Strategies for Effective Conflict Management Essay Paper

“write a short scenario that illustrate a particular type of dysfunctional conflict. Provide The Who and WHAT of the conflict.Discuss the components of the scenario that characterized the particular type of dysfunctional conflict. Identify and explain 2 strategies to effectively deal with the conflict. Citations : at least 1 high-level scholars reference in APA within the last 5 years

Strategies for Effective Conflict Management

“write a short scenario that illustrate a particular type of dysfunctional conflict. Provide The Who and WHAT of the conflict.

The case involved a nurse and physician working as part of a multidisciplinary team in the pediatrics department of a hospital. During an initial assessment of a patient undergoing treatment, the physician noted concerning symptoms in the patient. These new symptoms indicated that the patient may have had an underlying medical condition that had been overlooked. To confirm the presence of the underlying condition, the physician deemed it prudent to have additional tissue samples collected from the patient and laboratory tests conducted on the samples. Unfortunately, the physician did not note these recommendations on the patient’s chart, nor reported the same to the nurse.  Strategies for Effective Conflict Management Essay Paper

The result was that on coming in for the next assessment, the physician had expected to find the test results. Instead of following up on the required tests, the physician opted to berate the attending nurses as being lazy and unfit to provide professional nursing care. The physician questioned their professional integrity, and insisted that even after he had ordered the tests on the patient, the nurses overlooked his order so that care delivery was delayed. On the other hand, the nurses argued that no such order for a laboratory test had been delivered and that the physician was being unreasonable by questioning their professional integrity over a single incident for which they could not be blamed. The conflict was eventually resolved by having the laboratory test conducted with none of the conflicting parties being reprimanded.


Discuss the components of the scenario that characterized the particular type of dysfunctional conflict.

The scenario presents an example of a dysfunctional conflict that can be perceived as the nurses engaging with a disruptive physician. In this case, the physician has a hard-driving, type A personality with no awareness of interpersonal skills. In fact, the physician had a temper outburst that was directed at the unfortunate nurses. This presented an insidious cost to the department as the stress levels were increased for the work environment so that a loss of efficiency accompanied the incident. In this stressful work environment with a berating physician, the team spirit and morale suffered, resulting in a dysfunctional team. With this conflict, communication is likely to become poor with nurses withholding information from the physician for fear of an outburst. Any withheld information could be vital for the wellbeing of the patient (Stanley, 2017). Also, the dysfunctional conflict causes the physician to lose the support of the nurses and may become isolated. If the conflict becomes severe, then the nurses are likely to retaliate against the physician, with the retaliation taking the form of malicious sabotage, supporting plaintiffs in malpractice suits against the physician, initiation of lawsuits, or even failure to properly assist in care provision. In an ideal situation, the physician should have treated the nurses with respect (Raingruber, 2017).

Identify and explain 2 strategies to effectively deal with the conflict.

It is important to recognize and intervene in the dysfunctional conflict. The intervention is necessary to ensure the patient’s safety and improve the work environment as failing to intervene (lack of action) could be interpreted as condoning a hostile work environment or being negligent. There are two strategies that can be applied to effectively deal with the dysfunctional conflict. The first strategy is compromising whereby the conflicting parties shift from a ‘me versus you’ mentality towards a compromising mentality that seeks to make both parties partially happy. In adopting this strategy, both parties would move forward with the feeling that there have been acceptable gains and losses. The second strategy is collaborating whereby ideas would be incorporated from both parties. The result would be a solution that includes input and opinions from the conflicting parties so that satisfaction and buy-in is increased for the solution (Finkelman, 2019).


Finkelman, A. (2019). Professional Nursing Concepts: Competencies for Quality Leadership (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.

Raingruber, B. (2017). Contemporary Health Promotion in Nursing Practice (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.

Stanley, D. (2017). Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare: Values into Action (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  Strategies for Effective Conflict Management Essay Paper

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