accounts for 3.44 %( 264 million) of mentally ill patients, Bueno-Notivol et al., (2020). Within this population, close to 800,000 youths aged between15-29 commit suicide annually.  The condition affects people of all ages; however, it affects women than men. According to Bueno-Notivol et al. (2020), 8% of women have depression than 4% of the male population. Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.



I  Use of Music therapy


Music therapy significantly improves the patient’s social well-being when used together with other treatment plans. Music helps by managing some of the symptoms of diseases like anxiety. As such, patients on music therapy can improve their social and psychological well-being when on psycho and pharmacotherapy (Aalbers et al., 2017).Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education. Music ignites acetylcholine production, endorphins, oxytocin and dopamine. Endorphins are responsible for life energy, motivation, joy, self-appreciation and optimism. It helps in decreasing pain sensation and promotes feeling a self-satisfaction (Santos et al., 2019). As such, the patient experiences emotional self-regulation, which is significant in reducing anxiety and depression.Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.

Additionally, listening to familiar songs improves concentration, social interaction, elevate emotions and recover memories.  Incorporation of audio-visual songs that involved singing and dancing improved the symptomatic management of patients with depression (Yang et al., 2019). Among women diagnosed with post-partum depression, music therapy improved maternal attachment by improving their insight.Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.

C Pharmacological interventions


The use of pharmacotherapy in managing depression is successful with other additional therapies such as psychotherapy and music therapy. According to Cuijpers et al. (2020), the use of combined therapy is highly effective in managing depression. Music therapy promotes mood elation and reduces the anxiety that is common among patients diagnosed with depression. Music therapy with pharmacotherapy improves patient well-being by enhancing psychological and cognitive stability.


Response to antidepressants varies from one patient to another, as some may have adverse reactions to the drugs. Some patients may experience suicidal thoughts when taking medications. Additionally, pharmacotherapy alone does not encourage a socially withdrawn patient’s social participation (Aalbers et al., 2017). It may not also improve the behavioural change that is desired for people with major depressive disorder. However, it promotes the balances of neurotransmitters in the brain; such balance requires an additional effort that improves patient self-regulation of these neurotransmitters. Aalbers et al. (2017). Music therapy is significant in enhancing process by signalling a process that releases endorphins in the body. Endorphins are responsible for emotional self-regulation in the body and improve the patient’s cognitive and social well-being. Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.


O Improved  psychological, behavioral, affective, and cognitive outcomes


The management of depression is focused on promoting the behavioral activities, cognitive functions and stabilizing the mood of the patient. However, mood disorders, particularly depression, are usually costly and affect the quality of life adversely. It is also associated with evident morbidity and mortality (Cuijpers et al., 2020).Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education. Both pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions can improve these symptoms. For instance, children and adolescent effectively improve without the use of medications. This is because antidepressants often cause adverse effects and show no improvement compared to behavioral therapies like music and exercises.Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.

T Within 12weeks


Patients on active therapy usually recover within a period of 12-20 weeks. Active treatment involves using music therapy as behavioral therapy to improve the well-being of the patient. Other therapies may be included in case patients’ health do not improve.  The decision to analyze the therapy in 12 weeks is determined by the standard period when patients start to recover from the disease.  Bueno-Notivol et al., (2020) patients diagnosed with depression may have a poor prognosis when the therapy is not substantial to significantly change the patients’ health every time it is applied. Sampling Strategy in Nursing Education.


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