The Impact Of Ultrasound Waves On Hepatic Injury Essay
We demonstrate for first time that ultrasound exposure at therapeutic frequency in continuous or pulsed mode, is able to reduce hepatic injury in the setting of partial hepatectomy with vascular exclusion. Importantly, this study enlightened that therapy based on pulsed ultrasonography at 0. 8 MHz results in two effects: a) protection against I/R injury associated with lessening of hepatic IL-1β, and b) an enhancement of liver regeneration after 6 hours of reperfusion. These postsurgical results were obtained by applying non-invasive pulsed-wave ultrasound during short periods on the upper right portion of the rat abdomen, before and after surgery. Since more than 40 years, ultrasound has been applied as a therapy that favors healing.The Impact Of Ultrasound Waves On Hepatic Injury Essay. Also, ultrasound enhances diverse growth factors associated with angiogenesis, and it has been demonstrated to diminish inflammatory response following a surgery. By applying ultrasound in tissues, the pressure wave generates heat, cavitation or mechanical forces that are ultimately responsible for the well-known biological effects of ultrasound.
As a result of ultrasound waves propagation across tissues, endothelial cells and blood absorb part of incident field, thus producing localized effects. Our results point to a preservation of tissue structure and reduction in tissue inflammation subsequent to I/R injury in liver, which is in accordance with other studies that demonstrated ultrasound regimen also protect different tissues against I/R injury. It has been previously demonstrated that ultrasound waves induce generation of growth factors (FGF and VEGF) and modulate several cytokines that play a lead role in inflammation (TNFα, IL-6, IL-8, IL-1β, IL-2,). The present study showed that pulsed ultrasound increased HGF, which could be related to liver regeneration. As far as our knowledge is concerned, previously no effects of ultrasound on HGF have been described. Also, it has been evidenced that reduction of hepatic injury afforded by ultrasound therapy (in the continuous or pulsed mode) was associated with a reduction in the hepatic levels of IL-1β. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effects of ultrasound, it has also been described that injury caused by oxidative stress throughout post-ischemic reperfusion can be attenuated by intermittent pulses of ultrasound. In line with this, occurring upon application of ultrasound waves after I/R in hamsters, reduced lipid peroxide formation was registered in pheripheral blood. The Impact Of Ultrasound Waves On Hepatic Injury Essay.
In the conditions evaluated herein, neither continuous nor pulsed ultrasound was able to reduce oxidative stress. It should be noticed that in our conditions we assessed oxidative stress markers in hepatic tissue from rats, indicating differences in ultrasound waves effects depending on tissues and animal species. Findings from the present study point to different effects of ultrasound depending of the application mode and frequencies used. Previous studies suggest that there are differences between animal species in the responses of tissues to continuous and pulsed ultrasound. Continuous ultrasound causes tissue temperature increases that can results in decreased pain, increased blood flow, and reduction of subacute and chronic inflammation, among other effects. Pulsed ultrasound has minimal thermal effects and has be found to have a range of biological effects on tissues, including accelerating soft-tissue regeneration,35 and also inhibiting inflammatory responses. 36 However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying ultrasound biological effects in vivo either in continuous or pulsed mode remains obscure. Results presented herein point to treatment with continuous and pulsed ultrasound lead to an anti-inflammatory effect in liver tissue undergoing I/R injury, in both cases associated with reduction in IL-1β. In addition to this effect, pulsed ultrasound elicited a hepatic regenerative response. The Impact Of Ultrasound Waves On Hepatic Injury Essay. The target of pulsed ultrasound on soft-tissue regeneration has covered a wide range of cells and organs, including fibroblasts, myoblasts, epithelial cells, chondrocytes and cartilage, inter-vertebral discs, ligaments, and tendons. 37 Until date there are not been reported upregulation of liver regeneration due to ultrasound waves. Regarding differential effects of ultrasound frequencies, it is important consider that depth at which ultrasound can penetrate in tissues is frequency dependent. The rate of absorption and therefore the attenuation increases as the frequency of ultrasound waves increases. The lower frequency, the less the energy is absorbed in the superficial tissues, and thus the deeper it penetrates.
In our hands, results seem to indicate that the protective effect of ultrasound against inflammatory response in hepatic I/R injury does not depend on the degree of penetration of the ultrasound waves in the tissue. On the opposite, the degree of penetration could be important to achieve a regenerative response with pulsed ultrasound, since this effect was achieved only with the frequency that allows the effect of ultrasound at greater depth. Undoubtedly, mechanisms underlying protective effects of ultrasound treatment to reduce inflammation and improve regeneration in the surgical situation of partial hepatectomy with vascular exclusion should be investigated in depth. In conclusion, we report for first time that ultrasound waves reduce injury and improve regeneration in livers undergoing partial hepatectomy with vascular exclusion. To date, there are no reports in the literature about the role of ultrasound-based therapy in hepatic I/R. Evidence in the present study suggests that application of ultrasound in pulsed mode could be considered as a therapy to improve post-surgical results in liver surgery. Taking into account that ultrasound is a therapy that does not involve the use of drugs, non-invasive, portable, simple and inexpensive, it could be translated in the short term into a clinical application.The Impact Of Ultrasound Waves On Hepatic Injury Essay.
Understanding the basic physics of ultrasound is essential for acute care physicians. Medical ultrasound machines generate and receive ultrasound waves. Brightness mode (B mode) is the basic mode that is usually used. Ultrasound waves are emitted from piezoelectric crystals of the ultrasound transducer. Depending on the acoustic impedance of different materials, which depends on their density, different grades of white and black images are produced. There are different methods that can control the quality of ultrasound waves including timing of ultrasound wave emission, frequency of waves, and size and curvature of the surface of the transducer. The received ultrasound signal can be amplified by increasing the gain. The operator should know sonographic artifacts which may distort the studied structures or even show unreal ones. The most common artifacts include shadow and enhancement artifacts, edge artifact, mirror artifact and reverberation artifact. The Impact Of Ultrasound Waves On Hepatic Injury Essay.
Understanding the basic physics of ultrasound is essential for acute care physicians who perform point-of-care ultrasound to make accurate critical decisions. Ultrasound is made up of mechanical waves that can transmit through different materials like fluids, soft tissues and solids. It has a frequency higher than the upper human auditory limit of 20 KHz.[1] Ultrasound frequency is defined as the number of ultrasound waves per second, and medical ultrasound machines use waves with a frequency ranging between 2 and 15 MHz.[2] The velocity of ultrasound in a specific medium equals the frequency of ultrasound multiplied by its wave length.[1]
Medical ultrasound machines generate ultrasound waves and receive the reflected echoes. Brightness mode (B mode) is the basic mode that is usually used.[2] The B mode gives a two dimensional (2D) black and white image that depends on the anatomical site of the slice. The body can be imaged in different planes depending on the position of the probe. These thin slices are of less than 1 mm each and can be sagittal, coronal, transverse, or oblique. Sound waves are emitted from piezoelectric crystals from the ultrasound transducer. Piezoelectric crystals are fabricated from material that changes electrical signals to mechanical vibrations and changes mechanical vibrations to electrical signals.[2] As ultrasound waves pass through various body tissues, they are reflected back to the transducer creating an image on the ultrasound screen.[3] Acoustic impedance is defined as the resistance for propagation of ultrasound waves. This varies according to the density of the material ultrasound passes through. The Impact Of Ultrasound Waves On Hepatic Injury Essay. When the material is more solid, then the particles are denser and sonongraphic waves will reflect more [Figure 1].[4] Fluid transmits more sound waves than solid material. So less ultrasound waves will reflect back from fluids. This produces an an echogenic “black” image. Stones and bones reflect more sound waves than fluid and produce “white” bright images. Since ultrasound waves cannot transmit through stones, a black acoustic shadow will be present behind them. Air is a strong ultrasound beam reflector making it difficult to visualize structures behind it.[5]
The denser a material is the more it reflects the sonographic waves. Fluid (like blood) transmits ultrasound waves and have minimum waves reflected back. This yields a black “an echogenic” image. Stones yield white images with a shadow behind them. Soft tissues (like the liver) yield different grey colour scales. The Impact Of Ultrasound Waves On Hepatic Injury Essay.
There are different methods that control the way ultrasound waves are emitted from the ultrasound transducers. Emission of ultrasound waves can be either interrupted or continuous. Interrupted emission of ultrasound waves generates brightness (B) mode images while continuous emission generates Doppler mode. Imaging one line over time is called the moving mode (M Mode).[4] Changing the frequency of ultrasound waves will control the penetration and resolution of the images. The higher the frequency, the better is the resolution, however the depth of penetration decreases. The opposite will happen when using lower frequency transducers. Longer distances and higher frequencies result in greater attenuation.[2] This implies that for obese patients and deep structures, probes of low frequencies should be used while probes of high frequency should be used for superficial structures.[2] The received ultrasound signal can be amplified by increasing the gain. Decreased gain yields a black image and details are masked, while increased gain yields a whiter image.[6] Time gain compensation will change the gain factor so that equally reflective structures will be displayed with the same brightness regardless of their depth.[2]
Ultrasound waves are emitted perpendicular to the surface of the transducer. It is possible to widen the deep sonographic field by bending the surface of the transducer (convex array transducer) [Figure 2]. The Impact Of Ultrasound Waves On Hepatic Injury Essay. Waves will be parallel to each other when the probe surface is flat (linear array transducer). Linear array transducers usually have high frequencies (10-12 MHz), less penetration, and excellent resolution. The ultrasound images obtained by a linear array transducer will be rectangular in shape while those obtained by a convex array transducer will be wider with increased depth. Reducing the surface of the transducer and using fan shaped sectors will enable the examiner to visualize thoracic structure between the ribs [Figure 2].[7]
Changing the shape of the surface of the probe and its size gives different types of sectors used for different applications
The operator should be especially knowledgeable about sonographic artifacts that can mislead him/her. Artifacts may distort the size, position and shape of the studied structures or even show structures that are not present.[5] Some artifacts are very useful for diagnosing different conditions. Ultrasound is unable to transmit through solid structure like the stones or ribs. This causes a shadow artifact behind the solid structures.[8] Shadow artifact is very useful for diagnosing gall stones [Figure 3]. Posterior enhancement artifact may occur when imaging fluid filled structures (like the gall bladder or urinary bladder). More ultrasound waves will penetrate the fluid filled structure, and a white enhancement area will appear behind it [Figure 3].[4] The posterior enhancement will increase the gain behind the urinary bladder, and it is important to reduce the gain when looking for small amounts of pelvic fluid in Pouch of Douglas, otherwise it can be missed. The edge (refraction) artifact occurs when a beam of ultrasound refracts at the edge of a rounded structure like a kidney or urinary bladder. This artifact may disappear when changing the angle of the ultrasound beam clarifying the nature of the artifact.[3] The Impact Of Ultrasound Waves On Hepatic Injury Essay.