Technology Innovation in Nursing Assignment Paper

Technology Innovation in Nursing Assignment Paper


The introduction of an idea thought, service, method, or gadget into healthcare to increase quality, safety, results, efficiency, and costs in treatment, diagnosis, education, outreach, prevention, and research is referred to as healthcare innovation. Innovation is critical in a healthcare setting. It is used to improve the client care outcomes and costs by addressing the requirement or perhaps a vacuum in services or technology. The process of developing new techniques, technologies, and methods of operation is known as innovation. Many of these advanced medical technology aid caregivers in their everyday tasks while also reducing human errors that may occur when having too few physicians having to work with many patients. Adoption, implementation, maintaining, dissemination, and scaling up are the steps involved in bringing innovation. Innovation models that can be used to help improve patient care in health facilities will be discussed in this paper.


While nurses feel that new healthcare technology and unique medical devices might be useful, they also believe that technology should not be utilized to replace daily human contacts (Pepito & Locsin, 2019). The area of assessment in this discussion is the innovation and use of virtual ICU inpatient healthcare delivery. The virtual intensive care unit is a new medical procedure that uses cutting-edge innovation to spread the expertise and knowledge of trained caregivers across a big group of patients in many intensive care units. Direct patient contact is a crucial element of healthcare, and nurses play a key role in putting patients at ease(Udeh et al., 2018).  Technology Innovation in Nursing Assignment Paper

When it comes to illness management, ICU may assist intensivists in performing acute treatments and keeping an eye on all patients through surveillance for a more proactive type of care. It also meets the specific demands of each patient. Because healthcare experts can be found wherever to offer care to patients, most patients end up obtaining the finest of the best therapy, which tremendously aids their recovery.


Intensive care unit telemedicine (tele-ICU) is an innovative therapy provided from off settings in response to increased patient complexities and a dearth of medical specialists. Even though the usage of tele-ICU is increasing, it currently only serves a small number of Patients. The COVID-19 problem pushed health care facilities to develop treatment strategies that integrated technology today for involves the uses with hospital-built environment alterations as soon as possible (Pilosof et al., 2021). One of the outcome measures of the healthcare system that led to the COVID-19 pandemic is the momentum of telehealth innovations, which have progressed from a technological uniqueness to an important element of healthcare provision in a vast number of doctor specialist skills and disciplines, as some predicted.


The innovative hospital telemedicine care paradigm impacted one of the most critical features of intensive therapy to patient and staff accessibility inside the unit. The transition of ICU engagement from facial landmark interaction to online virtual real-time communication inside the unit’s physical environment has significant consequences for quality healthcare and hospital architecture. Previous visibility research, on the other hand, has been concerned with physical visibility in healthcare settings as well as its effect on patient results, or immersive consciousness for remote medical home care observation, and it has not taken into account the assimilation of physical and digital forms of awareness for hospitalization, which has become more common as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.


Tele-ICU systems feature command centers staffed with critical care nurses and intensivists who assist patients electronically through audio or videoconferencing. For effective healthcare delivery to the patient, innovation plays a key role. Nurses in the unit need to have extensive knowledge of virtual ICU systems. Vast knowledge on ICU which is integrated with patient data and records enables healthcare practitioners to access patient data in real-time and address concerns as they emerge (Pepito & Locsin, 2019). This method of providing intensive care has considerably empowered busy hospital personnel and limited their virus exposure, keeping them safe and healthy and therefore ready to deal with an expanding number of patients.

Nurses may become more efficient and effective communicators because of technological advancements (Pepito & Locsin, 2019). Technology Innovation in Nursing Assignment Paper For them, new technology available in healthcare systems allows them to reclaim time in their day; also, with caregiver burnout on the rise in the United States, it may prevent nurses from leaving their practice setting. Even though patient care innovative medical technologies provide numerous opportunities for better caregiver efficiency and satisfaction, operational excellence, improved patient protection, and reliability, little research has been conducted to examine the benefits of specific patient care innovations. Continued training programs for ICU nurses are required to ensure new technology is utilized in healthcare delivery.


Because innovation aids in the acquiring knowledge, it is vital in nursing operations for improving health, sickness prevention, detecting and reducing health risks, developing healthy living standards behaviors, and qualifying care and treatment approaches(Pepito & Locsin, 2019). The following are the essential issues that must be addressed:

What are the drawbacks of ICU innovations?

Is inadequate staffing the major challenge that can lead to nurse burnout?

Lessons learned in the implementation of virtual ICU in covid pandemic crisis?


Healthcare administrators must understand the factors that influence nurses’ adoption of new technology in these settings, as well as the variations that exist between older and younger personnel. Generational disparities and generational variations in the workforce can be rewarding, but they must be managed. Generational disparities in capability levels and variables between age groups demonstrate why management techniques must be adjusted to different types of employees to obtain the best potential level of acceptance for the innovations that are presented. Technology is widely viewed as creating a connection between boundless demands and high resources, enabling healthcare institutions to create innovative ways to treat illnesses and leveling the scales to minimize financial strain on medical services while improving patient care. Personal mistakes can be reduced using new technologies. Nurses who work long shifts or operate in understaffed units are more likely to make errors. Routine operations are made simpler by modern healthcare equipment.


Pepito, J., & Locsin, R. (2019). Can nurses remain relevant in a technologically advanced future?. International Journal Of Nursing Sciences6(1), 106-110.

Pilosof, N., Barrett, M., Oborn, E., Barkai, G., Pessach, I., & Zimlichman, E. (2021). Telemedicine Implementation in COVID-19 ICU: Balancing Physical and Virtual Forms of Visibility. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal14(3), 34-48.

Udeh, C., Udeh, B., Rahman, N., Canfield, C., Campbell, J., & Hata, J. (2018). Telemedicine/Virtual ICU: Where Are We and Where Are We Going?. Methodist Debakey Cardiovascular Journal14(2), 126.

Technology Innovation in Nursing Assignment Paper

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