The Use of clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies.

The Use of clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies.



A clinical system is a system that stores and restores patient’s data in a hospital set-up, both outpatient and inpatient. This helps to monitor the progress and projects the expected outcome. Reliable clinical systems have shown a great improvement in the patient’s outcome and effectiveness to the care providers. The Use of clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and


Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease that has increased mortality and morbidity rate. It is characterized by persistently elevated blood glucose levels. It is managed through regular monitoring of the blood sugar levels and the complications associated with diabetes. For this to be successful, the patient and the primary care provider needs and efficient clinical system to keep track of the patient’s data. With the advanced technology in modern society, electronic health record is a clinical system that is being used in hospitals. It stores patient’s data and ensures patient safety in a hospital. In this paper, the author describes the use of clinical systems to improve outcomes and effectiveness in a newly diagnosed diabetic patient. Electronic healthcare records (EHR) have been selected as the clinical systemThe Use of clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies.

Annotated Bibliography

Kruse, C. S., & Beane, A. (2018). Health information technology continues to show positive effect on medical outcomes: systematic review. Journal of medical Internet research20(2), e41.

This article describes the clinical systems and their effectiveness and improvement in patient outcomes. Kruse and Beane focus on electronic health records in the management of newly diagnosed diabetic patients. EHR improves the management of chronic illnesses such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension, screening, and prevention of the diseases which leads to better patient outcomes. This clinical system provides treatment goals to the clinician and the patient. EHR also provide notifications and reminders to the care provider about the new preventive strategies and treatment modalities.The Use of clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies.

A medical analysis is done through MEDLINE and PubMed databases on the electronic health record interventions and the effects on medical outcomes in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. During the research, 81% of the total participants met the inclusion criteria. The outcome was that a strong majority of the literature showed positive effects of electronic health records. All participants were screened for chronic illnesses and provided with lifestyle modification education. This improved the outcome of the newly diagnosed patients and reduced the number of new cases.The Use of clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies.

Kruse, C. S., Stein, A., Thomas, H., & Kaur, H. (2018). The use of electronic health records to support population health: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of medical systems42(11), 1-16.

According to Kruse and stein electronic healthcare records is a clinical system that has improved the quality and efficiency of healthcare and health disparities in population health. It has eliminated interoperability, functionality, and many medical errors hence improving patient outcomes. EHR provides secure access to patient’s information that results in a positive outcome concerning the quality of care. It is used in the management of chronic illnesses such as diabetes mellitus through the continuity of care between the providers and the patients.The Use of clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies.

A study was done through a systemic review of electronic health records, independent observations, and continuous reading of peer-reviewed articles. The study showed that EHR has improved the productivity and efficiency of the healthy population. It has increased healthcare access to the population which provides more data on screening and preventive measures. Therefore, the health outcome of the patients especially diabetics have been impacted positively. The benefits of EHR outweighed the barriers in a ratio of 3:2. A newly diagnosed diabetic patient would benefit from EHR through monitoring of the vitals and for possible complications.The Use of clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies.

Lyles, C. R., Nelson, E. C., Frampton, S., Dykes, P. C., Cemballi, A. G., & Sarkar, U. (2020). Using electronic health record portals to improve patient engagement: research priorities and best practices. Annals of internal medicine172(11_Supplement), S123-S129.

This article describes the use of electronic health records to improve patient outcomes. According to Lyles et al, only 15% to 30% of the patients in the united states of America use EHR. The information in this article was obtained from PubMed publishers. It describes that EHR is mostly used in the outpatient setting in three categories; intervention to increase the use of patient portals, documentation of patient, and usability testing of portal interfaces. The intervention that used personal training had the highest number of users and an improved outcome was reported.The Use of clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies.

A study was conducted through a review of fully researched articles. The study method was randomized trials, quasi-experimental, and cross-sectional analysis. This study targeted the adults and children in outpatient or special care department. The majority of the patient who needed special care, for example, the diabetic patients experienced the usefulness and satisfaction of the patient portal. The barriers associated with EHR are electronic illiteracy, privacy, and security concerns from the patients. HER portal has improved accessibility of healthcare services despite the low electronic literacy among the population. To improve the adoption of this, patients and caregivers will need a multifaceted approach to encourage approach.The Use of clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies.

Artzi, N. S., Shilo, S., Hadar, E., Rossman, H., Barbash-Hazan, S., Ben-Haroush, A., … & Segal, E. (2020). Prediction of gestational diabetes based on nationwide electronic health records. Nature medicine26(1), 71-76.

This article describes the prediction of gestational diabetes among pregnant ladies by the use of electronic health records. The author reports that gestational diabetes has posed a great risk of short term and long term complications for both the mother and the child. Earlier detection of new-onset of gestational diabetes prevents or reduces the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. EHR monitors the vitals during every visit including a random blood sugar test that predicts the risk of diabetes.The Use of clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies.

A research was conducted by the use of a machine learning approach to predict GDM on retrospective data of 588622 pregnancies for which EHR was available. Through emulation of the real-world performance, previously unreported risk factors were discovered. These risk factors were adopted in the EHR device whereby the patient was asked the questions. This helped inaccurate screening of all pregnant mothers. The outperforming baseline risk reduced increased from 0.68 to 0.8. EHR is a cost-effective clinical system due to its effective screening approach and early intervention.The Use of clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies.


Clinical systems such as EHR have been shown to improve patient outcomes, effectiveness, and efficiency in healthcare. The selected studies have shown its effectiveness and efficiency by reducing medical errors, regular screening, and provision of early interventions. Despite the barriers associated with the use of EHR, many patients have adopted the portal system because of the reduced costs and save time during access to healthcare services.The Use of clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies.

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