Weight Loss Process Analysis Essay Paper

Weight Loss Process Analysis Essay Paper

Process Analysis Essay
Writing Instructions for the Process Analysis Essay. MLA format. 1-2 pages. Due 5/5

Write a Process Analysis essay on this topic: Outlining the stages in a student’s adjustment to online learning.
– Provide instructions for the reader to follow
– Tell how the process is performed or describe how it is developed
– Prepare a complete list of steps
– Arrange them in an appropriate order
– Follow them (steps) as you write the body of your essay
– Include at least one in-text citation
– Create a Works Cited page for this essay

Weight loss process analysis paper

Losing weight has been a fad for many adults. In fact, most adults will go on some weight loss program before they become elderly. Losing weight is not an easy process, and it requires determination, hard work and motivation. The present essay explains the process of healthily losing weight.


The process of losing weight typically begins with determining the goals of the process upfront. For instance, an individual would determine that he or she wants to lose 40 pounds as a goal. Weight Loss Process Analysis Essay Paper  The next step in the process is to develop a health food diary that takes into account the fat and calorie intake as well as energy expenditure and water intake. This includes getting rid of the junk food that provide a lot of carbohydrates as these are hard to break down. Keeping a close watch on food ensure that the individual progressively loses weight while retaining enough energy to go through daily activities such as work (Strasser & Fuchs, 2016). The third step involves participating in a health supervised physical exercise program. The healthy food diary ensures that the individual does not gain weight while the exercise program ensures that the individual loses actual weight by “burning” calories and fat. For instance, sit-ups and crunches can help trim the body fat. Supervision is important to ensure that fat deposit areas are targeted in the exercise program, and that the program develops at a healthy pace that does not endanger the individual (Swift et al., 2014).

It is important for an individual seeking to lose weight to follow the described process. Losing weight is not easy as it involves sacrifices such as doing without preferred foods and putting much effort into exercising. However, the desired weight can be achieved through determination, hard work and motivation. Therefore, individuals must eat healthy meals and exercise regularly in order to lose weight.


Strasser, B., & Fuchs, D. (2016). Diet Versus Exercise in Weight Loss and Maintenance: Focus on Tryptophan. International Journal of Trypophan Research, 9, 9-16. DOI: 10.4137/IJTR.S33385

Swift, D., Johannsen, N., Lavie, C., Earnest, C. & Church, T. (2014). The Role of Exercise and Physical Activity in Weight Loss and Maintenance. Prog Cardiovasc Dis., 56(4), 441–447. DOI: 10.1016/j.pcad.2013.09.012 . Weight Loss Process Analysis Essay Paper 

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