Unhealthy Environment in the Workplace Discussion Paper

Unhealthy Environment in the Workplace Discussion Paper

As seen, working in unhealthy environment can pose a big risk to workers. Some environments just make one sick because from the boss to the workers, bad things are the order of the day. Some of the measures one can adopt to deal with such environments include reestablishing boundaries, being careful, and cease fighting the unfortunate reality (Schnall et al, 2009). In the United States, OSHA was established with an aim to deal with accidents and injuries that workers may experience at the work place. As it stands, OSHA has not been up to task and thousands of people continue to die from work related injuries and accidents.


Increased costs of health for workers and poor morale at place of work contribute a lot to having unhealthy working environment. Unhealthy Environment in the Workplace Discussion Paper  In the United States, Nintendo is one place that has been cited for having a stressful environment for employees. Personally, I have witnessed cases of industrious workers append their resignation letters citing unfair treatments. Favoritism and poor structures of management have led to low morale among employees. Decisions that are mostly made by the management are mostly influenced by emotions, without minding the company’s future. The company does not value workers, as their interest is mostly in making more money. The company lacks a health program for employees, despite the monthly deductions from worker’s salary to cater for the same (Lundberg & Hemmingsson, 2007). The company no longer abhors qualified personnel. They instead hire people on contract to ensure they do not qualify for any benefits. OSHA needs to intervene, because as it stands, this company will unleash a big nightmare in the next two or three years.

In view of Nintendo and other companies that demoralize workers, unhealthy working environment in terms of low morale and poor health programs seems to be in the forefront.


Lundberg, I & Hemmingsson, T. (2007). Work and Social Inequalities in Health in Europe Societe – Work & Society. London: Peter Lang

Schnall, P. et al (2009). Unhealthy Work: Causes, Consequences, Cures. New Jersey, NJ: Baywood Publishing Company, Incorporated.

Unhealthy Environment in the Workplace Discussion Paper

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