VARK Analysis Discussion Paper

VARK Analysis Discussion Paper

VARK is a tool that analyzes an individual’s preferred learning style based on a self-reported inventory that presents a range of situations in a questionnaire. The presented answers indicate the learner’s preferences. The acronym VARK is derived from the four learning styles: visual learning style that includes movies, diagrams and pictures; auditory learning style that includes discussion, lectures and music; reading/writing learning style that includes reading books, taking notes and making lists; and kinesthetic learning style that includes experiments, hands-on activities and movement. As an assessment tool, VARK presents the understanding that each individual learner is unique and has a preferred learning style that would improve learning efficiency and knowledge retention (Cherry, 2019). The present essay offers an analysis of VARK results as well as their implications for learning activities.

Part 1.

My VARK scores were 8 for visual learning, 7 for aural learning, 12 for reading/writing learning, and 6 for kinesthetic learning. The scores indicate that I have a strong preference for reading/writing learning, average preference for aural and visual learning, and low preference for kinesthetic learning.

Part 2.

The VARK scores indicate a singular preference for information presented in words thus indicate that I would perform best in a read/write learning mode. This preference emphasizes output and input that is text-based to include all forms of writing and reading such as assignments, reports, manuals and essays. This modality allows me to thrive in learning environments where copious notes are available to allow me process the information at my pace. Such an environment would also give me an easier time recalling the information as all the knowledge is available in writing and I only need to recall (University of Kansas, 2019; VARK, 2020).


Part 3.

Every individual student is different, and this is easily observed in the learning environment where students retain different amounts of information dependent on the method/format in which it is presented. This leads to the fundamental truth about teaching and learning that the individual learning styles have an effect on the degree to which each learn can perform or understand the educational activities. Subjecting a learning to a preferred learning style increases the odds of learning success by allowing the learner to concentrate on the material and retain more knowledge. If the teacher uses a style that the learner does not prefer and in which the learner scored poorly, then the teaching is likely to be delayed and unsuccessful. VARK Analysis Discussion Paper  For example, the formal education process heavily emphasizes the read/write mode in instruction and assessment activities. For learners who prefer the read/write mode, this approach would be favorable and not offer much of a challenge thus causing them to have higher scores. However, for learners who prefer other learning modes, this approach would be unfavorable and offer much of a challenge thus causing them to have poor scores. Having an understanding of the individual learning styles and preferences of each student is important because it enables the educating the identity and use the right complement of learning styles that improve teaching efficiency. This helps with presenting an equalized and fair learning environment that offers all the students equal learning opportunities. The learning styles help the teachers develop strategies for effectively engaging with each learner (Cherry, 2019; University of Kansas, 2019).

Part 4.

The different typologies of learning styles identified by the schema of learning preferences focus on helping teachers to improve their efficiencies when engaging learners. Incorporating this understanding in developing the best teaching methods that are individualized for the students makes for a satisfying and advantageous learning environment that allows the learners to retain the content. This information is particularly important for health promotion that has implications for life. In such cases, presenting the learning material in the patient’s preferred learning mode maximizes the value of the context specific information by facilitating retention. This is particularly important for learners who prefer a single learning mode at it would take them longer to retain information presented in a non-preferred learning mode. However, the information is not very useful for engaging patients with a multimodal learning preference as they can easily retain information using the different modes so that the approach and format of the health promotion does not matter. As a result, health promotion should only be conducted after understanding and incorporating the individual patient’s learning modes in the information delivery method. This ensures that the patient education is efficient as less time is spent on the education, and more information is retained. This increases the speed with which information is processed, understood and applied. Overall, it is important to note that an assessment of the learning modes helps to assign labels to learners in terms of preferred teaching approaches that allow them to retain more information faster and improve the education efficiency. Acquiring this information is useful for aligning each learner’s preferred mode with the teaching strategy, thereby improving the learning efficiency in terms of making the process enjoyable (University of Kansas, 2019; VARK, 2019).


Cherry, K. (2019). Overview of VARK Learning Styles: Which Learning Style Do You Have?

University of Kansas (2019). 4 Different Learning Styles You Should Know: The VARK Model.

VARK (2019). Understanding the Result. . VARK Analysis Discussion Paper

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