The Legal Medical And Bioethical Aspects Of Abortion Essay

The Legal Medical And Bioethical Aspects Of Abortion Essay

Abortion rights advocates do not simply push for the legality of abortion. There are causes for the importance of having abortion rights based on the situation wherein abortion must occur. It does not mean that abortion should be justifiable for any reason. It is important to consider what made the mother choose abortion. Abortion may happen because of many reasons. For many women, abortion is a very disturbing and stressful experience (Faundes amp. Barzelatto, 2006). The Legal Medical And Bioethical Aspects Of Abortion Essay. Interviews with women who have just terminated their pregnancy expressed their disagreement with abortion until they faced the situation wherein they had to choose abortion (Faundes amp. Barzelatto, 2006). This means that these women do not readily accept the choice to undergo abortion but they made a choice based on the situation they are in. Most common reasons of abortion are the following: absence of the father, financial constraints, inability to provide good parenting or interference with life prospects, conflict with prevailing social norms, health concerns, and lack of social support (Faundes amp. Barzelatto, 2006). Looking at the most common reasons, it can be summarized that abortion becomes a choice when there is no or less benefit that the mother and child can find in pursuing the pregnancy. When the pregnancy becomes an emotional, psychological, physical and financial burden, then the pregnancy becomes unwanted. Also, abortion becomes a choice when the mother feels that she cannot provide for the child, especially when it comes to emotional and financial support. There is a realization that they cannot provide the necessary environment for the development of the child. The worldwide rate for abortion in the mid-nineties is at 35 per 1,000 women aged fifteen to forty-four per year (Singh, et. al., 2003). The Legal Medical And Bioethical Aspects Of Abortion Essay.


The purpose of this essay is to present a bioethical approach to the abortion dilemma in adolescence. It is addressed to health workers involved in the medical care of adolescents and to those involved in adolescent counseling. The introduction presents an overview of the subject in the U.S.A., its medical significance (obstetric, gynecologic, psychologic) as well as some anthropological historico-legal data relating to adolescent abortion. This is followed by a practical description of ethical theory. The main body of the presentation consists of a review of the most important contributions of bioethical thought as they relate to abortion. Adolescent abortion in particular is addressed in the context of issues such as autonomy, rights and responsibility. This includes a description of moral development in adolescence and an analysis of moral aspects of treatment of adolescents. Some personal comments and propositions are made, with the aim of generating further contributions. The Legal Medical And Bioethical Aspects Of Abortion Essay.


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