Theory Synthesis Paper

Theory Synthesis Paper

100 points

Due: April 7

Objectives of Assignment:


  1. To broaden understanding of the theories and science that guide nursing scholarship—practice, research, and education.
  2. To identify and honor culturally learned expressions and models of care and healing across cultures and care settings.
  3. To explore how nursing theory and science can guide scholarship that honors the cultural beliefs and values of persons
  4. To describe a selected nursing theory in detail and examine examples of how this theory has been used to guide nursing research.
  5. To begin conceptualizing how findings from theory guided nursing research (related to one particular theory) has been and/or can be integrated and applied to nursing practice in ways that honor the particular cultural values and beliefs of persons receiving and/or seeking health care.



“Caring is the heart and soul of nursing and what people seek most from professional nurses and in health care services; nurses are therefore challenged to gain knowledge about cultural care values, beliefs, and practices, and to use this knowledge to care for well and sick people.”                                                                              

                                                                                                          –Madeleine Leininger


Practicum study methods:

  1. Explore the healing philosophy of a particular culture or healing modality

Dialog with cultural guides, persons recognized as healers, elders, and/or in some way as “experts” in the culture/modality of your choice. Utilize knowledge development revealed in journals. Explore scholarly literature as well as other credible sources.


  1. Select a nursing theory that you wish to study in depth

Describe the selected theory. A description should include illustrations of how the nursing theory has been used to guide nursing practice. This will require a library search of the scholarly literature.


  1. Identify a major concept(s) underpinning the healing philosophy of the culture or healing modality and compare this with a concept(s) in your selected nursing theory. Discuss how this concept(s) translates or applies to the culture or healing modality you have chosen.


  1. Begin conceptualizing (designing) a practice model/ metaphor for advanced nursing practice that is based on the nursing theory you described and is applicable to the culture or healing modality you are studying. Integrate into your model concept(s) to the culture or healing modality. How does your model/metaphor of nursing practice honor the healing philosophy of the people you wish to serve? What skills and knowledge do nurses and persons seeking care bring together?  What is unique about each? How is the whole (the collaborative practice model) greater than the sum of parts?
  2. Evaluate your model/metaphor and identify the tensions you encountered and how your practice model/ metaphor will work through them. What are the bases of the tensions? Are they ethical?
  3. Limit papers to 6-7 pages of text – This does not include Title page, Abstract, Reference page, or Appendices.  Points will be taken off for papers exceeding the text page limit. Challenge yourself to be clear and concise in your writing.  Theory Synthesis Paper

I chose the following


Nursing: Theory of Unitary Human being by jean Watson

Concept: Energy

General Guidelines for Outline for Theory Synthesis Paper

Your paper should include the following:


  1. Title Page      


  1. Abstract


  1. Introduction:
    • Provide a brief introduction to the theory and healing modality/culture you are studying
    • Seamlessly identify the processes or methodology you used to foster your understanding. For example: dialogue with cultural guides, literature review, participant-observation, etc.
    • Present a clear thesis statement as the last sentence of your introductory paragraph


  1. Exploration of Healing Modality: 
    • Develop the context: Describe the healing philosophy of the healing modality or culture chosen – in order to be comprehensive be sure to:
  • Use cultural guides, informants, dwelling in the culture to inform your description (be sure to note where this info is coming from through a personal communication citation.)
  • A practicum journal will assist you in keeping a “paper trail” of your study, observations and reflections; be sure to use information from this source
  • Utilize scholarly literature and other credible resources
  1. Examination of Nursing Theory:
    • Provide a clear description of the nursing theory and include major concepts and/or constructs underpinning the theory.
  1. Comparison of Healing Modality/ Culture to Nursing Theory:
    • Find commonalities and compare major ideas/themes from the healing philosophy of the caring modality or culture to the theory’s conceptual framework. Identify at least 1 shared Theoretical concept; define and describe the theoretical concept from each perspective.
  1. Model of Practice or Metaphor
    • Develop a model or metaphor of advanced practice nursing that is grounded in nursing theory and your healing modality/culture supported by findings from cultural guides, indigenous wisdom, and scholarly research.
    • You may include a visual depiction of the model or metaphor in your appendix (optional)
    • (Continued: SEE NEXT PAGE à)
    • Summarize underlying assumptions and principles that guide your practice model or metaphor development. Essentially: explain how this model/metaphor works.
  • Evaluate your model or metaphor. Identify ethical clashes, tensions, or gaps missing that you may encounter and how your practice model will work through them.


  1. Significance to Practice:
    • Identify the significance of your model or metaphor as it pertains to your role as an advanced practice nurse. How will this knowledge derived from your model/metaphor enhance practice?
  1. Conclusion
  • Write a summative paragraph
  1. Reference Page
  • Evidence of scholarly literature cited in text
  • At least 5-6 references required


  1. Appendix (if appropriate)


Criteria for Grading Theory Synthesis Paper  (100 points)


Logic                      (20)












Cohesive organization.  Clear thought patterns from beginning to end.  All points rationally developed, supported and sequenced.


Good general organization of main ideas.  All ideas relevant to topic and their logical development, support, or sequence generally adequate.


Minor problems in presentation and progression of ideas.  Support and development may be weak at times.  All points not clearly topic related.


Ideas confused or disconnected.  Little cohesiveness because of problems of rational development of ideas.

No organization and little logical development of ideas.

Literacy                  (20)












Fluent expression and communication. Substantive ideas succinctly stated with mastery of style. Uses APA guideline — Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, ().


Clear communication with appropriate style.  Writing coherent and generally adequate.  American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines usually followed.


Although ideas are adequately communicated, writing is somewhat choppy because of stylistic or grammatical problems.


Style or grammatical problems at times detract from clear communication.


Difficult to derive an understanding of ideas because of unclear writing.

Completeness         (30)










Paper integrates all required components to clearly cover the topic.


Paper includes most required components with adequate attention paid to general coverage of topic.


Most components included, but with minor omissions, or generally complete but loose adherence to topic.


Limited inclusion of required components or little adherence to topic.


Major omissions of required components.  Instructions not followed.

Synthesis                (30)














Creative integration & synthesis of key concepts discussed in class, found in relevant scholarly literature, or obtained from other credible sources, including personal experience.


Adequate synthesis of ideas and concepts from class discussion and scholarly literature with evidence of some ideas derived from other sources.


Evidence of understanding ideas from class with problems in extending them or integrating them with other ideas/concepts in the literature.


Papers how confusion or omission of relevant ideas/concepts from class and literature.  Ideas basically derived from materials without reference to their relevance or source.


Little reference to relevant ideas from literature or class discussion.  Sources of ideas not identified.

   Total Points






Theory Synthesis Paper

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