Traumatic Event Survivors and Recovery Discussion Paper

Traumatic Event Survivors and Recovery Discussion Paper

Survivors of traumatic events may have difficulty reaching out for assistance for various reasons. Their recollections of the incident may be too difficult to describe, or they may want to avoid burdening others with their emotions. You may be unsure about how or when to seek assistance. It’s essential to know how and when to get assistance if you feel overwhelmed by your emotions or suffer from a terrible occurrence. Consider this article on seeking assistance acceptably for you and aids in your healing.

What is a Traumatic Event?

A traumatic event is a significant and highly distressing experience that disrupts an individual’s usual way of dealing with the world. Traumatic Event Survivors and Recovery Discussion Paper Examples of traumatic events include life-threatening or dangerous accidents, combat trauma, child abuse, sexual assault, and violence in general (Herman, 1998). Reaching out for help can be difficult for survivors trying to cope with their negative emotions related to their traumatic event. It can also be problematic if they don’t know how or when to ask for help. Here’s what you should know:

Reach out anonymously: Trauma survivors typically feel ashamed and guilty about what occurred, so they don’t want people to know. They may also wish to protect individuals close to them and not want others to know what occurred. In these situations, survivors should seek counseling without informing others to prevent any related humiliation or shame. Pick a friend: You don’t have to seek professional treatment if you’re overwhelmed or suffering from your emotions. Ask a trustworthy friend or family member to listen without judgment when in doubt. Let yourself grieve: If you’re having trouble processing your emotions after a distressing occurrence, take time to speak about it or write about it.

Differences in Traumatic Stress Response

There are many different ways someone might respond to a traumatic event, but all responses can be classified as either standard or traumatic (Yehuda, 2002). Traumatic Event Survivors and Recovery Discussion Paper Anxiety, Depression, and Substance Abuse Disorder are common reactions to trauma. Traumatic responses to trauma may include:

* Psychosis (also known as dissociative disorder)

* Dissociation (disassociation from the traumatic event)

* Complex PTSD


The Value of Seeking Help for Recovery

The need of getting rehabilitation assistance is apparent. Survivors of traumatic incidents may endure long-lasting and detrimental effects on their mental health, physical health, relationships, and other aspects of life. With this in mind, survivors of traumatic events must know how to seek help if they struggle with their emotions or need someone to talk to (Knobloch et al., 2021). There are various ways that you can reach out for help. Here are some ideas:

* Talk with friends or family members

* Reach out for support through your faith community

* Seek the help of mental health professionals

* Consider talking to a professional counselor

Questions to Ask

  1. Does anyone know what happened to me?
  2. Is there a support network I can use?
  3. How should I be talking about this with others?
  4. Am I having trouble coping at work or school?
  5. What can I do to help myself feel overwhelmed or go into shock?
  6. What are my triggers for trauma, and how can I avoid them in the future?

Suggestions As To Where The Individual Might Look For Help

One suggestion is that the individual might want to help a trusted friend, colleague, or family member. Another option is to look for help through therapy (Smith et al., 2013). Additionally, there are support groups available for those who have experienced trauma. So, this article provides some helpful tips on how and where individuals can find help if they need it.


Sometimes people don’t feel comfortable talking about their emotions or don’t know how to reach out for help. By following some tips on where to go for help and the suggestions as to where the individual might look for help, the individual would find it easier to seek help.


Herman, J. L. (1998). Recovery from psychological trauma. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 52(S1), S98-S103.

Yehuda, R. (2002). Post-traumatic stress disorder. New England journal of medicine, 346(2), 108-114.

Knobloch, L. K., Owens, J. L., & Gobin, R. L. (2021). Soul wounds among combat trauma survivors: Experience, effects, and advice. Traumatology.

Smith, E. R., Duax, J. M., & Rauch, S. A. (2013). Perceived perpetration during traumatic events: Clinical suggestions from experts in prolonged exposure therapy. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 20(4), 461-470.

Traumatic Event Survivors and Recovery Discussion Paper

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