University Admission Essay Paper

University Admission Essay Paper

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or other.

Responses by the student is bellow. You need to read and make professional adjustment for good admission essay. And add more to make 2 pages. Right the student has 1.5 page of personal narration essay. This for High school student going to college

*****College Essay

It was on March 4th and I had just woken up and started getting ready for the first trip of the season to Chicago. I packed my belongings and then went to take a shower. After I finished, I got into the car with my mom and we drove to the location to where the vans would pick up the players. Looking back to this moment I am glad that we were the first ones to get there as it gave me the opportunity to choose the best seat in the van.  University Admission Essay Paper
Around 15 minutes passed and all the players going to the trip arrived. All the players arrived after 15mn then we left a few minutes later. Once we left, I felt asleep in about 10mn while listening to music. When I woke up, we stopped at a gas station somewhere in Wisconsin, I went out and bought a couple snacks. After everyone was done, we went back to the vans and continued our trip. We were told that the next stop would be at a subway so in the meantime my teammates and I started playing fortnite. It was the time when this game was popular and was just introduced on mobile. After about 20 mins we arrived at the subway. I ordered my food and then paid also for my friend who was having issues with his debit card. My parents always taught me that things like that can happen to anyone and the right thing to do is to help the one in need when necessary. After eating we went back to the van to continue our trip.
After 6-8 hours passed, not really sure how many hours to this day because after we left Subway, I slept the whole ride until we got to the hotel, where everybody grabbed their belongings and entered the hotel into the lobby. We waited until we got checked in. We had about 2 hours of rest before we had to leave and play our first game of the trip. It was night time, before heading to the game we knew that we were the underdogs because we were playing the best U-16 team in Chicago and at the time of this I was 14 playing u-16 soccer. Before the game started my coach gave us a speech of encouragement. It was the usual pep talk we heard all the times at that point we were all concentrated on the coming game, my teammates and I were still hyped and ready to play. Throughout the game it was an even contest both teams couldn’t strive ahead and get a lead until I took matters into my own hands and scored the game winning goal which helped us solidify our first 3 points in the conference. I\’ve always been proud of this moment and still think about it till this day. I felt proud and happy that I was able to do something so great and helped my team scored.
After the game we headed back to the hotel and got ready to go to downtown Chicago and celebrate the win. We went to a restaurant that was only in Chicago but I forgot the name, then we went to the jelly bean and walked around by having a fun time. I had never thought that hanging out and laughing with friends would be that fun, it was one of my favorite moments in my life so far.
In conclusion, I learned a lot from this experience. I have been thought by people around me to never give up and to always do my best, which led me of having a good time with my teammates. This trip with my friends taught me that going out with friends can be fun as well as teaching a good life lesson!


University Admission Essay – Personal Statement

Will you attend college?” This is a question that has always cropped up for as long as I have attended school, whether asked by my teachers, parents, peers, siblings and so on. During my formative years, when asked this question I would always answer with a ‘maybe, depending on whether I have the money or I identify a good education program that perfectly fits my interests and has good professional opportunities in terms of career advancements and earnings’. Some would laud my answer for being the right one while others would criticize me for lacking direction in my academics. This got me to thinking whether or not I am motivated to attend college, and what is my drive for seeking to attend college.

What I have observed about others who attend college as well as synthesized from different publications has not done much to help me make a decision. From my observations, there are many reasons why I should not attend college. Firstly, I do not necessarily need a degree in order to have a rewarding career with good earnings. There are many skills that translate well into a successful career without the need for a college education. Additionally, there are many people who start at the bottom of the career ladder and work their way up by learning through experience without getting a college education. Secondly, college education is expensive and the potential loans can be overwhelming. Paying for the college education without counting room and board is likely to cost tens of thousands of dollars. While student loans count as part of the typical college experience as they help to ease the immediate financial burden, it could turn into a financial pitfall as the loan must be paid with interest that grows over time. It is possible that earnings after attending college may not pay as well as expected with the possibility of not finding a job after college thus making it difficult to pay the student loans.

While the presented concerns raise significant questions about the need to attend college, there are some good arguments for attending college. Firstly, college graduates have higher earnings on average over the lifetime than those who did not have a college degree. Secondly, employment opportunities increasingly require college education. Thirdly, college education allows for greater financial security through jobs with retirement plans and health insurance. Fourthly, the college environment presents an opportunity for learning interpersonal skills while interacting with other students and faculty. Finally, college graduates are more productive and report lower crime rates.

These pros and cons of college education have made me realize that college is a personal experience. While there are those who attend college and are unable to get jobs, similarly there are those who attend college and end up having very fulfilling careers with good financial security. I now approach college education as a tool for improving my life as it would provide me with the skills, competencies, knowledge and networks that ultimately endow me with greater worth. But that is not all that I expect from a college education.

When asked about my thoughts on college education, I still falter as I am unsure about what the right answer would be. Yet, now I am better able to recognize why I find that college education is invaluable. I expect that college education will enable me look to a future the education becomes useful in improving my life and worth, and helping me to realize the best possible future.  University Admission Essay Paper

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