Women Changing Roles in Society Essay Paper

Women Changing Roles in Society Essay Paper

Women’s roles have changed from the beginning until modern times. Initially, women were taught to be submissive. They were to obey God, people in authority, their parents, and their husbands. Married women’s submissiveness was both a religious and a legal duty. However, women fought for equality and human dignity and, with time, gained independence. As a result, the role of women has constantly been changing. For example, women were initially the primary givers of the elderly and children, but with time women are now taking the lead in helping families adjust to challenges and new realities. This paper will analyze the societal changes in the role of women in the workplace over time.

When two people perform the same job, they should get the same pay regardless of their hair colour, race, height, or gender. In 2018, the United States women’s national soccer team qualified for the World Cup. The team has been generating more revenue compared to its male counterparts over the years. The women players have a union that bargains for higher base pay and other benefits, including maternity leave. Women have gotten into soccer contracts that require the soccer management to pay accordingly until their contracts expire. Nowadays, women face no discrimination in pay, but their work choices lead to payment differences. Today, women have options and opportunities in the labour market; they can choose whether to take flexible jobs or climb the corporate ladder. Their choices depend on whether they want to work remotely or balance their family needs. Women Changing Roles in Society Essay Paper  Though there are some differences in men’s and women’s overall wages, regardless of gender, one can make choices, for there are free-market principles that create job opportunities and higher incomes for everybody (Greszler n.p.).


After the Second World War, many regarded a family as their center of life. Women gave up their jobs to take care of their families. As a result, the men became the only breadwinners as women were to care for the children. In 1920, 47% of college students were women, but the number declined; by 1958, the figure was 38%, despite federal aid in university education (Office of the Historian n.p). Women in congress had constraints due to the social expectations of women’s proper role. The women faced prejudice before joining politics because society believed women’s place was at home. Like in Andy Knutson’s case, women’s careers would be sabotaged by their husbands. Her husband would accuse her of neglecting their family and even having extra-marital affairs. However, in the 1960s, the women’s rights movement challenged traditional marriage and motherhood notions. Reproductive and sexual freedom provided several options for women. In the 1970s, women were in careers and would help with family duties. Divorce cases rose, and single working mothers became common. Over the years, women pursued male-dominated courses and engaged in national and state politics (Office of the Historian n.p).

Over the years, women have had different experiences. Some societies had political leaders, warriors, and powerful priests. Some people express that women are inferior to men. Currently, in Western societies, women enjoy equality. Women in the past have lost and gained power in different seasons. Women initially faced discrimination and gender-based violence. Some women were vital figures in ancient times, and their names echo history. Some women engaged in herbal medicine, and male doctors considered it witchcraft and quackery treatment. As a result, governments made it illegal to practice medicine without university studies, and women did not get admission opportunities to universities. Women were homemakers and were not allowed to vote. They could not own businesses and had lesser property rights than men. However, the world wars showed women were equal to the task in factory work as they positively contributed to the economy’s growth. In the 20th century, women had equality gains. Nowadays, women have work choices and enjoy job equality (McKeown, n.p.).

Regardless of the cultural narratives, women are heroes and leaders. Nowadays, there is a shift in perceptions of what women and girls can do. There have been a lot of female leaders, innovators, and heroes (Laitman, n.p). Women mainly constitute America’s workforce. Most managers in companies are women. Americans now prefer having a daughter because they think their daughters will have better lives than their mothers, great mothers, and even their brothers(Rosin n.p.). Initially, parents would reject daughters. Things are changing since women are doing better in the economy than men. Countries now force women into power to improve the nation’s fortunes (Sek?ci?ska et al., 365). For instance, after the post-genocide in Rwanda, citizens elected most women in parliament to heal themselves from the harm and massive killings that happened; women are believed to be comforters and a source of peace due to their caring nature. America’s working class is turning to matriarchy, which earlier had masculinity notions. Women making decisions at home initially meant to be done by men is common, for they have been increasingly absent from home.

American projects show that out of 15 job categories are projected to grow in future, except two. The rest of the job categories, including medicine and business, will be primarily occupied by women. Upper-class women leave their homes to work, creating domestic jobs for other women. Women are now going to work while their husbands stay home, minding their kids or looking for jobs; this has pushed women to do things against the natural norm. Women work as singles, and once they get married, they still work, leaving their children at home. They are even dominating middle management and several professional careers. In 1980, women held 26.1% of professional and managerial jobs, unlike today, where the rate has increased to 51.4% (Rosin, n.p.). Women are acquiring formal education, improving their social intelligence and communication skills. Women adopt office work. Nowadays, women have a better list of job requirements than men. As far as employers give women an opportunity to work with minimum pleasure, they are dutiful and intelligent. There have been prominent female CEOs in the past and even the present. However, women face challenges due to their motherly duties, breastfeeding. Some companies, for instance, Deloitte, have a model program that allows employees to adjust their working hours depending on their stage in life. The program solves complex issues, including breastfeeding women to balance work and motherhood. In leadership, women are competitive and assertive, with very slight variations from their male counterparts. Women are bringing superior moral sensibility to the business world. Women Changing Roles in Society Essay Paper

A recent study shows many Americans believe women are competent just like their male counterparts. Initially, women had a glass ceiling that hindered them from rising to the top jobs (Bennett, n.p.). However, in the recent past, women are slowly rising to the top rank positions. They are no longer restricted to household chores and looking after their families. Women are increasingly acquiring higher education, getting better income, and they have long-term careers. They do not require heavy labour, for they are skilled just like men. In addition, most women are trustworthy and transparent (Sek?ci?ska et al., 365). Their transparency benefits the companies they work for and themselves; it fosters an inclusive environment for them to have more significant opportunities, fulfilling their potential. Women managers promote employee well-being more consistently than their male counterparts. They support the team members with work-life challenges and help them manage their workloads.


In the 21st century, women’s education and income continue to rise. The number of women in college continues to grow steadily. Higher education increases the likelihood of increased earnings. Women in the workforce increased by almost double in this century. Fifty per cent of American women-owned firms and about one million were in the private labour force.; Equal opportunities legislation, the feminist movement, economic knowledge, increased education access, and service sector expansion significantly contributed to the change in women’s labour force. Women are now in occupations previously regarded as male roles. Female employment trends have significantly impacted women’s economic empowerment. According to economists, the growing participation of women in the workforce substantially affects the nation’s GDP, raising it by 21%. Many women own businesses and are entrepreneurs who bring in money for the government.

In conclusion, women have made tremendous progress in the workforce. Women are now more educated and economically empowered than ever before; they earn higher wages for the same work as men and enjoy greater access to better jobs and positions of leadership. They have balanced their family life with their career options. Women in the workforce have significantly contributed to our society’s economic growth. It is essential to realize that despite the progress, there is still work regarding gender equality and equal pay for women and men. Women should continue to break boundaries, push for higher wages and strive for leadership positions. With determination and hard work, women can achieve anything they set their minds to.

Works Cited

Bennett, Jessica. “Who Still Calls It a ‘Glass Ceiling?’ Not the 6 Women Running for President.” The New York Times, 23 July 2019, www.nytimes.com/2019/07/23/us/politics/glass-ceiling-female-candidates-2020.html.

Greszler, Rachel. “Why the Pay Gap between Women’s and Men’s Soccer?” The Heritage Foundation, 2019, www.heritage.org/jobs-and-labor/commentary/why-the-pay-gap-between-womens-and-mens-soccer.

Laitman, Michael. “Women’s Changing Role in Society.” Medium, Good Audience, 28 Aug. 2018, blog.goodaudience.com/womens-changing-role-in-society-c7a957a0272b

McKeown, Marie. “Women through History: Women’s Experience through the Ages.” Owlcation, 4 May 2011, owlcation.com/humanities/Women-Through-History.

Office of the Historian. “Postwar Gender Roles and Women in American Politics.” US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives, history.house.gov/Exhibitions-and-Publications/WIC/Historical-Essays/Changing-Guard/Identity/.

Women Changing Roles in Society Essay Paper

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