Week 10 Assignment Essay Example

Assignment 1: Practicum – Client Termination Summary
Learning Objectives
Students will:
Develop client termination summaries
To prepare:

For guidance on writing a Client Termination Summary, review pages 693–712 of the Wheeler text in this week’s Learning Resources.
Identify a client who may be ready to complete therapy.
The Assignment
With the client you selected in mind, address the following in a client termination summary (without violating HIPAA regulations):

Identifying information of client (i.e., hypothetical name, age, etc.)
Date initially contacted therapist, date therapy began, duration of therapy, and date therapy will end
Total number of sessions, including number of missed sessions
Termination planned or unplanned
Presenting problem
Major psychosocial issues
Types of services rendered (i.e., individual, couple/family therapy, group therapy, etc.)
Overview of treatment process
Goal status (goals met, partially met, unmet)
Treatment limitations (if any)
Remaining difficulties and/or concerns
Follow-up plan (if indicated)
Instructions for future contact
By Day 7
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Grading Criteria

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Week 10 Assignment 1


Week 10 Assignment 1


This termination summary will provide a summary of the treatment administered to the client throughout the therapy sessions. The treatment for this client came to an end following the attainment of the treatment goals as indicated by symptom remission.

Name: Miss AB, a 42-year-old Caucasian woman

Date of Termination: 05 /01/2020

Date of First Consultation: 28 /09/2019

Date of the Last Consultation: 03/01/2020

Duration of treatment: 3 months

Total Number of Sessions and Missed Sessions: 3 sessions missed; 15 sessions attended.

Termination Status: The treatment goals were met and hence this was a planned termination

Presenting problem: Miss AB, a 42-year-old Caucasian woman, presented for the therapy reporting about being overly nervous about various situations, work, as well as opinions of other people about her. The client came for psychotherapy because she wanted some sense of direction in her life and felt that her life was in shambles. For instance, she reported that the problems with the husband were too much to a point she was considering divorce. However, divorce was likely to interfere with her financial aspects, and mostly the children. She was also apprehensive of her children growing up without a father figure. However, the husband was irresponsible and violent at times, and thus she does not consider him a good role model. The client also admitted to being anxious about her job, being irritable, and becoming easily frustrated. Week 10 Assignment Essay Example

Major Psychosocial Issues: Anxiety, marital problems, and lack of control.

Type of Service Rendered: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with the goal to alter the negative thinking pattern to a more positive thinking pattern and reduce anxiety symptoms. The CBT also aimed to equip the client with effective coping skills and improve her ability to manage life stresses.

Overview of Treatment Process: The client attended 15 sessions and each session took 2-hours. There was a break of 15 minutes for each session. During the CBT, the intra-personal aspects of worry and anxiety in this client were targeted.  The client was also educated about how to monitor her thought patterns and feelings that likely to trigger anxiety and worry; the importance of identifying the triggers and cues of the anxiety was emphasized. The client was also educated regarding relaxation exercises and how to challenge her thinking pattern that seems to be the root cause of the worries and anxiety she was experiencing. Moreover, the client was taught coping skills. She readily participated in the treatment and completed all the assigned homework activities.  Week 10 Assignment Essay Example

The client cooperated throughout the treatment and significant symptom remission was achieved as indicated by decreased anxiety.

Goals:  The first treatment goal for this client was to manifest decreased symptoms of anxiety. The second treatment goal was the client achieve effective coping skills. All these treatment goals were achieved as exhibited by decreased anxiety and the client verbalizing various coping strategies wherever faced by challenging situations. In addition, the client reported that her relationship with the husband had significantly improved.

The client was informed regarding the approaching end-of-therapy during the 12th session.

Remaining Difficulties/Concerns: None

Recommendations: The client should continue practicing the coping skills and relaxation exercises even after the therapy.

Follow up Plan: The client was advised to attend a review client after four weeks in order to assess her progress.

Instructions for Future Contact: The client was advised to contact us anytime or visit the organization any time she felt it was necessary.


Bhatia, A., & Gelso, C. J. (2017). The termination phase: Therapists’ perspective on the therapeutic relationship and outcome. Psychotherapy, 54(1), 76-87.

Goode, J., Park, J., Parkin, S., Tompkins, K. A., & Swift, J. K. (2017). A collaborative approach to psychotherapy termination. Psychotherapy, 54(1), 10-14.

Swift J, Speser J & Goode J. (2018). Improving psychotherapy effectiveness by addressing the problem of premature termination: Introduction to a special section. Psychotherapy Research. 28(5).  Week 10 Assignment Essay Example




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