Technology in Health Promotion Essay Paper

Discuss appropriate use of technology to optimize health outcomes of older adults.
Discuss the technology and how the technology has improved outcomes in the disease process.
Additionally, you may also wish to discuss access of service, ease of use, or any barriers of use.
Share examples where technology can facilitate or create obstacles in optimizing health outcomes of older adults.
Discuss a plan that could overcome barrier issues to support improving outcomes.

Technology in Health Promotion

Discuss appropriate use of technology to optimize health outcomes of older adults.

An appropriate technology is wearables. These are small electronic devices that are placed on the body to monitor vitals, such as electrical activity, physical activity, elevation, breathing rate, blood oxygen, blood pressure, and temperature. Wearables can present early warning signs when the measured vitals are outside a set range thus allowing for prompt emergency care before the patient’s situation worsens (Gogia, 2019). Technology in Health Promotion Essay Paper

Discuss the technology and how the technology has improved outcomes in the disease process.

Wearables have improved outcomes in disease process by helping in creating care plans and tracking outcomes. The technology provides real-time data while promoting self-management. In essence, wearables can determine and confirm disease management efficiency based on real-time physiological feedback (Gogia, 2019).


Additionally, you may also wish to discuss access of service, ease of use, or any barriers of use.

Wearables are easily accessible and have become more commonly available as manufacturers produce and market them as a technology for improving health. They are easy to use because they measure the vitals and provide real-time data that can be read on a screen. The readings are very straight forward (Rivas & Wac, 2018). Still, there is a barrier in integrating the wearables with other medical technologies. The wearables are produced using proprietary technologies and this makes it difficult to integrate them with other medical technologies so that their use is limited (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018).

Share examples where technology can facilitate or create obstacles in optimizing health outcomes of older adults.

Wearables optimize health outcomes of older adults. This occurs by monitoring and providing real time readings of physiological feedback that can then be translated as health outcomes. With this information, it is possible to identify areas of concern early on and mount the appropriate intervention thereby improving outcomes and avoiding emergencies (Rivas & Wac, 2018).

Discuss a plan that could overcome barrier issues to support improving outcomes.

A barrier issue in wearables is integration. It is difficult to integrate different wearables unless they are produced by the same company and intended for integration. This barrier can be overcome by ensuring that wearables are bundled with other technologies so that integration can be achieved (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018).


Gogia, S. (2019). Fundamentals of Telemedicine and Telehealth. Elsevier Science.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Rivas, H. & Wac, K. (2018). Digital Health: Scaling Healthcare to the World. Springer International Publishing.

Technology in Health Promotion Essay Paper

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