Tag: nursing paper

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Essay Paper Obsessive Compulsory Disorder (OCD) is a long-lasting condition in which a person has uncontainable recurrent thoughts and behaviors. Thoughts are referred to as obsessions, while behaviors are compulsions, and a person feels the urge to…

Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Disease Research Paper Example The Causes of Sleep Apnea As a medical disorder, sleep apnea affects the ability to breath normally during sleep which interrupts the sleep cycle. The term “apnea” refers to breathing pauses that…

Effects of Sexual Abuse Research Paper Example The vulnerability of children makes them the most common targets of sexual abusers. In the U.S., it has become a significant issue regarding public health. “Sexual abuse is defined as sexual relations between…

Testosterone Replacement Research Paper Example Testosterone Replacement of Resistance Exercise in HIV-Infected Men with Weight Loss and Low Testosterone Levels The study measured the effectiveness of testosterone replacement of resistance exercise, in that of HIV-infected men that had weight loss…

Organ Donation and Transplant Research Paper Example This paper addresses the concept of Organ donations and transplants.  It is concerned with how the need arises and some of the ethical considerations in reaching decisions.  This covers the implications from the…

Euthanasia and Ethics Research Paper Example One of the most crucial issues in contemporary bioethics is the problem of euthanasia. A clear definition of euthanasia is provided by Georgios Anagnostopolous who writes, “at the most basic level, euthanasia is the…

Access to Treatment and Recovery Research Paper Example Access to Treatment and Recovery (ATR)     “In 2006, 21.1 million of the 23.6 million people needing treatment for an illicit drug or alcohol use problem did not receive treatment. Of the 21.1…

Nursing Soap Note for Gonorrhea Case Study Example Chief complaint: Creamy while discharge. History of present illness: – Ms. R V is a 22 year old African American female who presented with a history of having excessive creamy white discharge vaginally for…

Liver Cancer Essay Example Liver cancer is a disease, which is mostly affecting men. This is because men tend to smoke and drink more. Theliver is the largest organ in the body, which helps the body to process nutrients and…

Arthritis Prevention Essay Paper Introduction Bones in the human bodies are united by joints that let the parts thereof move. Arthritis is a joint disorder in case of which joints are inflamed. There are many kinds of arthritis (more than…

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