Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay

Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay

1. Discuss how your own learning styles and factors that affect your readiness to learn?

2. Discuss what methods you currently use to meet your own learning goals?

3. Identify your practicum project cohorts’ learning styles (or anticipated learning styles) and factors that may affect their readiness to learn? Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay


4. Discuss how you can use this information to meet their learning needs?

5. Analyze how you can assist students with varied learning styles when time or other factors limit your ability to meet everyone’s needs?

6. Consider how online versus face-to-face educational settings may influence the methods you use?

7. Determine how your own learning style may relate to your target audience and what effect this may have on your practicum project?

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Reflection is the examination of personal actions and thoughts and can be on any aspect of daily living. Nurses are constantly encouraged to reflect on the ways they learn and implement the practice. It is a way by which nurses can identify the practise undertaken by them (Smith et al. 2012). Self-reflection of learning styles and readiness to learn in nursing are of much significance as proper learning is an important element of nursing (Ip et al. 2012). Self-reflection is a focus in nursing education in recent times due to the changes in the development in the nursing profession and increasing demands of health care services (Mitchell et al. 2012). Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay The present writing is a self-reflective analysis of learning styles and readiness to learn. It takes into account how own learning styles and aspects affect the readiness to learn and the methods used currently for meeting the own learning needs. The practicum project cohorts learning styles are identified along with the factors that can influence the readiness to learn. The application of the information for meeting the learning needs has been mentioned. An analysis of how students can be assisted with varied learning styles when there are limiting factors is done. The ways in which face-to-face and online educational settings influence the methods used are discussed. In the end, the determination of how own learning style may relate to the target audience and the effect of it on the practicum project is done. Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay

1. How own learning styles and factors affect the readiness to learn
Learning styles is a major consideration in the process of nursing education (Schmeck, 2013). The knowledge of own learning style is very much helpful in achieving success in the educational undertaking (Ganesh, 2014). I am aware of the fact that nursing is a discipline that needs ongoing learning. The learning style undertaken by me is reflective learning. Reflective learning style refers to observation of experiences and analysis of those experiences in a thorough manner (Alghasham, 2012). Such analysis is done before taking appropriate actions (Ryan & Ryan, 2013). This affects the readiness to learn as I try to be a good listener, more cautious and always tend to adopt a low profile in due course of my learning. Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay

MyAssignmenthelp OrderMy style of learning allows me to gain understanding in an efficient manner and a thorough manner as I have the freedom to reflect on the instructions and information given. The learning and readiness to learn new subjects are intrapersonal and logical. Learning is more effective in a distraction-free environment. It helps in comprehending and retaining the taught subject matter in a more efficient manner (Levine, 2014). Questions are constantly asked for clearing the doubts and having an overall concept of the learning curriculum (Bulman & Schutz, 2013).

2. The methods currently used for meeting the learning goals
It is useful to know from the beginning of the learning session what the learning objectives are in a thorough manner so that it is easier to achieve the learning outcomes (Gatti-Petito et al. 2013). At first, the learning objectives are discussed in details with the educator so that the important aspects are not missed out. Such communication with the educator is extremely helpful for me as I am able to distribute the learning outcomes in different sectors throughout my learning process. The overview of the objectives is clear in mind. While undertaking the curriculum, a step-wise manner is maintained in moving on to the next learning objective from one. This ensures that all the objectives are met. Sufficient research is done on the topics covered in the learning goals so that there is a complete set of relevant data on the points covered in the learning outcomes. Practical application of the topics ensures that the learning goals are met in a suitable manner (D’Amore et al. 2012). Reflection on the activities taken up leads to better performances. After the learning outcomes are met, it is checked from the beginning to make sure that all points are covered and if required repetition of the desired point is taken up. In this method, the learning goals are met. Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay

3. Practicum project cohort’s learning styles and factors that affect the readiness to learn
The practicum project is entitled as “Education Program on the Subject of Leadership Development in Nursing”. The learning style of the project cohort is active learning style. This learning style promotes the effective learning environment and is thus the choice from different learning styles. It explores the interests, needs and abilities of the learner and the readiness to learn are utilised to the greatest extent (Boctor, 2013). Students take part in discussions and try to draw an effective conclusion from such discussions and apply them in practice. Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay

They have an explanation of the information gathered on the nursing topic and try to justify them. Group work is the key element of active learning. There are certain advantages of this learning style. The critical thinking skills of the students are developed and enhanced. This automatically influences the readiness to learn. Students show initiatives to complete the learning goals. The incorporation of more ideas and input from the student helps in effective learning. Easier access to learning is also an important aspect. The needs of the students are more appropriately met. Active learning gives the opportunity to learn in a thorough manner. Students undertaking such learning styles are aware of their own actions and approaches. Active learners are interpersonal learners. They experience the subject matter rather than gaining knowledge of the subject (Andreou et al. 2013). Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay

4. How the above information can be used for meeting the learning needs
Active learning can be effectively used up for the learning needs. The learning style provides a suitable process of meeting the learning needs. Active learning would provide a mindful, engaging and experiential learning. This aspect can be taken up for meeting the goals of the practicum project (El-Gilany & Abusaad, 2013). As students take up the responsibility of the education, it is easier for setting up the timeline for completing the learning needs. This is a critical issue in an online environment where there is no direct contact between the teacher and the student. The beginning of the lesson can be done with defining the context and then establishing the objectives. A foundation can then be built of the activities that help the students to learn. The communication of what is learnt would also take place in a suitable manner. Classroom, public and online presentations would be made according to the desired learning style.Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay  Development and delivery of speeches and presentations would help in interactive learning. The first stage would be defining the objectives. The point of view would then be developed. The audience would then be identified, and the program content would be mapped out. The effective tools would be used up for applying the resources. These can be group discussions, debate and question answer sessions (Jeong et al. 2013). Documenting the message is essential. In this manner, the learning needs can be met. Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay


5. How the students can be assisted with different learning styles when limitations are present for meeting the needs of all
Assistance with different learning styles can be a constraint and difficult task when some limitations are present. In such cases, it is desirable to take up a robust method for assisting the students with the different learning styles so that the suitable learning styles can be taken up by them and they can fulfil the learning needs. The approach must be general and based on the common needs of the students. The assistance must be inclusive and not exclusive. All the main advantages and disadvantages of the learning styles would be explained to the students so that all are aware of the vital aspects. The personal experiences would be shared so that the students are able to relate to the learning styles. The assistance would be engaging, appealing and relevant. The students would be empowered to get actively involved in their learning. Passive receptive would not be encouraged. The communication between the student and the educator would be clear (Bradshaw & Lowenstein, 2013).Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay

6. How online versus face-to-face educational settings can influence methods used
Online versus face-to-face educational settings can immensely have an impact on the teaching and learning method. The basic differences lie in the nature of collaboration of the student, the use of writing, interaction of the student with the content taught, the need of feedback given immediately, the ease of doing assessment and dependence on other people. The necessity of the learning objective would be influenced. In online settings, the prepared course material needs to be read out. Communication is not clear as it takes place by the help of online tools like chats, emails and discussion board forums. Inflexible aspects of the softwares used is an issue. However, there is no need of travel time, and there is the flexibility of work hours. Monitoring the progress of the students and their application of the different learning styles is not appropriate. In face-to-face settings, commitment and teaching are time bound. Course handouts are to be made by using key elements. Presentation time would be set, and materials would be handed out before the start of the presentation. Student familiarity is an issue with online teaching, and this hampers the effective methods of reaching out to the students. A sense of disconnection can be felt. Structure and guidance would be limited in an online setting. Unmotivated students can have an overwhelming feeling by the responsibility of having control over his learning. Technology concerns are also a hindrance in the path of proper learning (Lu & Lemonde, 2013). Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay

7. How own learning style can relate to the target audience and the effect on practicum project
Reflective learning style has a significant relation to the target audience as they too would be encouraged to take up this method of learning. The practicum project is on nursing leadership and therefore there lies a vital relation between reflective learning and this crucial aspect of nursing practice. Development of nursing leadership involves critical thinking, actions and advocacy (Chu et al. 2015). All these are possible with the application of reflective learning as there is a chance to analyse the experiences gathered and draw a conclusion from them for application in the future in due course of nursing practice. Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay

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