Summary of the Key Arguments Essay Example

write a summary essay in response to \”Not So Exceptional: Race and the American Ancient Regime.\” While the entire article is posted, the section that you are responsible for is pp. 8-19: specifically, the section entitled, \”America\’s \’Ancient Regime\’.\’\’ Summarize the key arguments and discuss what evidence (or lack of evidence) is provided to support the positions advanced. What did you learn? What is your opinion on the piece?  Summary of the Key Arguments Essay Example

America’s “Ancient Regime”

Summary of the Key Arguments

The slavery of people of African descent was innate and was legal within all English colonies in America.  African Americans were exploited and treated like less human beings. Social inequality was entrenched among the English colonists within the United States. Slavery was also used as a means for people to pay off debts or as a punishment. Religion was also integrated into the slavery where people viewed to be “Ham’s descendants” were burdened into slavery and also people who were “non-Christians” were made to be slaves while Christians were left out (Samuels, 2020). Moreover, religion was used to propagate slavery of Africans where Africans were forced into Christianity, even though this did not exempt them from slavery. Moreover, the Spanish and Portuguese were actively involved in the African slave trade and propagated ideas that Africans were inferior human beings and therefore deserved to be traded as slaves (Samuels, 2020). Yet there was no legal system in America to save Africans from slavery, rights infringement, and the maltreatments and punishments that followed.  Summary of the Key Arguments Essay Example

Slavery is the foundation of America’s prosperity as people of Africa descent were made to work in diverse sectors within the nation. For example, slaves grew cotton, rice, sugar, tobacco, and other types of crops and they also build roads, railway lines, in addition to being involved in the construction of buildings and furniture. Factories in America depended on slavery. This shows that the slaves made the economy of America (Samuels, 2020). Evidence shows that slaves who were African descents were used as the pathway for America’s profitability, provision of labor and to grow the American economy.  Evidence shows that the cotton produced by slaves changed the fledgling nation into a global leader in trade and world power (Bulmer-Thomas, 2003).  Compensatory Mechanisms Essay Case Study


However, King George III treated the slaves worse than the Englishmen, and the king and his accomplices used the slaves to kill the Indians and their masters, and this worsened things for the slaves. The slaves thus became nemesis with the Indians, Englishmen, and the whites in America as well. The rights of the slaves were completely abrogated (Samuels, 2020). The poor whites were also pitted against the blacks as this ensured that the capitalist and mercantilist elites continued to thrive.

Lessons Learnt and the Opinion

The racism in America can be traced back to the large-scale trafficking and slavery of people of African descent as well as the atrocities they were made through. Throughout history, Africans were treated as inferior people and perhaps significantly contributed to some incidents of racism against the blacks witnessed today.

All slaves represented wealth foe Europeans and America. The economic legacy of the slave trade is that it created nation-states of Portugal, France, Spain, Great Britain, and the United States as well. The desire of the Europeans for land and the people to work on the land is what led to the Africans being captured as traded as slaves in America and other English colonies for wealth and power. Perhaps the present racial disparities in America can be traced back to slavery within English colonies and the US.


Bulmer-Thomas, V. (2003). The economic history of Latin America since independence. Cambridge University Press.

Samuels, A. (2020). Not So Exceptional: Race and the American Ancient Regime. National Review of Black Politics, 1(1), 4-33.  Summary of the Key Arguments Essay Example

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