Societal Pressures for Teenage Girls Discussion Paper

Societal Pressures for Teenage Girls Discussion Paper


In our societies today, teenage girls have found themselves on the receiving end due to societal pressures. In their teenage years, these girls are mostly not in a position to control adolescence; hence, they end up engaging in acts that lead to consequences such as pregnancy. Even though many authorities have come up to and tried to protect them at the time, it turns out to be difficult because the pressures in society today are too many for them to control their behaviors. Some of the acts that have greatly contributed to teenage pregnancy include; rebelling against the authority, shorter clothing, and media expectations.

Teenage girls, on most occasions, are never willing to obey authority, which limits them from engaging in some acts. During these periods of adolescence, they are always feeling mature, and every time, they need to exercise their liberty and enjoy freedom. As We know, our society is full of entertainment joints, and so teenage girls find themselves indulging in partying lifestyles. These turn out to have negative impacts on their life. Through this, the girls may end up dropping out of school. Through party life, the girls may indulge in drug and alcohol abuse. When the girls get to the point that they are indulging In abuse of drugs such as cocaine and bang, it becomes difficult to tame them. Regular use of these drugs ends up leading to addiction. The abuse of these drugs and alcohol may lead to negative effects such as developing health complications, and also it causes brain damage. Because of addiction, the girls won’t be able to stay without using these drugs, so when they have no cash, it is most likely that they may even steal or indulge in prostitution. Often these bring about sexually transmitted infections when they engage with those affected. (Wagner & Atkins, 2018). Societal Pressures for Teenage Girls Discussion Paper It may also lead to unwanted pregnancies whereby now becomes a burden to the parent.

In other instances, whenever they have been intoxicated, these girls end up being taken advantage of by men. This mainly leads to unwanted pregnancies among teenage girls, and also infection of diseases may occur. At times these girls are always not always able to control the attention they get from people. Through these, they develop some pressure in such a way that they will always want to fit in the current situation. For example, when it is said that there is a party, the majority of them Will always try not to miss the function. This is because they are never in a position to control the pressure of feeling odd one out in a group of friends who attended the party. They Will never be able to lose their popularity; hence they ensure by all means they have attended. Through these, the girls make wrong choices, and they may attend functions that may cause harm to their health or even academics. The teenage girls at times end up misbehaving until their parents have no trust in them. These may lead to parental negligence because they will no longer be considered young girls.

On the recent perception, teenage girls had embraced shorter clothing as a means of fashion, unlike in the early times when people considered mini clothes a wardrobe malfunction. Teenage girls who have embraced this modern mini skirt wearing have increased different perceptions on the public, such as the following.


First, this shorter clothing has developed the sexualizing of female or teenage girls’ bodies at a very young age. Girls who portray their inner anatomy through short clothes may be regarded as sexual objects by their counterparts. Sexualizing is where one identifies some sort of sexual objectivation. This short clothing sometimes implies sexual readiness. Some researchers suggest that sexualization is more common in advertisements. (Gordon et al., 2020)This sexualizing has very adverse effects on these teenage girls, such as low self-esteem, especially those who are not used.

Secondly, the short clothing appearance suggests that there is some kind of mental incapability or some low Aquollic tend to think that an intelligent woman will cover her anatomy well, especially the thighs. Girls who were short clothes are treated disrespectfully, and they may sometimes be unstable in public. People develop a theory that low IQ is highly correlated with physical appearance. What if she is wearing weird clothes? Then her rate of reasoning is below expectation.

Due to this clothing trend, the fast fashion industry has been the major player in making this kind of clothing. The fast fashion industry is making clothes endlessly with the preferences and tastes of the teenage ages at a very low cost, increasing the demand for clothes. These short clothing are so cheap and affordable, which widens their market. In the early days, these kinds of short clothing were considered only available in urban areas, but today they are everywhere, even in rural areas. Their demand is at its peak and easily distributed.

Due to the affordability of these weird clothing from the fast industry. They have amassed many of these clothes in their wardrobes, outdoing all other types of good clothes. Some even have no official clothing to present in their workplaces where neatness and decent are required. These short clothing have seen most girls lose so many opportunities in the big organization since, as stated earlier, short clothes suggest low IQ. Some have seen themselves conduct unwilling sexual behaviors with their workmates and managers due to sexualization by these short clothes.

There is also some development of body image issues disorders. Some of the clothing is too tight to portray the body size and shape. This makes most girls fall under the trap of comparing their bodies and other girls they meet. (Mardi et al. 2020) Sometimes it may be their friends are even celebrities in the media industry. When one realizes that they do not have a good or well-shaped body, they may disparage comments about their body shapes and sizes. Body image issue lies in the shape and sizes of the body and other qualities such as skin color, hair, modesty, etc. Body image issue is likely to affect your work and also esteem. This is why so many girls apply heavy makeup to deal with the negative body issue and apply chemicals to get the desired body shapes, such as hips.


In conclusion, teenage girls have become vulnerable due to societal pressures. It is seen the majority of them have found themselves engaging in acts that are not ethical and hence have negative impacts on them. Some of these pressures that We have seen, like partying lifestyles, shorter clothing, and social media expectations, have affected teenage girls to a greater extent. It has influenced them to indulge in uncouth behaviors to attain things like party life and have expensive fashion. In the process, they engage in sexual activities that may lead to early pregnancy. It is also clear that these pressures may also cause some of these teenage girls to drop out of school. Therefore, it is required that each parent take up the role of taming their teenage girls and acting as a good role model to them.


Wagner, E. F., & Atkins, J. H. (2018). Smoking among teenage girls. Nicotine addiction among adolescents, 93-110.

Gordon, C. S., Rodgers, R. F., Slater, A. E., McLean, S. A., Jarman, H. K., & Paxton, S. J. (2020). The study protocol is a cluster randomized controlled trial of the SoMe social media literacy body image and well-being program for adolescent boys and girls. Body Image, 33, 27-37.

Mardi, A., Ebadi, A., Shahbazi, S., & Behboodi Moghadam, Z. (2018). Factors influencing the use of contraceptives through the lens of teenage women: a qualitative study in Iran. BMC public health, 18(1), 1-8.

Societal Pressures for Teenage Girls Discussion Paper

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