Therapy Session with the Physician and Therapeutic Privilege Essay

Therapy Session with the Physician and Therapeutic Privilege Essay

The paper “Therapy Session with the Physician and Therapeutic Privilege” is a wonderful example of an assignment on medical science. If the physician chooses to withhold the information about Carlos being HIV positive they will cause more harm than good. Protecting the HIV positive status of Carlos will breaching it. Therapy Session with the Physician and Therapeutic Privilege Essay. The medical attendant must treat his condition with confidence. However, at the same time, the physician also must warn and protect Carlos’ sister from contacting the virus while taking care of him. Therefore, protecting Carlos’s confidentiality is irrelevant in this case.   As the physician, I would hold a confidential therapy session with Carlos before his release.

In the meeting, I would carefully take him through the process of accepting himself as a homosexual HIV positive individual. Also, I would educate him about the law and its stand on (GBLT) gay, bisexual, lesbian, and transgender rights. It is important for him to know that it is legal to be a homosexual and he needs not to have a fear of being discriminated against because of his sexual orientation. To boost his confidence further, I would hand him some reading material on the relevant legal provisions for one’ s right to sexual orientation.   Soon after, I would hold a meeting with Carlos and his sister.

The aim of the meeting is to exercise the duty to warn and protect Carlos’s sister. The primary meeting focus would be to inform his sister about her brother’ s HIV status. Moreover. I would give her the perceptional procedures to follow to ensure she is not infected with HIV while nursing her brother. Also, I would inform her of Carlos’s sexual orientation to protect him from any harassment at home. Therapy Session with the Physician and Therapeutic Privilege Essay.

Thus I would apply Beneficence and no maleficence to safeguard both Carlos and his sister from any harm and benefit them simultaneously. The first step I would recommend that the physician should take is a therapeutic privilege. I would suggest that a therapy session is held with Mr. Johnson alone to inform him about his condition. Later his son can be included in the meeting so that he too can learn about Alzheimer’ s disease. Further, it is important for his son to understand the symptoms that he has been observing in his father’ s behavior.

In the session, I would recommend that the forms of diagnosing be discussed as well to help Mr. Jonson know that it is curable. Other than that, his son will know how to assist his father in the recovery process. Thus, the two parties will be allowed to have informed consent about the issue and what do it.   Also important is the issue of decision-making capacity. I would recommend that the medical attendant remains honest enough to inform Mr.

Johnson’ s son of his father’ s inability to make sound decisions. It is essential for him to learn that that is a side effect of Alzheimer’ s disease. Therapy Session with the Physician and Therapeutic Privilege Essay. Therefore, he should not leave his father in a challenging situation by himself because he is capable of making the wrong judgment. However, it is advisable to let Mr. Johnson know about this side effect so that he is more aware and mindful of his mind.   Throughout the therapy session, I would recommend that the doctor remains very accurate. The issue of veracity and specificity is critical in this case because the patient needs to learn about Alzheimer’ s disease.


The questions that they may ask need to be addressed in precise detail. Any hard medical terms ought to be broken down in a way that Mr. Johnson and his son can understand. That will help them cooperate in controlling the disease with the doctor’ s guidance.

Therapeutic privilege (TP) is a defence that may be available to doctors who fail to disclose to the patient relevant information when seeking informed consent for treatment if they have a reasonable belief that providing that information would likely cause the patient concerned serious physical or mental harm. In a landmark judgement, the Singapore Court of Appeal introduced a novel interpretation of TP, identifying circumstances in which it might be used with patients who did not strictly lack capacity but might be inclined to refuse recommended treatments. In this paper, we explore the conceptual and practical challenges of this novel interpretation of TP.Therapy Session with the Physician and Therapeutic Privilege Essay.  We propose that more emphasis should be placed on forms of shared and supported decision-making that foster the autonomy of patients with compromised mental capacity while being mindful of the need to safeguard their well-being. The kind of privilege that doctors might need to invoke is one of time and supportive expertise to ensure a flexible, responsive approach calibrated to the individual patients’ needs. The provision of such service would extinguish the need for the novel TP proposed by the Singapore Court of Appeal.

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Therapy Session with the Physician and Therapeutic Privilege Essay

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