Types Of Anemia Laboratory Studies and Evidence Based Treatment Essay Paper


Anemia is a condition that occurs when there is a reduction in red blood cells or when the red blood cells are not functional. Red blood cells carry hemoglobin that combines with oxygen from the lungs and transports it to other organs in the body. It is diagnosed when a blood test shows a hemoglobin value of less than 13.5 gm/dl for males and 12 gm/dl for females, but symptoms are experienced when the hemoglobin level drops to 7gm/dl. This paper reviews the different types of Anemia, laboratory studies of the different types of Anemia, and evidence-based treatment of the different types of Anemia.  Types Of Anemia Laboratory Studies and Evidence Based Treatment Essay Paper

Types Of Anemia, Laboratory Studies, and Evidence-Based Treatment

Microcytic Anemia

This type of Anemia is characterized by the production of smaller red blood cells with a mean corpuscular volume (MCV) below the lower 80fl. The red blood cells are produced in small sizes due to decreased production of hemoglobin resulting from a low level of iron in the body, disorder of heme synthesis, or inadequate production of globin (Cappelini et al., 2020). Microcytic Anemia is the most common form of Anemia and can either be acquired or inherited. In advanced stages, microcytic Anemia shows symptoms such as fatigue, paleness, shortness of breath, and dizziness. This type of Anemia is classified into hyperchromic microcytic Anemia, hypochromic microcytic Anemia, and normochromic microcytic Anemia.

Microcytic Anemia is diagnosed by conducting a complete blood test and a peripheral blood smear to detect the specific type of microcytic Anemia. The tests evaluate serum ferritin levels, iron-binding capacity, and transferrin, which should be low to confirm microcytic Anemia caused by iron deficiency. The treatment is offered depending on the cause of the condition. In cases of iron deficiency, supplements are given (Govindappagari & Burwick., 2019). The underlying disease leading to Anemia is treated to correct the condition.

Normocytic Anemia

This type of Anemia is a condition caused by having normal blood cells but are in low numbers. The condition is either congenital or acquired. It is caused by long-term chronic diseases such as cancer or kidney disease. It is classified into three groups depending on pigmentation: hypochromic normocytic Anemia, normochromic normocytic Anemia, and hyperchromic normocytic Anemia.

The disease diagnosis involves a thorough evaluation of the patient’s history and a physical examination. The diagnostic studies involve a complete blood test to check their blood cell distribution width and a peripheral blood smear to identify the specific type of normocytic Anemia. The treatment of this type of Anemia has advanced to use of treatment by using recombinant human erythropoietin and treating the underlying cause of Anemia.  Types Of Anemia Laboratory Studies and Evidence Based Treatment Essay Paper

Macrocytic Anemia

This condition involves larger red blood cells in the body than the standard size. Red blood cells larger than 100 fl are considered macrocytic. This condition is caused as a result of acquired or inherited abnormalities. Some of the causes include abnormalities in the maturing process of the cells, nucleic acid metabolisms, and the composition of the cell membrane (Brodsky, 2021). Deficiencies in vitamin B-12 and folate often cause the condition. The symptoms include weakness, paleness, dizziness, and tongue swelling and only show when the Anemia is in advanced stages.

Diagnosis involves a complete blood count and peripheral blood smear to observe the larger blood cells. The distribution width is also kept. The treatment involved using supplementation with cobalamin and folate and treating any underlying condition causing Anemia (Kim et al., 2022).

Anemia is a condition that occurs when there is a reduction in red blood cells or when the red blood cells are not functional. Red blood cells carry hemoglobin that combines with oxygen from the lungs and transport it to other organs in the body. It is diagnosed when a blood test shows a hemoglobin value of less than 13.5 gm/dl for males and 12 gm/dl for females, but symptoms are experienced when the hemoglobin level drops to 7gm/dl. This paper reviews the different types of Anemia, laboratory studies of the different types of Anemia, and evidence-based treatment of the different types of Anemia.


Iron Deficiency Anemia

This is the type of Anemia caused by low levels of hemoglobin due lack of enough iron in the body. Iron is used in the bone marrow to produce hemoglobin. Its symptoms include fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, headache, and dizziness. Laboratory evaluation of Iron deficiency anemia involves a blood test that involves a complete blood count. The tests are ordered to evaluate serum ferritin levels, iron-binding capacity, and transferrin, which should be low to confirm iron deficiency anemia. A patient is given iron medicine to correct the deficiency until the body’s irons stores are replenished (Govindappagari & Burwick., 2019).

Aplastic Anemia

This is a life-threatening type of Anemia caused by bone marrow failure and causes reduced production of red blood cells (Wang, 2019). It is either acquired or inherited from family lineage. Laboratory studies of aplastic Anemia involve a blood test of all blood cells. A bone marrow biopsy is also done to rule out other blood-related diseases. The treatment of the condition is determined by the severity and age of the patient. The therapy includes blood transfusion, medication, or a bone marrow transplant when the situation is critical.

Sickle cell anemia

This is an inherited disorder that affects the shape of the red blood cells. The sickle cells become rigid, and the shape affects blood flow through the blood cells. Its symptoms include pain, swelling of hands and feet, vision problems, and delayed growth. A blood test is done to diagnose SCA to identify the sickle cells in the hemoglobin. Since SCA is a hereditary disease, medications such as Hydroxyurea are given to control the pain episodes (McGann et al., 2019).

Hemolytic Anemia

This condition is characterized by the abnormal destruction of red blood cells by warm or cold antibodies faster than they can be made. Its symptoms include dizziness, weakness, and a larger spleen or liver than the standard size. To diagnose hemolytic Anemia, a peripheral smear and reticulocyte count are conducted. An antiglobulin test and hemoglobinopathy screening are conducted to identify the condition’s cause. Treatment of the condition depends on the specific case of hemolysis. Corticosteroids, transfusion, and splenectomy are some of the approaches used to treat the condition (Barcellini & Fattizzo, 2021).  Types Of Anemia Laboratory Studies and Evidence Based Treatment Essay Paper

Vitamin deficiency anemia

This condition is caused by lower vitamin B-12 and folate levels that help replenish red blood cells. Without this nutrient, the red blood cells are too large and cannot carry oxygen. Laboratory evaluation of VDA includes a blood test to check the number and appearance of the red blood cells, the number of vitamin B-12 and folate in the blood, and the presence of antibodies.   The symptoms include fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath. A patient is given vitamin supplements, pills, and injections to correct the deficiencies.


Each type of Anemia is diagnosed and treated differently. For hereditary Anemia, treatment is only given to reduce the symptoms of the disease since they are not curable. A complete blood count is effective in diagnosing most types of Anemia. Symptoms of Anemia are similar to other conditions hence the need to conduct a laboratory test. Treatment is also given depending on the severity of the condition.


Barcellini, W., & Fattizzo, B. (2021). How I treat warm autoimmune hemolytic Anemia. Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology, 137(10), 1283-1294. https://doi.org/10.1182/blood.2019003808

Govindappagari, S., & Burwick, R. M. (2019). Treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy with intravenous versus oral iron: systematic review and meta-analysis. American journal of perinatology, 36(04), 366-376.

McGann, P. T., Niss, O., Dong, M., Marahatta, A., Howard, T. A., Mizuno, T., … & Vinks, A. A. (2019). Robust clinical and laboratory response to Hydroxyurea using pharmacokinetically guided dosing for young children with sickle cell anemia. American journal of hematology, 94(8), 871-879. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajh.25510

Wang, L., & Liu, H. (2019). Pathogenesis of aplastic Anemia. Hematology, 24(1), 559-566. https://doi.org/10.1080/16078454.2019.1642548

Types Of Anemia Laboratory Studies and Evidence Based Treatment Essay Paper

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