Work Environment Assessment Essay Paper

Work Environment Assessment Essay Paper

To Prepare:

Review the Resources and examine the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory, found on page 20 of Clark (2015).

Review the Work Environment Assessment Template.

Reflect on the output of your Discussion post regarding your evaluation of workplace civility and the feedback received from colleagues.

Select and review one or more of the following articles found in the Resources:
Clark, Olender, Cardoni, and Kenski (2011)
Clark (2018)
Clark (2015)
Griffin and Clark (2014)

The Assignment (3-6 pages total):

Part 1: Work Environment Assessment (1-2 pages)
Review the Work Environment Assessment Template you completed for this Module’s Discussion.
Describe the results of the Work Environment Assessment you completed on your workplace.
Identify two things that surprised you about the results and one idea you believed prior to conducting the Assessment that was confirmed.
Explain what the results of the Assessment suggest about the health and civility of your workplace.

Part 2: Reviewing the Literature (1-2 pages)
Briefly describe the theory or concept presented in the article(s) you selected.
Explain how the theory or concept presented in the article(s) relates to the results of your Work Environment Assessment.
Explain how your organization could apply the theory highlighted in your selected article(s) to improve organizational health and/or create stronger work teams. Be specific and provide examples.

Part 3: Evidence-Based Strategies to Create High-Performance Interprofessional Teams (1–2 pages)
Recommend at least two strategies, supported in the literature, that can be implemented to address any shortcomings revealed in your Work Environment Assessment.
Recommend at least two strategies that can be implemented to bolster successful practices revealed in your Work Environment Assessment.

Workplace environment assessment

Part 1: Work Environment Assessment

The work environment assessment involved observing the workplace to identify the physical factors that either hinder or support health and wellness. In this case, a review was conducted with the results revealing that the environment is primed to support health and wellness. The environment had a score of 58, indicating that it was unhealthy and did not fully support health or wellness. The personnel are not valued, and have limited access to professional growth and job promotions. Still, the physical environment supported the wellness of personnel, to include spacious and well lit corridors that are easy to navigate, labeled rooms, and directional signs and color codes. In addition, the buildings are accessible with easy to use steps, wheelchair ramps and elevator systems. Besides that, the facility provides protecting gear when personnel engage in hazardous activities. The level of detail that has gone into preparing the work environment to eliminate and reduce risks and hazards was surprising when it is considered that personnel are not valued. Another surprising feature was the presence of a suggestion box where personnel would report physical hazards and risks for elimination and minimization by the management. The results of the assessment reveal that the management is concerned about the possibility of health hazards and risks in the work environment causing occupational injury and diseases to personnel. However, the management is not concerned about the motivation and emotional wellbeing of the personnel seeing that they are not valued and this has caused them to have low morale. Work Environment Assessment Essay Paper  There is a need for the management to value the personnel through presenting accessible and fair opportunities for job promotions, and professional growth and development (CDC, 2019).

Part 2: Reviewing the Literature

Clark (2015) offers an opinion paper on the need for employers to create a civil work environment. The author notes that the nurses’ have to deal with the pressures of providing medical care, and that an uncivil work environment only adds to their stress. It particularly notes that personnel should only be concerned with their job details while in the workplace, and that being concerned about other environmental issues while at work would only add to their stress while reducing their job performance, efficiency and loyalty. It presents a ‘civil workplace theory’ that is based on the need to present a supportive environment that inspires and motivates personnel to do their best while rewarding them. The theory emphasizes the importance of addressing any issue that nursing personnel would be concerned about in the workplace to promote a mutual understanding. In addition, it highlights the need for conversation whereby personnel are encouraged to present their perspectives on the issues they need addressed in the workplace. Through collecting these opinions, the facility is able to the real needs of the personnel rather than their perceived needs. The need for conversation is supported by the DESC model that identifies conversation as an essential aspect of teamwork while subsequently improve safety and quality of care delivered (Clark, 2015). As such, the theory is developed in response to the workplace environmental stressors as perceived by the personnel so that they are brought to the attention of management for corrective action. The organization can apply the theory presented in Clark (2015) to develop better conversation channels between the personnel and management so as to identify how best to improve the workplace environment for the best performance. This could include having regular conversation forums and identifying personnel representative to present their concerns for action by the management. These conversations would help the organization to identify the needs of the personnel, rather than making assumptions that could be wrong.


Part 3: Evidence-Based Strategies to Create High-Performance Interprofessional Teams

Communication appears to be a shortcoming in the workplace with the organization addressing issues that it thinks should be addressed instead of what the personnel actually want to be addressed. The assessment specifically notes that personnel are not valued, and that they do not have access to fair job promotions and professional growth and development. This set of circumstances has effectively reduced personnel morale so that their performance is compromised. The implication is that improving conversation between the organization and its personnel can help in identifying what the personnel need to improve the workplace and their performance. In addition, the shared information should be successfully delivered, received and understood so that every person gets the same message that can be acted upon (Bergman, Dellve & Skagert, 2016). There are three strategies that the organization can apply to improve communication. The first strategy is to invest in communication training. This would empower and guide personnel to develop soft skills while encouraging them to get plenty of hands-on practice. This training is particularly important for the personnel who do not know how to express themselves in social settings. The second strategy is to create a receptive atmosphere for conversation. This involves ensuring that any presented information is acted upon and addressed, and that it is not brushed off as this would discourage personnel and cause them to be resistant to airing their concerns. Also, the environment should be approachable and relaxed since a tense or hurried environment would make the personnel ill at ease and unable to express themselves. The third strategy is to follow up on all conversations in writing that condenses and assimilates the important points. The writing should offer concise and short details that direct later action (Marshall & Broome, 2017).

Week 7 Initial Discussion

When evaluating civility or incivility in the workplace can be difficult because it can be based solely on an individual’s perception of the facility and peers. A facility should possess shared goals, shared knowledge, mutual respect and definitely accountability (TEDx, 2017).

Work Environment Assessment

After completing the Clark (2015) assessment for assessing the health of the workplace many realities regarding my institution became apparent. The score based on my answers, was 58 which is unhealthy. Employees are not valued, inability for job promotions, and professional growth and development are not easily accessible. Due to a low morale nurses have no desire to work as a team which reveals the lack of shared goals. The facility has a high turnover rate with nurses because of the previous reasons. Surveys are conducted frequently to evaluate employee’s opinion of the facility, but changes have not been shown.

Example of Incivility in the Workplace

A special unit closed for construction reasons and the staff were detailed to other units. Based on the complaints of the nurses, the chief nurse placed all the detailed staff in an orienting status and mandated them to re-take medical-surgical competencies. The nurses displayed animosity towards the new unit’s staff which resulted in many disruptive behavior classes and fact-findings. As a result, the staff on the unit, became hostile and exhibited bullying towards the new staff. Being the off-tour supervisor, many individual and group meetings has been given to promote a positive work environment. Giving the employees the opportunity to express their concerns to myself and figuring out ways to improve the culture of each unit and overall facility. “Culture includes nearly every aspect of our lives. It involves the values, knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes that are shared within a social group and learned through processes of social interactions” (Marshall & Broome, 2017).

In, conclusion civility and incivility can be attained if enough effort and focus is provided for all employees. My facility requires a lot of work and adjustments in many areas, but attention is presently moving in the direction of better structure. The culture of the facility has previously been neglected but classes are being added to facilitate understanding to generate a positive employee and patient outcome.



Clark, C. M. (2015). Conversations to inspire and promote a more civil workplace. American Nurse Today, 10(11), 18–23.

Marshall, E., & Broome, M. (2017). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

TEDx. (2017, April). Jody Hoffer Gittell: The power of a simple idea [Video file]. Retrieved from

Work Environment Assessment Essay Paper



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