The Shortage Of Workers Within The Healthcare Industry Essay

The Shortage Of Workers Within The Healthcare Industry Essay

Because of the importance the health care industry plays there should be concern with its imminent decline in eligible workers and rise in the necessity for them. With the retirement of one large generation and the entrance of a considerably smaller one, the ability to recruit and retain competent health care professionals will prove challenging. Action must be taken to attract and retain qualified eligible professionals or it will be unable to provide quality care to patients. This paper will discuss the shortage of workers within the healthcare industry and it will also discuss the different ways human resource managers can combat this shortage.The Shortage Of Workers Within The Healthcare Industry Essay


The nursing shortage is front and center but more professions within the health care industry will feel the squeeze come the years 2025 and 2030 (Jarousse, 2011, pg 5). Administering changes to training, offering attractive benefits as well as traditional recruitment and retention methods will be advantageous in securing and retaining adequate and competent staff.
“The best recruitment strategy is a good retention program–actively looking for ways to keep current employees” (Health Professions Recruitment and Retention, 2013). What is proving costly is the turnover rates the health care industry is experiencing. Different options must be explored in order to appeal to the industry’s current employees.The Shortage Of Workers Within The Healthcare Industry Essay

Decline and Demand
In addition to the fast growing technology industry and the inevitable Baby Boomer retirement the healthcare industry is bound to feel the results with its loss in human capital. “Experts predict a shortage of about 260,000 registered nurses and 150,000 physicians by 2025 and 38,000 pharmacists by 2030.” (Jarousse, 2011, pg 5) The Shortage Of Workers Within The Healthcare Industry Essay
The healthcare industry must give way to the changing times and current trends to attract and retain competent healthcare professionals to ensure quality patient care. The decline is present and the demand is ever mounting. Initiative must be taken within the healthcare industry’s human resource management teams to adequately and competently staff organizations.
Retaining employees becomes less complicated if organizations have interest in development. Moreover, healthcare professionals need goals, competitive benefits, and a clear career path with the encouragement of development. Open lines of communication between employer-employee will be a beneficial relationship for both parties.
If the healthcare industry takes the time to invest in its workers it should see a return on its investment with committed and competent professionals.The Shortage Of Workers Within The Healthcare Industry Essay

The U.S. nursing shortage had been a serious issue for quite sometime now and continues to escalate. As the nursing workforce continues to age, nurses leave the profession faster than they can be replaced and the crisis continues to grow. Nurses are leaving for different reasons. What is being done to solve the nursing shortage here in the United States? Nursing recruitment and retention is one of many solutions that can alleviate this problem. “Nurses are privileged to belong to a profession that commands a level of credibility and respect that few others in health care or any other field can claim. According to the Gallup Organization’s 2005 annual poll on professional honesty and ethical standards ranked nurses number one. The Shortage Of Workers Within The Healthcare Industry Essay

Nurse Shortage in Nursing Homes Nursing shortages have been an issue in the health care field for a few years now. This shortage is seriously impacting nursing homes and the elderly in our society today. With a shortage of 8.1% of nurses in 2008, it is important to understand what is happening to nurses (Addressing the Nursing Shortage, 2010). To help one understand the nurse shortage more, this paper will discuss resource scarcity, stakeholders, economic flows, changes in supply and demand, pricing decisions, along with a business proposal.The Shortage Of Workers Within The Healthcare Industry Essay

The U.S. nursing shortage had been a serious issue for quite sometime now and continues to escalate. As the nursing workforce continues to age, nurses leave the profession faster than they can be replaced and the crisis continues to grow. Nurses are leaving for different reasons. What is being done to solve the nursing shortage here in the United States? Nursing recruitment and retention is one of many solutions that can alleviate this problem. “Nurses are privileged to belong to a profession that commands a level of credibility and respect that few others in health care or any other field can claim. According to the Gallup Organization’s 2005 annual poll on professional honesty and ethical standards ranked nurses number one. The Shortage Of Workers Within The Healthcare Industry Essay

Impact of the Aging Population on the Health Workforce
in the United States
The expected growth of the older adult population1
in the U.S. over the next 50 years will have
an unprecedented impact on the U.S. health care system, especially in terms of supply of and
demand for health care workers. The supply of health care workers may decrease as they age and
large numbers retire and/or reduce their working hours. At the same time, older adults consume a
disproportionately large share of American health care services, so demand for health services
will grow. The aging of the population will also affect the nature of the skills and services the
health care workforce must be equipped to provide, and the settings in which this care is
provided.The Shortage Of Workers Within The Healthcare Industry Essay
The so-called “baby boom” generation (people born between 1946 and 1964) is already having
an effect on the health care system and it is expected to grow as the century progresses. The
number of Americans age 65 and older (35 million in 2000) will rise by more than 19 million to
54 million by 2020. From 2000 to 2050, the number of older adults will increase from 12.5% to
20% of the U.S. population.
The New York Center for Health Workforce Studies at the SUNY School of Public Health
recently completed a report that assesses the implications of the aging of the population on the
supply and demand for a variety of health professionals needed to serve older adults. The report,
which was funded by the National Center for Health Workforce Analysis of the Bureau of Health
Professions in the federal Health Resources and Services Administration, profiles the broad
impact that aging Americans will have on the health workforce in general, and on 18 health
professions specifically, by examining salient trends and issues. The report establishes a baseline
of information about the health care workforce that serves older adults and identifies key factors
expected to affect the ability of the health care system to meet the future needs of older adults in
the U.S. More qualitative issues, including how the health care workforce must prepare and
change in order to meet the needs of the next generation of older adults, are also considered. The
complete report can be found at the Center’s website,  The Shortage Of Workers Within The Healthcare Industry Essay

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