Severe Abdominal Pain from Alcoholic Pancreatitis Essay

Severe Abdominal Pain from Alcoholic Pancreatitis Essay

What if this patient was having severe abdominal pain from alcoholic pancreatitis.  Does every life matter in our society?

Respond to discussion Include citations/Use in text citation where needed All sources must be 5 years old or newer Only needs to be about a paragraph long More like a discussion rather than a paper Please add to the discussion in your peer responses with informative responses, instead of posts similar to “great idea! I really agree with you.” Each response needs to have a citation     POST 1(Kenneth) I recently cared for an older woman who was developmentally delayed. As a healthcare provider, I thought nothing less of her. She was low functioning and diagnosed with dementia approximately a decade ago, nonverbal, and required a caretaker to be by her side 24/7. When I came in to meet the patient for the night, I introduced myself as normal and performed my assessment taking extra precautions to stay aware of her nonverbal communication. What was upsetting was that I realized she had a variety of bedsores, she was disheveled in appearance, her clothing was torn and malodors. I questioned the caregiver inquiring if there was a reason why recent cares had not been performed. The caregiver responded with “She never complains about it.” I had to take a deep breath and maintain a sense of professionalism before responding with the appropriate education. I learned from talking with the caretaker that the patient hadn’t been getting any of their medications, basic cares completed, and had been malnourished in recent weeks. The caretaker informed me that the family recently moved out of state and opted to leave their aunt behind. While the familial situation was concerning to me, there was still the issue of elder neglect. I had to report this case to my manager and social work/case management team for further escalation. Severe Abdominal Pain from Alcoholic Pancreatitis Essay.   As this case clearly illustrates abuse, I feel the statement from the caretaker speaks volumes “She never complains about it.” Infuriating to me as a nurse and human being, it serves to highlight an aspect of healthcare disparities we do not often think about- disability. In this instance, this patient was unable to speak up for themselves and required an advocate to help their basic needs be met. Healthcare and disability tend to be a discussion not often shared in healthcare environments as we simply assume that there is a deficit in meeting their needs. However, this conversation needs to happen as more than 12% of the population in this country have a disability (Krahn et al, 2015). In other words, approximately 39.3 million individuals in the United States alone. A startling number. These individuals may be in far worse conditions than this woman was. As healthcare providers, we need to make a concentrated effort to meet the needs of the population especially those who are already at a disadvantage for healthcare.       References: Krahn, G. L., Walker, D. K., & Correa-De-Araujo, R. (2015). Persons with disabilities as an unrecognized health disparity population. American journal of public health105 Suppl 2(Suppl 2), S198–S206.       POST 2(Paul) Social impact on health simply defines how patients’ health are affected based on their demographics such as race, age, gender, disability etc. Social impact on health often leads to discrimination. Health care discrimination is the disparities in health care faced by socially disadvantaged people (Rivenbark & Ichou, 2020 para 1). During my 3 months orientation as a nurse in the hospital, I was required to get an emergency room (ER) experience by shadowing a nurse in the ER for 1 day. During my shadowing experience, a homeless looking middle-age African-American man walked into the ER complaining of generalized pain. To my surprise, no one would pay attention to him. In fact, I heard one of the nurses in the ER whispered, “he is a drug seeker”.  This homeless man may have come to the hospital ER in the past for pain-related illnesses, but he still should have been attended to with respect like other patients. This patient walked out of the ER in frustration after waiting. Severe Abdominal Pain from Alcoholic Pancreatitis Essay. As he walked out of the ER, so many questions came to my mind such as “what if this patient was having severe headache from a fall” and “what if this patient was having severe abdominal pain from alcoholic pancreatitis”.  Does every life matter in our society? References Rivenbark & Ichou, 2020. BMC Public Health. Retrieved from


Mrs Kart is a 63 years old woman presented to the emergency department with nausea and vomiting, epigastric pain and very severe pain at left upper quadrant abdominal pain in sharp and boring and radiates through to her mid back. She had the pain started 24 hours ago. Her respiratory rate and temperature is high. An abdominal CT scan is shows moderately severe pancreatitis. Pancreas is a gland behind the stomach and next to small intestine which does two main jobs 1: it is releases digestive enzymes into the small intestine for digestion the food 2: it releases the hormones insulin and glucagon into the bloodstream (Roberts, 2015). A pancreatitis occurs when digestive enzymes produced in your pancreas become activated while inside the pancreas causing damage to the organ. The pancreas is a long, flat gland that sits tucked behind the stomach in the upper abdomen. (Upchurch, 2014) this essay will examine the pathology of pancreatitis and demonstrate the assessment, diagnosis, and intervention based on evidences of care. And it will set perioperative care plan that helps in gets better outcome.

In the upper posterior abdomen is a gland which is pancreas (Swearingen, 2012). “It is responsible for insulin creation (endocrine pancreas) and the make and discharge of digestive enzymes (exocrine pancreas) leading to carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism” (Gardner, 2014). Severe Abdominal Pain from Alcoholic Pancreatitis Essay. Pancreatitis is happening when the pancreas gets inflammation, pancreatitis can be acute or chronic. The pancreatitis is usually caused by too much intake of alcohol, medications, infections, trauma, and obstruction of pancreatic ducts by gallstones (Braganza, Lee, McCloy & McMahon, 2011). Inflammation is caused when pancreatic enzymes scaping into the tissues of the pancreas (autodigestion). However inflammation gets into the bloodstream and it cause abnormal coagulation and damaging the vessels and other organs such as lungs and kidneys (Swearingen, 2012). These digestive liquids cause irritation, collection of fluid and blocking of the blood vessels. Sometime there is bleeding, infection, and necrosis of pancreatic tissue (Braganza, Lee, McCloy & McMahon, 2011).
Assessment and diagnosis
When we are Inspecting patient, she has sign of abdominal cramps and bloating and acute abdominal pain; the pain can be mild to severe (Farrell & Dempsey, 2010). In Mrs. Kart case the severe epigastric pain which radiates through to her back, nausea, vomiting, and also the ct scans result are hallmarking acute pancreatitis. Assessing the patients if the bowel sound are reduced or absent or symptomatic of ileus being there (Swearingen, 2012). Assessing the patient’s lungs if she is in normal dept and pattern and breathing sound is clear and also if the oxygen saturation is greater than 92%. Make sure patient is on the normal range of temperature and hearth rate to prevent of any risk of infection. In Mrs. Kart case because of vomiting she has we have to check for her fluid volume balance by measuring the input and output fluid, peripheral pulse area greater than girth measurements. Normal limits of electrolytes (K+ and Ca2+)(Swearingen, 2012).
Usually first step to assist diagnosis acute pancreatitis it will be patient’s blood test. during acute pancreatitis, patients blood have as a minimum tree times the usual amount of lipase and amylase in that case the digestive enzymes appearance in pancreatitis. In other body chemicals some changes occur such as calcium, glucose, sodium, magnesium, bicarbonate and potassium. After the person’s condition improves, the levels usually return to normal. It will go back to normal stage when the patient’s condition improves (MedicineNet, 2014).
A plain chest and abdominal X-rays is necessary to diagnosis acute pancreatitis. A chest X-ray can show a pleural effusion, adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This X-ray also can tell us how severe the disease is and if other abdominal problem which

The pancreas is a large glandular organ that is located behind the stomach. The main functions of the pancreas is to release the hormones insulin and glucagon into the bloodstream and secrete powerful digestive enzymes which enter the small intestine to help the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Pancreatitis is a rare digestive disorder that occurs due to the inflammation of the pancreas. The pancreas gets damaged because the body is unable to secrete enough digestive enzymes to break down foods.Severe Abdominal Pain from Alcoholic Pancreatitis Essay.

The symptoms of acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis are shown below:

Acute pancreatitis:
• Upper abdominal pain that radiates into the back
• Swollen & tender abdomen
• Nausea and vomiting
• Fever
• Increased heart rate 


Chronic pancreatitis:
• Constant pain that radiates in the upper abdomen that
• radiates into the back
• Weight loss
• Diabetes (if the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas become damaged)
• Indigestion
• Diarrhea

Image above depicts the location of the pancreas in the human body.

There are two forms of pancreatitis. They include acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis. Severe Abdominal Pain from Alcoholic Pancreatitis Essay.

Acute pancreatitis:
Acute pancreatitis is a sudden inflammation of the pancreas for a short period of time. Heavy alcohol use, medications, metabolic disorders, gallstones and etc. usually cause acute pancreatitis.

Chronic pancreatitis:
Chronic pancreatitis is an ongoing inflammation of the pancreas, which is caused by overuse of alcohol, cystic fibrosis, certain medications, high triglycerides and etc.

Demographically, the risk of getting pancreatitis increases with age. The incidence rate is approximately 20 cases per 100 000 people. Statistically, males are prone to …

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…s Cited

ERCP: A Patient’s Guide | ACG Patients. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Pancreatitis Picture, Symptoms, Causes, and More. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Acute Pancreatitis Causes, Diagnosis & Treatments – Clinical Key. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Alcohol and pancreatitis. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Chronic pancreatitis. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Acute pancreatitis statistics – countries compared – NationMaster. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Severe Abdominal Pain from Alcoholic Pancreatitis Essay

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