Strategies for Addressing Questions NURS 6003 discussion

Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions

One of my biggest concerns entering this semester is time management. I have been enrolled at Walden for the past year as I participate in the RN to MSN track. The bachelor’s courses I was required to take as pre-requisites to this course were only six weeks in length. I was also only required to take one course at a time during those six weeks. It was easy to track what assignments were due and when the course is planned precisely the same as the previous course. This semester I opted to take two eleven-week courses. I will be honest that I am struggling to keep the two courses organized, and it is only week two. The modules are set up differently between the two classes. This change can be overwhelming for me, but I have confidence that I will figure it out. However, I also know that moving forward in the program, there is an excellent chance I reduce my workload to one class at a time. I also have to work around three kids and a fiancé while working full time and picking up overtime shifts.

I have a question if anyone else has as much on their plate as I feel I do? I know all of our situations are different, but what do you do to maintain your sanity for those like me? Work, life, and school balance are critical for one’s mental health (Gragano et al., 2020). I feel that I am terrible at maintaining this balance (Gragano et al., 2020). I am making some changes to my work routine, however. I am taking a night shift position within our crisis department. My Director of Nursing offered it to me because he likes my work, but also he knows that I am a student. He recently completed his Master’s, and the move he made tonight shift was a big help for him. Also, the crisis department involves managing individuals who walk into the facility for evaluations or anyone the police determine needs evaluation. The workload varies greatly. He feels I will benefit from being on nightshift for work-life balance in all aspects. I honestly wish I would have added my DON to my Academic Success assignment last week. He is hugely supportive of my goals and wants to be able to assist me in achieving them.

I feel that I do not have as many courses or university-related questions as everyone else. I feel that I have already been with Walden for a year, and I have a general idea of what to expect. I will also admit that I am terrible when it comes to asking questions overall, especially in assignments. I am not particularly eager to put myself on the spot, and I prefer to ask my questions in private. I realize the other side of that can be considered a disservice to classmates who may be struggling with the same concepts that I am (Douglas, 2017). I can never pre-emptively ask questions as I often do not realize my questions until I encounter them. With that being said, I also rely heavily on my classmates who are comfortable asking questions. I have been with Walden for a year, and I am already familiar with so many assistance sources such as the Writing Center and our academic advisors (Laureate Education, 2018). I understand the importance of asking questions in class, and as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, about ninety percent of my job will be asking questions (Douglas, 2017).


Douglas, J. (2017). A conversation with Craig Fugate: the importance of asking the right questions. Australian Journal of Emergency Management32(4), 8.

Gragnano, A., Simbula, S., & Miglioretti, M. (2020). Work-life balance: weighing the importance of work-family and work-health balance. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(3).

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). The Walden Journey to a Masters in Nursing: Strategies and Resources for Success [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.


sample response post

If I’m honest, I was nervous when I realized that we had to take two classes. I concur with you it was much easier to manage one class at a time; the pre-requisite classes were only six weeks. Yes, it can be overwhelming; the way I keep myself organized is I wrote every discussion and assignment for both of my classes color-coded on my planner and a calendar I place the calendar on the refrigerator since I know It’s a high traffic area. I also keep a copy of the printed syllabus in my bag. I always check my email and announcements daily to ensure that I am not missing any new updates. Persistence is perhaps the biggest key to success in online learning. Students who succeed are those who are willing to tolerate technical problems, seek help when needed, work daily on every class, and persist through challenges (Minnesota online high school and Minnesota department of education.n.d.).

To answer your question about sanity, when I get overwhelmed, I listen to gospel music, pray, I exercise even if 15 to 30 minutes seems to help. I am a mother of four and working full time with overtime work five nights a week and pick up overtime on the day shift. This is only the second week I had to cut down on the overtime because I was only sleeping three to four hours. It is important to exercise and eat healthy (Laureate Education,2018). How old are your children, and how many nights a week will you be working? I think it makes a huge difference as a mom we still have to go home from work and attend to our children.




Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). The Walden Journey to a Masters in Nursing: Strategies and Resources for Success [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.


What Makes a Successful Online Learner? Minnesota State.



sample discussion post 2

When I started this journey to achieve my MSN FNP online I had no idea what all that entails. It’s been 15 years since I achieved my BSN. My bachelor’s degree was achieved at a brick-and-mortar school. Discussions were done face to face, and in a classroom where questions could be answered immediately with a back-and-forth discussion. I recently completed an MBA through an online University. That school required the use of APA format for reports and essay-like assignments, but I wasn’t required to post discussions to a discussion board. This concept is extremely new to me, and I’m a little anxious about finding my way. I find myself more concerned with the format of my responses and discussion posts rather than the content. I try to remember every challenge is an opportunity to learn.

Another concern I have is communication. In brick and mortar school and classroom-based learning and communication is face to face and a lot of information can be exchanged in a short time. A student has the advantage of all types of Multimodal communication. In an online-based program, we may never meet our instructors face to face or have the opportunity to benefit from non-verbal communication. Most of us are nurses and non-verbal communication is something we are all very good at. I don’t see a lot of advantages to online schools from a content learning perspective. With that said, I believe the advantages of online learning comes from the process. Online learning closely mimics a real-world business environment. I currently work as a Clinic Manager of a dialysis clinic. My boss is a thousand miles away and we have never met. Our communication is through emails, text, and Team meetings. Online schools have a massive advantage over brick and mortar schools when it comes to real-world applications. According to D. Green (2016), online programs provide students with real-world skills like self-discipline, meeting deadlines, and a strong understanding of the technology that is used day to day in business.




  1. How do we communicate effectively and professionally in an online environment? Two people could read the same email, and one may read it as argumentative and the other may read it as informative. One suggestion that I would make is to be mindful of our own inner biases. Please, someone, elaborate on my question more.

  2. How could I forgive all of my student loans? I’m sure many of us hope the current administration will forgive a percentage of our student debt. My current plan of staying in school until I die, isn’t that feasible. I currently am planning to work in underserved communities, and there are many grants to forgive student loan debt to practitioners working in underserved areas. Are there any resources that any of you know about?

  3. What is the process for credentialing our preceptors and when should we register for our next courses? I have heard that approving the NP, PA, or MD for our practicum may be a long process. I would like to have a better understanding of the process early. We were automatically enrolled in our first classes. When does enrolment in our next courses open and close?

In closing, I understand that there are many resources at our disposal. I can use the Writing Center for reviewing my post. The My Finances page clearly outlines disbursements and cost. The FAFSA site and orientation has made it clear when it will be time to start repaying federal student loans. Although, I may still continue school forever and defer it until I die. That is mostly a joke. I was very nervous about the discussions at first. Now, I’m beginning to enjoy this back and forth with classmates and instructors.





Green, D. (2016, April 6). 4 ways online education programs teach real-world skills. Retrieved March 09, 2021, from

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