The Impact of PPACA on Nursing Essay

The Impact of PPACA on Nursing Essay

The Impact of PPACA on Nursing
The patient and affordable care act (PPACA) is a comprehensive act of the United States health care system. The PPACA contains numerous provisions that are designed to address the anticipated shortage of primary care physicians. It meant that there were more job provisions. The law provides for enhancement of the nursing student loan program with a cost of attendance increase. It is a clear indication that nurses have a significant opportunity for advancement in career. It also provides money for advanced practice and the general nurse education. There is also the provision of nurse practitioner programs that are going strong (Ubokudom, 2012). It clearly indicates that through the provision of money the nurse-managed clinics will be supported therefore increasing the number of physicians.The Impact of PPACA on Nursing Essay .  The access to money will help them provide real care, and their results will be clearly seen. Provision of education and funding program will also help cab the problem physician shortages, therefore, the delivery of quality healthcare.
Nurses who have advanced education have a greater benefit since the law contains considerable language about the expansion of primary care services, and many people will be insured. It, therefore, allows for different approaches to how nurses deliver primary care, by whom and where (United States, 2012). Fewer physicians will be going into primary care and, therefore, an excellent opportunity for the nurses. It also means that nurses will be employed, and there will be no congestion since those who have specialized in geriatrics will be allowed to practice elsewhere and create opportunities.
The above will impact on the nursing job positively since the availability of funding will help boost our clinics. It will also help provide quality care since individuals will have undergone thorough training. However due to job availability many people will run for the nursing course creating a jump in the sector
Ubokudom, S. E. (2012). United States Health Care Policymaking: Ideological, Social and Cultural Differences and Major Influences. New York, NY: Springer New York.
United States. (2012). The true cost of PPACA: Effects on the budget and jobs : hearing before the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, March 30, 2011.


Patient protection and affordable care act (ACA) were implemented in 2010, this assures that all Americans have access to quality affordable healthcare. The major goals of ACA are to build our existing system by expanding Medicaid, preserving employer health coverage and Medicare, and state control of insurance markets. They also aim to provide higher quality of care and improve the patient experience, increase patient access to care and control healthcare costs.The Impact of PPACA on Nursing Essay .  Since ACA has been implemented there have been many changes in healthcare. Nurses are important players in this healthcare change, nurses are on the front line of patient care and
Some of these preventive services include cervical screening, mammograms, colonoscopies, prenatal and new baby care, childhood immunizations, and many more. But where there are positives there are also negatives.
Some of the negatives include higher insurance premiums, individuals who do not have health insurance can be fined, increase in taxes, higher expenses for pre-existing conditions, the United States deficit is increasing, physician offices refusing to take Medicare or Medicaid patients, complicated enrollment and penalties assessed by businesses are less then what it would cost to provide their employees insurance which will force more people to have to purchase their own

According to Nursing Economics, 2014, the number of nurses that are employed by hospitals will continue to increase but the BLS estimates that by 2020, around 58% of nurses will be employed in hospitals compared to around 60% in 2010. This is due to the impact of ACA and that individuals who were previously uninsured will not need to use emergency services as much before because they can be treated in other settings. Also, we are seeing a growing desire for older people to stay at home and be cared for, thus nurses will play a key role in communities outside hospitals. Nurses in ambulatory care and home care services are expected to increase over the next several years. This is due to an anticipated increase use of ambulatory care services and home services because more individuals have insurance and have these options, it’s expected that it will have positive effects on patient’s overall health as well. BLS predicts nurse’s employment in the home health industry will grow 55% between 2010 and 2020, that is nearly 230,000 of the 3.5 million nurse’s jobs by. The Impact of PPACA on Nursing Essay.
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