Theory Evaluation Discussion Paper

Theory Evaluation Discussion Paper

Theory evaluation

The selected theory is Human Becoming Theory presented by Rosemarie Parse. The theory maintains that quality of life is a medical notion best interpreted from each individual patient’s perspective. That is because health is the interpretation of the rhythmic interaction between the individual and the environment, and these interactions are unique and every changing for every individual. A critique of the theory shows that it differentiates nursing from other medical professions through emphasis on acknowledging the uniqueness of each patient as an individual. The acknowledgement presents opportunities for personalized care in practice, acts as a framework for exploring other nursing theories, and presents useful care guidelines.


In essence, the theory transforms nursing care through demanding that the patients’ perspective should be incorporated when determining desired health care goals (Shives, 2008). Although the theory presents an opportunity for transforming nursing care through personalized care, there are opportunities for further developing and refining the theory in maternal health nursing. Firstly, the theory is focused on conjectural and speculative notions and is not supported by quantifiable results. That is because research on the theory does not present standardized question, does not have control groups, and its results are difficult to compare with other studies. This implies that there is a need to develop strategies for presenting quantifiable results that would make the theory more acceptable. Secondly, the theory does not make use of the nursing process (assess, diagnose, plan, implement and evaluate). Rather, it makes use of philosophical processes. There is a need to align the theory with the nursing process. Thirdly, the theory is not accessible to novice nurses since incorporating the patients’ perspective requires expert skills and extensive experiences. Finally, the theory is not applicable to emergency and acute care since there is not opportunity to acquire the patients’ perspective (Black, 2016; Sitzman & Eichelberge, 2011). Addressing the mentioned concerns is anticipated to improve the theory’s performance.


Black, B. (2016). Professional nursing-e-book: concepts & challenges. New York, NY: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Shives, L. (2008). Basic concepts of psychiatric-mental health nursing (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Sitzman, K. & Eichelberge, L. (2011). Understanding the work of nurse theorists: a creative beginning (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.


  • Discuss the outcomes and results of the theory evaluation and critique you performed on your selected theory.
  • Do you feel your theory requires further development and refinement?
  • Explain your position.

My selected theorist is Rosemarie Parse

Nursing field: Maternal Health Nursing (Postpartum)

Past work:-

  • Comparing Virginia Henderson need theory with Myra Levine’s conservation principles.
  • Watson’s human caring theory and its congruency to clinical nursing practice as a maternal health nurse.

Other submitted work:-

Review the Explicating Benner’s concept of expert practice: intuition in emergency nursing (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. article.

Discussed and wrote a review of the attached research article based on the utilization of Patricia Benner’s Theory of Novice to Expert. Remember, the final document should be in APA format with a reference list. The review will include:

  • Identification of the theoretical framework.
  • Identification of the research question, aim, methods, findings, and discussion.
  • The significance of the theory, concepts of theory applied to the research study, and evaluation of the linkage of the theory to the research.

Theory Evaluation Discussion Paper


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