The Effects of Steroids Essay Example

The Effects of Steroids Essay Example

The first athletes to use steroids were Olympians and not baseball or football players as commonly believed. States sponsored steroid regimen during the Cold War, in the East and the West. East Germanys state-managed doping system was revealed after the fall of the Berlin Wall. It was then discovered that more than 10,000 athletes were treated with steroids. Some of the athletes were as young as twelve years and many did not know that they were being given steroids. This made them get Olympic medals but also gave them long-term health problems.The asteroid is a synthetically produced male sex hormone, testosterone which helps the growth of muscle mass and strength. Anabolic steroids as they are known, were isolated, and synthesized in the 1930s, and are now used for therapeutic purposes in medicine to stimulate growth, help treat diseases such as cancer and AIDS. It has been acknowledged that steroids along with an adequate diet increase body weight. According to Ron Woods (2006), Anabolic steroids are faster and more effective than any physical training program for increasing size, strength and speed. The Effects of Steroids Essay Example. Sports coaches and trainers immediately saw the possibilities of using steroids.People use steroids for many reasons. They take them because a doctor has advised them for treating an ailment, or because they want to improve their physique and increase strength and endurance as in the case of athletes. There are many who use steroids as drugs as they are cheaper than marijuana or cocaine.The central issue about steroids is the abuse of steroids. Like any other medicine, steroids, when taken without the guidance of a doctor, can create health problems. The problems may be in the form of damage to the heart, lungs or liver.


Title: Steroids and their effect\n\nanabolic sex hormones atomic number 18 compelling compounds that bear direct carnal knowledge to the male sex endocrine gland known as testosterone. at bottom the legal framework, steroids are utilise to treat some kinds of anaemia. However, athletes, long-distance runners, body builders, cyclists etc widely usage steroids to gain a hawkish advantage over their rivals and much(prenominal) give of steroids is deemed illegal. On grocery, steroids are available in smooth-spoken form or tablets. Anabolic steroids are injected or taken orally by athletes in the course of few weeks or even months prior to competitions. magic spell absorbed in combination, the intensity level of steroids is maximized, whereas adverse affects are recoild. This go is referred to as stacking.\n\nThe employ of anabolic-androgenic steroids adversely affects the adolescent physical faulting providing them with a undischargeder sense datum of ego-achieve ment. Regrettably, some(prenominal) adolescents know no limit regarding the steroid use. The Effects of Steroids Essay Example. For instance, the metamorphoses of mankind musculus affected by the steroids also impact other(a) aspects of the body, and then steroids are detrimental to the adolescent psychological condition, including such psychiatric consequences as depression, addiction, rage, self and public psychosis etc.\n\n well-nigh steroids relieve oneself extraordinary gravelly side effectuate and persistent damage to the kind body, plot of land steroid abuse results in lifetime problems. However, side effects of anabolic steroids are until now to be investigated from purely health check side. There is few data, for example, regarding the gaga effects of steroids on human health condition. For instance, it is questionable to what end steroids masculinise females, stunt the natural elevation of growing adolescents, or potpourri sex characteristics of males. Further more than, anabolic steroids cau se kidney failure, premature heart attacks, coloured tumours, strokes, and undecomposed psychiatric problems. Finally, considering that the drugs are often injected, users often riskiness to contract or express hepatitis B or human immunodeficiency virus (Roberts, 2009).\n\nIn addition to the abovementioned effects, anabolic steroids cause increases lean muscle mass, strength, and overall physical might to train harder and longer. At that, intimately reports state that health hazards caused by short-term steroid effects are reversible. Anabolic steroids adversely affect jaundice, liver tumours, superior blood pressure, and fluid retention. Regarding males, steroids take a hop the testicles, cause infertility, development of breasts, and baldness, as well as reduce sperm count. Regarding females, steroids cause the ingathering of facial hair, deepened voice, and changes in or cessation of the menstrual cycle. Regarding the adolescents, they point their growth through inten sify puberty changes and premature careworn maturation.The Effects of Steroids Essay Example.  Eventually, there are many steroid takers that suffer from thorough irritability, paranoid jealousy, impaired appraisal resulting from invincibility, and delusions. Nonetheless, there is little register so far on the long-term effects of steroids (National engraft on Drug Abuse, 2009).\n\nApparently, steroids and cerebrate supplements present a serious challenge on the coetaneous agenda. Mostly, steroids remain illegal carry through as medical treatment, and therefore the majority of instances of their usage are easy to spot. In comparison, the use of supplements presents a greater insecurity especially regarding the adolescents due to their gigantic accessibility on market and little knowledge or so their hazardous ingredients. To this end, it is evident that the use of steroids is both dangerous and impractical. In particular unattended steroid use presents a great problem, including specific physiological dangers. Therefore, the unsupervised steroid use should be substituted by relevant alternate to such practice that would entice young minds and motivate their athletic endurance through more constructive approaches.If you want to present a full essay, rove it on our website:

The intent of this essay is to show that steroids have many negative effects and that steroids, and other natural supplements, should be closely studied by the FDA. This essay will also support the claim that the professional sports industry needs to eliminate steroid use and set a good example for younger athletes. The Effects of Steroids Essay Example.

Over one million American seek short cuts to larger muscles and greater endurance with anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. Steroids are drugs that act like chemical in the body. Most steroids are transformed intotestosterone when they enter the body. Testosterone is a male growth hormone. While user may gain short-term results, they are seriously shortchanging their health (Kalawalski 13-15).

Some of the ill effects of the drugs are damage to the kidneys and liver. A person can also alter the balance of the natural hormones. This can cause detrimental affects to the body. The effects of you natural hormones being out of balance can last several years after being off the drugs. Some male user form breasts due to the use of steroids. Because of the increase in testosterone, steroids can cause serious acne problems. When used by teens is can cause stunted growth. Other side effects include genital changes, water retention, yellow eyes, coronary artery disease, ligament injuries, high blood pressure, changes in cholesterol levels, sterility and liver disease. The list goes on and on. Women that use steroids run the risk of male pattern baldness. The Effects of Steroids Essay Example. Some effects of steroids are even worse. Some people fall into comas after injecting the drugs, some may even die from the injections (Kalawalski 13-15).

Although steroids have many negative effects, they have many needed medical purposes. Androgens have many legitimate medical uses, such as the use for treatment of hypogonadal men to compensate for the lack of endogenous production. Anabolic steroids are also helpful for the treatment of certain adolescent diseases, some types of anemias, and for a relatively rare form of edema. Other clinical uses focus on the tissue building and anti-catabolic effects, such as in the treatment of burn victims, AIDS, or HIV positive patients, or patients malnourished from disease or old age (Bellino 1).


Probably one of the most well known ways for using steroids other than for the building of muscle for competition is for it’s quick healing results of inflamed or swollen joints after just a few days of use.

The entire world strives for perfect body shapes. Ads all over mass media prove that everyone around is perfect, except us. Magazines and billboards try to convince us that steroids are the best and the most effective way to gain the perfect shape. Still, there is a controversial opinion of physicians and athletic coaches, concentrated upon effects of steroids. The Effects of Steroids Essay Example.

Anabolic steroids were created in Germany in the late 1930’s. First tests were held on dogs and later on soldiers. First steroids were used for keeping prisoners alive and making soldiers more brutal during the battle. After World War II, European and American doctors used steroids for treatment of anemia, malnutrition and quick recovery after surgeries. Twenty years later Dr. Zeigler discovered that the main ingredient of steroids was testosterone. Soon steroids appeared on the market.

Nowadays steroids are widely used in medical practice for treatment of allergic reactions, arthritis and cancer. Moreover, steroids compensate hormone deficiencies or their overproduction, and imitate the stimulation of androgen responsible for muscle building. Teenagers as well as adults use steroids to gain muscles or to achieve better results in sport.

Unfortunately, many athletes do not pay enough attention to negative effects of anabolic steroids, some of which can threaten their life. The Effects of Steroids Essay Example. Short term effects are: severe acne, shrunken testicles and breast development for men; facial hair growth for women. There are also irreversible long term effects: liver tumors, jaundice and heart failure.

Anabolics if taken in large regular doses can also lead to psychological effects, as steroid receptors in our brain are responsible for controlling judgment and mood. In this case side effects can also include over competitiveness, aggression and violence. Long term usage can cause depression, loss of appetite, insomnia and decreased sex drive.

Although the negative effects of anabolic steroids are discussed in public and well-covered by the media, too many teenagers and athletes use them. The explanation is simple: they surely believe that the increased results will cover the negative effects of steroids.

The Effects of Steroids Essay Example

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