Types of Research Methodology in Nursing

When assigned a research paper, you need to understand the type of methodology to use depending on the nature of the research required. Many students find the task challenging as they do not know the different research methodologies. This article explains the different types of research methodology you can use for research.

What are the research methods?

Research methods refer to the techniques or procedures that help students identify, select, process, and evaluate information on a topic. This allows scholars to assess the effectiveness and accuracy of research in research papers. Simply put, it explains what you did and why you achieved this result.

It is helpful to know “how” a particular study or part of a study was done. Through different types of research methodology, researchers can learn how researchers design comprehensive studies to obtain reliable results that justify the course objectives.  For example, the research method helps in identifying;

  • How did the researcher arrive at his decision?
  • What evidence should be collected or avoided?
  • Collection method
  • How research collects data
  • How to evaluate it

Types of research methods

A formal study or research paper (dissertation, dissertation, journal, or article) has a research methodology area that defines what, who, how, and how data will be analyzed. In particular, the methods chapter of each dissertation analyzes what methodological decisions were contrived and why they were finished.

The methodology area should ensure that the chosen method is the best to obtain a reliable and valid chain reaction to justify the goals and objectives of the study. Choosing the right path is paramount, so your research must be precise. In other words, a systematic way to solve a problem is a research methodology.

 The process researchers use to explain and predict events. Providing a work plan for research is the goal of research methodology. Here are the different types of research methodologies;

  1. Qualitative research methods

Qualitative types of research methodology are descriptive, subjective, and factual. Observation and explanation become more critical in this type of methodology. The primary purpose of this type of methodology is to assess people’s abilities, approaches, behaviors, and assessment of the research topic. This method works for grounded research, case studies, action analysis, disclosure investigation, ethnography, and more. Qualitative research methodologies are based on the quality of phenomena.

Qualitative research methodology does not care about data intensity, volume, or frequency. The emphasis is on not rigorously testing or measuring data. In qualitative research methodology, scale is irrelevant. Understand emotions, perspectives, and impressions. Proper qualitative methods are highly intent, malleable, and provide rapid results. However, qualitative techniques are subject to some degree of confusion and misuse. You can check different types of qualitative research online.

  1. Quantitative research methods

These types of research methodologies test the meaning of research hypotheses. It is an analytical research methodology and is based on numbers. Quantitative research methodologies include lab experiments, econometrics, mathematical counting, surveys, simulations, etc. Measurement, quantity, or amount is essential to quantitative research methodology.

Analyzing and measuring data and relationships between variables are integral to any quantitative research methodology. It is a numbers-based survey that measures attitudes, behaviors, and performance numerically. This method facilitates data interpretation and needs a technique that can be applied to more extensive views. Data obtained in quantitative research techniques can be effectively transformed into graphs and charts.

This method allows numerical analysis of the data in question. The results of this analysis method are easy to analyze and interpret. As the name suggests, quantitative research methods are the assemblage and analysis of data in numerical form. Adopting this kind of research methodology requires large and representative datasets. This procedure is relatively expensive.


  1. Descriptive research method

A descriptive study analysis describes the characteristics of the group of people or issues being studied. This descriptive approach prioritizes the “what” of the study’s problem over the “why.” The investigator can only accurately report the facts as they happened or are happening because they cannot change the factors involved in the present study design.

Inquiries, research projects, and sightings are the main methodologies employed in descriptive research. In descriptive research, numerous factors can be used to illuminate the data. Its benefits include the ability to analyze subjects and problems that are not quantifiable, the ability to be observed in the natural setting, and the fact that it takes a shorter period than quantitative trials.

  1. Analytical research method

Proven facts serve as the foundation for analytical study. Researchers often conduct further studies to bolster and validate their prior conclusions. It also aids in the development of novel research-related concepts. The analytical investigation thus brings together minor details to create more plausible conclusions. Thus, the empirical investigation clarifies the reasons a claim is valid.

This type of study can be done through various methods, such as meta-analysis, textual or technical trials, or opinion surveys. Additionally, the researcher uses this approach to evaluate the data critically. Quantitative research methodology samples are frequently used in analytical processes.

  1. Applied research

Applied research is an empirical study that only examines a single topic and typically extends the findings. Since the investigator forecasts and treats the various factors as constants, it is simple to identify the techniques in applied research.

A present problem facing a community or a company/industrial organization is the focus of applied research. The applied study is a type of unorganized inquiry often carried out by a company, a government agency, or a person to address a specific problem. Check different applied research methodology examples online.

  1. Fundamental research

The main goals of basic research are the creation of theories and expansions. It looks for information that has a variety of uses and can add to theories currently accepted in a particular field or sector.

The goal is to learn how to alter established practices or create new ones by connecting several disciplines. The summary is in standard English, and researchers can use logical conclusions.

  1. Exploratory research

The foundation of exploratory types of research methodology is ideas and their justification. Its sole objective is to look into the issues being investigated rather than offer definitive answers to the current problems.

Exploratory research doesn’t aim to provide a solution; instead, it aims to deepen our knowledge of the problem. The methods provide an adaptable and curious approach; however, the structure is flawed. As a result, the idea is not tested, and the outcomes are not beneficial to society. The fact that the findings frequently relate to one another assists the research.

Although large-sample exploratory investigations can also be qualitative, preliminary research is typically qualitative. It is frequently referred to as interpretive investigation or a technique based on grounded theory because of its adaptable and open-ended character.

  1. Conclusive research

Conclusive types of research methodology aim at responding to the research topic and have a straightforward technique design. A well-planned framework aids in formulating, resolving, and presenting the hypotheses and findings. Here, the outcomes are general.

Furthermore, it is crucial to define this investigation’s research goals and data needs because conclusive findings from studies frequently serve a function. A conclusive research strategy can be used to validate and quantify preliminary research findings.

Most of the time, quantitative data gathering and analysis techniques are used in conclusive study designs. Additionally, deductive research methods are frequently used inconclusive research.

  1. Surveys

Surveys are a significant part of the research methodology. It facilitates real-time data collection and aids in the research process. It is completed quickly and cheaply compared to other methods. Surveys can be carried out by researchers using qualitative as well as quantitative methods. As they produce numerical results and precise data, researchers typically prefer quantitative surveys over qualitative ones.

Surveys are primarily used in business to determine market demand for a product. Forecasting the manufacturing process based on the study’s findings is also helpful. The most popular survey formats are interviews and questionnaires. While personal interviews are utilized to reflect on emotions and observations and explore issues more thoroughly, academics use questionnaires to get a lot of data rapidly.

  1. Case studies

The case study approach, which requires careful monitoring of an organizational structure and concentrates on a thorough investigation, is widely used for qualitative evaluation. The case study strongly emphasizes the in-depth analysis of a more condensed set of conditions and how they interact.

The objective of the case study approach is to identify the components that together account for the behavioral patterns of the given unit. In this research methodological approach, the researcher evaluates various scenarios and chooses the best one for the study. Case studies aid in establishing the basis of the study and in the development of a research concept.

One considers various facts and hypotheses from the case studies to properly review the research issue. The reviews of the literature from research studies can help researchers make the issue more generic or more particular. The case study might help the researcher properly understand the research. We also hold focus discussions and research interviews to explain the study methodology. Both organized and informal strategies are possible.

To sum up

There are different types of research methods. The one you choose will depend on the nature of the research. This article has provided different types of research methodology you can use in your paper.

If you need help in choosing types of research methodology in nursing or writing an entire paper, reach out to us at onlinenursingexams.com/. We provide research paper writing help to students at affordable rates.

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